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Guest tony manero

Cena is booed out of the building against HHH

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Guest tony manero

From WrestlingObserver.com:


"John Cena Beat Triple H in a Streetfight with the FU after hitting HHH with a chair. Hunter bladed in this match and a significant amount of pople were booing Cena. It was quite strange because lots of children had Cena signs, but he was booed out of the building when he went for the FU the first time. At the end of teh match, Cena got a sign from one of the fans at ringside that had a drawing of Eddie Guerrero on it and put it on the mat in the centre of the ring. Cena laid his belt on the sign and left as loud 'Eddie' chants ended the show. In fact this was the only mention of Guerrero, other than a small sign at ringside that read "Latino Heat still burns".


Is Cena bombing as champion a la Randy Orton?

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Once they took his heel edge away and made him a "for the people" type face, the gimmick was doomed. The best thing to do is let it go until the booing is very noticeable, turn him heel, let him re-discover his edge, wait a couple months for the fans to like him again, turn him face (a la The Rock).

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Cena's character has LONG been stale; only the fact that JBL was such a good foil in their feud helped sustain the early part of his title reign, but now he doesn't have anyone like that to play against and now the fans are tiring of him.


I don't know if pulling a Rock on him will do anything, because I don't know if Cena can have that "cool heel" aura that Rock did.

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Guest panthermatt7

That reminds me to a joke I made to a roommate's girlfriend once, she is half-Asian and half Native American:


"I don't know whether to bomb you or send you to a reservation."


It was met with a similar response.

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That reminds me to a joke I made to a roommate's girlfriend once, she is half-Asian and half Native American:


"I don't know whether to bomb you or send you to a reservation."


It was met with a similar response.


Maybe you should have went with "kill 500,000 of your friends in a second or a century"

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Guest panthermatt7
That reminds me to a joke I made to a roommate's girlfriend once, she is half-Asian and half Native American:


"I don't know whether to bomb you or send you to a reservation."


It was met with a similar response.


Maybe you should have went with "kill 500,000 of your friends in a second or a century"



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Well clearly WWE needs to stick Davari AND Hassan with all of Cena's opponents, no matter who they are.


Also have them all trash the fans for about 10-15 minutes before Cena even shows his face.



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Guest tony manero
I just wonder what is going through Cena's mind.


This has to be frustrating to him.


It's gotta be a humbling experience for him. I'm guessing he thought he had the charisma to be the next sure bet in wrestling, but now he realizes that guys like Hogan, Rock, Austin, Flair, and even Foley are very, very rare breeds.


It's a wake up call for him, because now he knows that the road to superstardom might not come at all for him; or, if it does, he'll have to step up his game, especially in the ring.

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They almost have to give Angle the belt next Sunday and figure out how to salvage Cena ASAP, even if the plan was to feed him to HHH later on this year, or early in '06. The longer they drag this out, the bigger the backlash is going to be, and as it is they're losing "top" guys left and right due to injury, contract issues, botched pushes and Eddie's sudden passing. If they can't eventually figure out how to make a top face without a 10-20 year career (Flair, HBK, 'Taker & Benoit may be the ONLY top notch faces they have right now) to build off of they are fucked in a major way.

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Guest tony manero

Wasn't there talk that if Austin vs. Hogan falls through, Cena vs. Hogan would be the backup plan?


I shudder to think how badly booed Cena would be in a match against Hogan. WOW.


At this point, Vince should offer Sting a boatload of money to come in and work a program with Shelton Benjamin, eventually putting him over.


I know a lot of you guys dread the thought of seeing another WCW star being misused by Vince and company; however, I think that if Sting is brought in for the sole purpose of putting Shelton or some other promising young talent over, then it will be very helpful to WWE's main-event scene. Plus, there's a built-in feud already, with Shelton using the Stinger Splash.


As for those who think that Shelton is a lost cause in WWE, he IS main-eventing RAW against Angle this Monday, so maybe Vince has changed his tune regarding him...

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Sting is leading religious prayer shows. He wants no part of Vince except to do a DVD project.


If they do Cena vs. Hogan, Cena would have to be the number one heel in the company to even stand a chance at getting anything out of Hogan. Look at the recent HBK match, and even the match with the Rock at X8... those two guys are pinnacle guys...Cena is so many rungs below that he can't even see their feet.


With the way things are going, Hogan vs. Orton would be a better idea - and that would still suck.

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Guest Leelee
I just wonder what is going through Cena's mind.


This has to be frustrating to him.


Probably that it's just time to turn heel.


Even he has to realize his character has been extremely lame for around a year now... and that his mega-push was nearing an end.


