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Smackdown Title situation updated

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Guest New Jake
The man is 2nd worst heel on smackdown next to JBL.


JBL is by no means a bad heel. He was a bad draw undeserving of a near year long title run, but a bad heel? Far from it.


Batista... Fuck him even appearing at Mania.


Despite being one of the most over men in the company. Smart.


I can't fathom how bad the Old Jake must have been.


JBL is a bad heel. Despite whatever enthusiasm you, for some reason, feel for him. He is an aweful heel.


And Batista over? Laughable. Semi-reactional fan responces prove otherwise. The man can't even draw worth a fuck let alone wrestle. Batista should not be champion and he should not be main eventing at all. Period.


Funny, the logical definition of being a bad heel would indicate that no matter what said heel does, he can't get heat. JBL does, and a good amount of it, so he is not.


Yes, Batista is over. I'm not saying he's Austin or Hogan over, but he is over. Only someone blind, deaf, or dumb would deny that he isn't.


Who said anything about wrestling ability and drawing prowess? When, in fact, no one is drawing recently, so it's a relatively moot point, and it doesn't help that SD is second rate and a joke in WWE's eyes and is treated as such, having its roster picked apart and sent to Raw in the process, but don't let that stop you.


As for his in-ring ability, his flaws can be covered up well enough and his ring presence is the best thing about him. It wasn't beyond WWE in the past to pick a moderately talented if not average or even bad wrestler, usually big, book around his flaws and make him champion, so why have you stuck around all this time? It's the classic WWE formula, you should expect as much, so why are you bitching? As much as I want it to be, WWE isn't a place for wrestlers at the top of the mountain, they want showmen and carny acts regardless of skill level.


Regardless of all the above, you said Batista shouldn't be at WM at all, which was completely ridiculous in itself and that's where I came in. Way to backtrack away from that.


You speak as if you actually give a fuck about the "classic WWE" formula.


Thing is, I don't. It was the same formula that got WWE in deep shit in the monday night war. Basically its 1995 all over again; crappy tv quality, very bad sports entertainers with few exceptions. So why continue using a formula that obviously doesn't work? Compared to now infact the shitter times of the monday night WAR weren't that bad. At least back then they had some attention towards the actual product; wrestling. Why cant they do that now and give us a REAL wrestler as champion? Batista is a discrace in the ring. I have never seen a man botch as many moves as this guy. He's nothing more then 2nd rate Goldberg. And you can't say Goldberg was ever a good thing.

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Guest New Jake
So what do you to please the other 80-90% of the audience?


WWE is aware that most of you kids are closet homosexuals.


And it makes all the straight ones jealous.


This is why Orton's fanbase is of low majority. And you want this loser to be champion? Fuck that.

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Meltzer said Orton was going to win the title at the originally scheduled triple threat match anyways, so whatever.

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Guest Tuxedo Mask

S_D, you ruthless villain, Meltzer did not say that. Why do you keep saying that he did? Another thread pointed out how you re-worded what Meltzer did say (that it was possible they would give the belt to Orton but wouldn't that night as it wouldn't be the night for it) to make it sound almost nothing at all like what was said.


That being said, I see no reason for them to book this unless they are looking to switch the title.

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Well, hopefully Orton won't have another abortion of a title run like last time.

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Guest JMA
Well, hopefully Orton won't have another abortion of a title run like last time.

He'll probably do all right if they don't turn him face. Honestly, the title should go on someone else at this point, but they may be able to make Orton work in the role.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

Not that it makes much difference, but Batista/Orton is going to be a "No Holds Barred" match, not a "Street Fight".

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For some reason I can't see Benoit leaving. If he was I don't think they would have had him beat HHH clean even if it was an Eddie memorial show. He could have done his speech in tribute instead.


Everyone assumes they are going to put the title on Orton again (even me) but let's think about the WHY. Has he done much to earn another title run? Is he just SOOOOO over? Is he going to draw all this money somehow that he failed to draw before? Of course not. This is where WCW being out of business hurts, because after the way Orton was booked from Sept. 2004 to March 2005 he needed to just be released and sent to WCW for a fresh start. It would have happened 10 years ago. But now despite not getting over for shit before they think he can magically draw money on a severely depleted Smackdown roster whose main ratings draw just died?


Putting the title on Orton again would be like keeping Kevin Nash in 1996 and saying "Gee, I think we should put the belt back on this guy. Nevermind that whole year where he was pushed and didn't draw a dime."


I think putting the title on Orton again is a desperate move. He makes a lousy face, and as a heel his "Legend Killer" schtick is a midcard act more befitting a guy who was a green rookie and not a serious world champion.

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Guest New Jake


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You know, I had a thought... storyline wise... what if this week during the title match, all the RAW guys ran in during the match and brutalized Batista, gets him up, Orton nails the RKO and gets the three and the title... and then defects to RAW? That would be an interesting storyline and would certainly twist things around for SmackDown...

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Orton was the best IC Champ since the 1990-1995 era. As a heel, his title reign should get heat, if done correctly. Keep Bob Orton around. Play up younger, fresh challengers, as opposed to boring feuds we've already seen with Taker. At Armageddon, do Rey/Orton. At Rumble, do Benoit/Orton. At Mania, do Batista/Orton.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel



The reason Orton failed is because he is horribly booked. He's a good heel, but he was turned face and squashed by Triple H. When he got a chance to be heel again, he started beating up old men with the help of his dad. If he can ditch his dad and return to the "cocky heel who can back it up" his run might be a success.

And I feel that they were going to put the title on Eddie, it was hinted at throughout the tribute shows.

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Guest New Jake
Orton was the best IC Champ since the 1990-1995 era.  As a heel, his title reign should get heat, if done correctly.  Keep Bob Orton around.  Play up younger, fresh challengers, as opposed to boring feuds we've already seen with Taker.  At Armageddon, do Rey/Orton.  At Rumble, do Benoit/Orton.  At Mania, do Batista/Orton.


Best IC champion since the 1990-1995 era? Hardly. His title win was forgettable and he didn't even defend the belt until after the Royal Rumble and even then he was faced with poor booking. And lets see, Austin and Rock's first IC title era's were pretty decent, better then Ortons anyway. And they date further then 1995.


Anyway, Orton's character was never succesfull in any way during that period. He pretty much killed his push at Mania XX by cutting a craptaculare promo and his only good IC title matches were with Mick Foley and Edge. Thats only two notable matches over a 7 month title reign, one of which was just to promote a hardcore match and he couldnt even carry his ass in that. My point is Orton is a dud heel or face. This legend killer crap has grown redundunt, thats why they brought his dad in. Basically nothing Orton does is good and giving him the strap would kill the company let alone this disaster main eventing WM.


And there is no old Jake pigfuckers! My name is a tribute to New Jack. A bit unclass, I know. But I dig his schtick.

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Putting the title on Orton again would be like keeping Kevin Nash in 1996 and saying "Gee, I think we should put the belt back on this guy. Nevermind that whole year where he was pushed and didn't draw a dime."


Don't mix up Orton with JBL. :P

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Putting the title on Orton again would be like keeping Kevin Nash in 1996 and saying "Gee, I think we should put the belt back on this guy. Nevermind that whole year where he was pushed and didn't draw a dime."


Don't mix up Orton with JBL. :P


As much as JBL's reign sucked he at least became a credible Main Eventer as a result of it. Orton lost whatever little credibility he had the last time they put the belt on him. I don't see him doing any better this time around since his character has been almost exactly the same for the last couple of years and he doesn't seem willing or able to add to it. For his few fans, that's great. For everyone else he won't shake the stigma of being a complete failure.

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