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Eddie's autopsy report

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I don't see how you could think suicide. One doesn't usually commit suicide with a toothbrush in their mouth.


Well, I was refering to when I read the original report of him being found in his hotel room before the update mentioning the bathroom instead.

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Doesn't Kurt Angle have some type of heart disease too? I remember him talking about how his sister died of something called Angina (i believe) and him saying that he also had it.

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Guest Leelee

Yeah, I think Kurt mentioned he had angina. It can lead to heart attacks, but it's usually not that serious.

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Guest P-Any
It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that’s what caused the heart failure.


That's partially steroids, or whatever he was taking. I'll wait to hear more than what WWE.com posts. They're not going to mention steroid use, ever.


I agree. Steroids do contribute to health problems such as heart disease and WWE wouldn't publish anything admitting it was steroids since pretty much all the wrestlers use them.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

There are two basic facts we need to remember here, if we talk of steroids possibly causing thi.


1: Steroids, basically, causes muscle growth at accelerated rate combined with training.


2. The heart is a muscle. Which never rests.


A bit of logic, and I don't really think you can dispute that steroid use in quantity will lead to enlarged heart. Of course, that need not be fatal. It doesn't even have to be a problem. It just... opens the possibilities.


I agree with Deon; when I heard the first rapport (had breakfast with Chavo and an unnamed other, went up to his room and never came down, and they found him in the bathroom), the first thing that ran through my mind was "My God... he killed himself."


Of course, when we read he was found with the toothbrush in his mouth, that sort of eliminated suiced. I'm happy (if you can say that) that he didn't relapse. It's more than a bit like Candido - he more or less went out on top of the world, and he went painlessly.


As bad as this is, it could have been infinitely worse.

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I don't see how you could think suicide. One doesn't usually commit suicide with a toothbrush in their mouth.


It might of been his metaphor for trying to clean himself up.


Winner for biggest asshole of the year goes to DARRYLXWF.

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All my life was wrestling. All he did was take care of them and live for that. And I don’t know what to do now.”

that's the worst part of this report. the "i don't know what to do now," just...chilling.

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I don't see how you could think suicide. One doesn't usually commit suicide with a toothbrush in their mouth.


It might of been his metaphor for trying to clean himself up.


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There are two basic facts we need to remember here, if we talk of steroids possibly causing thi.


1: Steroids, basically, causes muscle growth at accelerated rate combined with training.


2. The heart is a muscle. Which never rests.


A bit of logic, and I don't really think you can dispute that steroid use in quantity will lead to enlarged heart. Of course, that need not be fatal. It doesn't even have to be a problem. It just... opens the possibilities.


I agree with Deon; when I heard the first rapport (had breakfast with Chavo and an unnamed other, went up to his room and never came down, and they found him in the bathroom), the first thing that ran through my mind was "My God... he killed himself."


Of course, when we read he was found with the toothbrush in his mouth, that sort of eliminated suiced. I'm happy (if you can say that) that he didn't relapse. It's more than a bit like Candido - he more or less went out on top of the world, and he went painlessly.


As bad as this is, it could have been infinitely worse.


Alcohol, cocaine, and most painkillers will cause the same thing alot faster than most modern steroids.


Now don't get what I am saying wrong. I am not calling steriods safe or saying that they are good for you because they obviously are not. But, being a alcoholic drug addict that works out all the time will kill you alot faster than anything these guys are taking these days.

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Now that I think about it, I hope nobody last night brought up Eddie's compassion and selflessness by saying "he had such a big heart." Kinda awkward.


Yeah, I was waiting for someone to say "Well, people kept saying how big a hearet he had..." or something

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Guest anastacia

He will be rest in peace now! stop saying bad thing about his death! A condolence to his family and friends even those fans!

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Guest Fishyswa

You guys are fucking sad. Can't you spare at least one thread on this forum from your pathetic, pompous, wanna-be english teacher bullshit?

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

It's a gimmick account Fishyswa, it expects to be made fun of.


Also, can't you spare at least one thread on this forum from your wanna-be anti-smark bullshit?

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Guest Fishyswa

Yeah that's it, has nothing to do with wanting to see a thread about a dead man spared the same tripe bullshit all over this forum.


It's a gimmick account, so rather than delete it's posts, let's make five more making fun of it so the thread is properly derailed. That way, we can show how smart we are by belittling a CHARACTER.


It's amazing how dumb you guys can look in the process of trying to look smart.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

No moderater has been able to delete it's posts yet, seeing as it only joined yesterday.


And you derail more threads with your "You guys are so dumb" bullshit than any poster trying to look smart.

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Guest Fishyswa

No mod to get rid of it, so rather than ignore it, let's make five posts to highlight it, that way anyone reading the thread can't possibly ignore it. Yeah that's intelligent.


There's an equation you couldn't back up for your life. But go ahead, go somehow manage to show that I've derailed more threads complaining about people derailing threads than the people who are derailing them. That's the type of math problem you were born to solve.


Once you finish that you can explain how what your doing serves any purpose, at all.

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Doesn't Kurt Angle have some type of heart disease too? I remember him talking about how his sister died of something called Angina (i believe) and him saying that he also had it.


IIRC, in his book, he said Angina ran in his family, not sure if he actually has it or not. Hopefully not.


In the end, Eddie died of a broken heart. He loved his family and wrestling so much that his heart didn't have any more love to give. I know that seemed corny but its true in a way IMO.

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Unless we are going to still live in the afterschool special world where you take one steroid and you are slapping your mother, running a 4.1 40, and having a heart attack.


Lushus sold me a white rock that I smoked that made me do all that stuff. Was it steroids?

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