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Guest Fook
Bret hart is going to Italy for an extended vacation. He will not be around for WM time.


That's one long ass vacation.


And people, please remember this bit of info in three months when everyone starts the yearly "Bret at WM" and "Bret in the HOF" rumours.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

They can always go the hogan vs Flair route, but Hogan would probably want to go over someone with more cred.

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Crusher was in the Warrior's corner for the Weasel Suit match vs heenan in Milwaukee in 88.  The match is on the Greatest Stars of the 80's DVD, no mention of it was made though by the announcers


That's because *that* match wasn't on the DVD.


The match on the DVD is the Weasel Suit match that took place at MSG. Warrior had no one in his corner for that match. The Milwaukee match has only highlights in Heenan's main program bio.

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Guest *KNK*

Quite frankly, there's nothing left for Hogan as far as singles matches go except Austin.


If they *must* use Hogan, sticking him in a tag team wouldn't be a bad move to make.

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Bret hart is going to Italy for an extended vacation. He will not be around for WM time.


That's one long ass vacation.


And people, please remember this bit of info in three months when everyone starts the yearly "Bret at WM" and "Bret in the HOF" rumours.


When I read that, I assumed he would be staying with his wife's family or something, as opposed to just checking into the Holiday Inn. Isn't she from Italy?

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Guest Leelee

I fully agree with Austin when he quits again.


And if you disagree, I block, ignore, and ban you. Idiot.

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Guest *KNK*

At this point they should try to get Rock to appear and just do some sort of a legends six man.


Hogan, Flair and Taker Vs Austin, Foley and Rock


Completely unlikely but at least Foley would willingly do the job to all three of the other side, and everyone is happy. Taker remains unbeaten, Hogan can score the victory, and Austin can have a stunner fest on Flair, Taker, Rock and Foley and drown beer with Hogan.

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At this point they should try to get Rock to appear and just do some sort of a legends six man.


Hogan, Flair and Taker Vs Austin, Foley and Rock


Completely unlikely but at least Foley would willingly do the job to all three of the other side, and everyone is happy.  Taker remains unbeaten, Hogan can score the victory, and Austin can have a stunner fest on Flair, Taker, Rock and Foley and drown beer with Hogan.


Before stunning him too. The thought of Hogan taking a stunner makes me die a little inside.

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Guest *KNK*
At this point they should try to get Rock to appear and just do some sort of a legends six man.


Hogan, Flair and Taker Vs Austin, Foley and Rock


Completely unlikely but at least Foley would willingly do the job to all three of the other side, and everyone is happy.  Taker remains unbeaten, Hogan can score the victory, and Austin can have a stunner fest on Flair, Taker, Rock and Foley and drown beer with Hogan.


Before stunning him too. The thought of Hogan taking a stunner makes me die a little inside.


Also, if they can't get Rock and I wouldn't expect them to, toss Piper in his spot.

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Regarding the schmozz finish of the Orton-Cena match last Monday, I think it was done A) Because they didn't want to job Orton a week before he wins the world title and they also didn't want to job Cena, as he IS champion; and B) Because deep down, I think they still look at this as the money match of the future. Had Orton not bombed so badly last fall, he would've had Batista's spot in the road to WM and something similar to where Batista is now. I think they still hold out hope that Orton can make that ascension to being the standard bearer for one of their brands, although the symmetry of his and Cena's rises is gone.


Now having said all that, those are stupid reasons to not have a clean finish on a TRIBUTE show, but that's the biz for ya sometimes.

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Would Hogan be willing to put over Cena though? There's no other point in doing the match if not for that. And by the way, there's no way Austin is winning if he faces Hogan. His recent walking out pretty much put him in the position where he'd have to job there.

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Regarding the schmozz finish of the Orton-Cena match last Monday, I think it was done A) Because they didn't want to job Orton a week before he wins the world title and they also didn't want to job Cena, as he IS champion; and B) Because deep down, I think they still look at this as the money match of the future. Had Orton not bombed so badly last fall, he would've had Batista's spot in the road to WM and something similar to where Batista is now. I think they still hold out hope that Orton can make that ascension to being the standard bearer for one of their brands, although the symmetry of his and Cena's rises is gone.


Now having said all that, those are stupid reasons to not have a clean finish on a TRIBUTE show, but that's the biz for ya sometimes.

If this is the case then WWE should've just have Randy vs. Eugene and Cena vs. a random SD heel at the Tribute show. I personally can't see anything special about Orton, the guy bombed as IC champ until Foley got him over but then he couldn't keep his overness when he became a World champion.

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Quite frankly, there's nothing left for Hogan as far as singles matches go except Austin.


And Orton.

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Guest *KNK*
Quite frankly, there's nothing left for Hogan as far as singles matches go except Austin.


And Orton.


Don't give them ideas.


Although, if it opens the door for Benoit/Batistia or Benoit/Rey, I'll be willing to suffer a Orton/Hogan program.

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