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Matt Young

Mario Kart DS

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You'd have to actually try to be last if I was racing. :)


Most of the guys online try to use the snaking method, and I just can't stand doing it myself.


What's snaking?


Basically using a drift to get the power boost during a straightaway.

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It's taking advantage of a move that was programmed into the game, meant to be used, where you get a boost when doing a sharp turn. People found a way to do this while going straight by doing the move over and over again, left to right to left to right over and over again.

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My DS is charging right now then I'll go through and add everyone who's posted their friend code. I use a Smackdown! logo for my decal actually, I found it on some old AC site.

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I'm worried that my router won't allow P2P connections through the DS, and thus my DS would give me an 86420 when connecting with friends. Would love to test this out.

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I'm going to check Best Buy either tomorrow, if I get up in time to do it before work, or Friday. So, Friday.

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So, before you all played online, how would you have rated yourselves? Because I think I'm pretty good, but I have a feeling I'm in for a rude awakening.

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Playing online's a pretty humbling experience, but I've gone on a bit of a winning streak lately - up to 20-24 - so I'm not complaining. Hell, I wasn't complaining when I was getting my ass whipped. It takes an awesome game to keep me playing even if I'm getting destroyed.


Oh, and you're in for a VERY rude awakening if you play as Toad. Just a heads-up.




Also, I wish the game told you if your friends were online, instead of making you guess and look foolish as you sit there looking for what isn't there.

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Oh, and you're in for a VERY rude awakening if you play as Toad. Just a heads-up.




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Guest The Spike



Not very good, but I'm starting to get better.


Also, I added all the friend codes that were posted in this thread.

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Guest Smues

I wish in addition to wins/loses the game kept track of disconnects. I'm getting sick of people dropping after 2 races because they're way behind.

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Added ELM and Hoff.


Went 6-10 in my WFC debut. Stole three wins by stopping the would-be winner at the line with an item. I'm also finally getting the hang of the mini-turbo which is quite great in the right situations.

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I got the WiFi USB Connector and it ISN'T WORKING. Clearly, I am fated never to be online. The worst is that it installed perfectly...the program just won't run.

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I just had that same problem, so I had to download the newest version from nintendowifi.com and it seems to be working now.








I think I've got everyone in here's friendcodes added to mine, too.

Edited by treble

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I downloaded the new software, and now I get an "Internet Connection Sharing Error." It won't even install. Somehow, I've moved backwards. Furthermore, NOA said they'd call me yesterday, but did no such thing. This is not going well...

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I'm waiting for my wifi usb thing to arrive then I'll add the people here. Until then I'm trying to figure out this snaking thing. I mean it's doable on long corners, but on a straight I just keep crashing into the walls.

Edited by Renegade

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