Cena will be fine, though... and he'll get another chance on top, eventually. He's very strong at the 2 most important things... looks, and charisma.

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Guest tony manero
Sting is leading religious prayer shows. He wants no part of Vince except to do a DVD project.


If they do Cena vs. Hogan, Cena would have to be the number one heel in the company to even stand a chance at getting anything out of Hogan. Look at the recent HBK match, and even the match with the Rock at X8... those two guys are pinnacle guys...Cena is so many rungs below that he can't even see their feet.


With the way things are going, Hogan vs. Orton would be a better idea - and that would still suck.


Hogan vs. Orton? EWWWWWW. If that happens, WrestleMania 22 will garner a very low buyrate.


HBK is just as religious, perhaps even more so than Sting, and he doesn't seem to have a problem working for Vince. Unless, that is, HBK's "Born-again Christian" mantra is nothing but rhetoric. I can also see HBK and Dibiase persuading Sting to come in, since they all seem to be friends, and understand where Sting's coming from.


A 6 month contract stipulating that Sting only has to work a maximum of 6 dates per month wouldn't be a bad idea. A drawn-out, well-written Sting vs. Shelton feud, could do for Shelton what Foley did for HHH. Unfortunately, WWE has dropped the ball so many times that even sure bets seem tenuous in their hands...


Just an idea, though.

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Guest tony manero
Cena's bombing so badly that when he went for the FU the first time, Funaki suddenly vaporized.


This didn't really work out so well. But, I appreciate the effort.


Since when did you guys become so critical of a guy making a joke?


You're not a casting agent and he isn't auditioning.

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Since this is still overseas, I'd wait and see if this continues in the US. Or at least see if it increases, since he apparently has been getting boos (I don't have cable, so no Raw for me). If the negative reactions do increase or continue here in the states (which, odds are, they will), then turning him would be an easy decision to make. The guy can't sell much stuff if the crowd's against him.


Personally I'm kind of interested in what happens to Cena when he does turn. He has the look, charisma, and (despite what some may say) the skills to remain at or near the top. But what exactly will he do when he turns? Does he get his current gimmick tweaked back to what he originally had before turning face? Does he get his UPW and OVW gimmick and become The Prototype? Does he go corporate and become some kind of corporate rapper? And how exactly is he going to turn? Basically I'm wondering about the "Why?" and "What happens now?" of his turning.

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Guest tony manero
Who ARE the quality faces on Raw??


Besides Cena:










Big Show


and Angle, if he and Cena do a double-turn at Survivor Series.

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Who ARE the quality faces on Raw??


Well...Gregory Helms is blemish-free thanks to the Power of Oxy-10, Proud Sponsor of In Your House: Armageddon!



Does he go corporate and become some kind of corporate rapper?


Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man

Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say...





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Guest tony manero
Since this is still overseas, I'd wait and see if this continues in the US. Or at least see if it increases, since he apparently has been getting boos (I don't have cable, so no Raw for me). If the negative reactions do increase or continue here in the states (which, odds are, they will), then turning him would be an easy decision to make. The guy can't sell much stuff if the crowd's against him.


Personally I'm kind of interested in what happens to Cena when he does turn. He has the look, charisma, and (despite what some may say) the skills to remain at or near the top. But what exactly will he do when he turns? Does he get his current gimmick tweaked back to what he originally had before turning face? Does he get his UPW and OVW gimmick and become The Prototype? Does he go corporate and become some kind of corporate rapper? And how exactly is he going to turn? Basically I'm wondering about the "Why?" and "What happens now?" of his turning.



Overseas fans are even more markish than fans in the US, so I think it's a safe bet that it will only get worse in the states.


Suffice to say, the Detroit fans are going to crap on him at Survivor Series.


He won't go back to the Prototype gimmick, but I do see him "trying to go straight" and become McMahon's corporate lackey. Or, he can just go back to doing racy, insulting raps again.

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Guest tony manero
Hogan vs. Orton? EWWWWWW. If that happens, WrestleMania 22 will garner a very low buyrate.


No it won't... they could have Hillbilly Jim vs. The Mountie as the main event and it would still get more buys than any other PPV of the year just because it's WrestleMania.


Don't forget that WrestleMania 19, basically headlined by Vince vs. Hogan, got less than 600,000 buys and became one of the most financially disappointing WrestleManias ever.

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I never understood why Cena couldn't continue doing what he was doing that got him over in the first place. Why did he have to stop doing Freestyle raps making fun of his opponents? The Rock got to keep acting like a jerk towards his opponents when he turned face back in '99 and '00.


Instead we get Cena making bad "deez nuts" jokes and cutting extremely cheesy face promos instead of being a jerk that people liked.

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