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My gripe about RENT was over the pretenciousness of the advertising. Since I've never seen it, I couldn't tell you if it was better that Chicago. It does, however, have a number of things working against it:


-Its set in the year 1990. I hated that year, as it did suck whole-heartedly.


-"No day but today" is just a retarded slogan. Period.


-Here in 2005, AIDS isn't considered the threat to western civilization and the end of life on Earth that is was back in the late 80s/early 90s, so the films relevance is pretty low.


You know, a musical about a bunch of friends living in a run-down building, and a couple of them gets AIDS sounds better than a musical about some complete bitch who murders a man in cold blood, and gets off because of her asshole shyster lawyer, and then abandons here husband, the only sympathetic character. But people lurved that movie too.


You do realize "Chicago" was satire, right?


Given the heights that sensationalism in journalism has reached lately, if viewed as social parody, "Chicago" is far more relevant comment on modern society than the more-contemporary "Rent".

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... My post wasn't about Rent at all. It was about pointless negativity over a movie NO ONE HAD SEEN, that adds nothing to the discussion. I said very plainly that I had never seen Rent, and had no emotional investment in it. Shit, my favorite movie's 'The Naked Gun.'
I'll just say this, and then consider the matter dropped: if "pointless negativity" inspires these kind of responses from you, then I'm not the only one here who "sucks at message boarding."


And, Placebo Effect... kindly fuck off. kthxbye.

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By the way, the musical Chicago was a bit different than the 1942 film Roxie Hart. In that movie I thought Roxie was more sympathetic as she was caught in the arms of the other dude (though never actually cheated on her husband if I recall) and it was her husband that shot the guy, not Roxie. There was also a reporter character that ended up with Roxie, which was cut out of the musical version. The husband ended up being the biggest dirtbag in that film, and I think it actually worked a bit better that way.


Oh and there was no Velma.

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Rent might hold up well because of repeat business.

I read this, then remembered what the movie was about. Then I laughed for some reason. I might have to see the film though if Rosario Dawson is in it. *drools*


Edit: How was the Dane Cook SNL, Bob? I forgot to see it and am extremely pissed. I would give a handjob to someone for a torrent.

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Rent might hold up well because of repeat business.

I read this, then remembered what the movie was about. Then I laughed for some reason. I might have to see the film though if Rosario Dawson is in it. *drools*


Edit: How was the Dane Cook SNL, Bob? I forgot to see it and am extremely pissed. I would give a handjob to someone for a torrent.


Rosario Dawson looks really hot in one scene.


The Dane Cook SNL airs this Saturday. Watch it and stuff. And then read my review.

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