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Me and Hoff try to save Piss

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samoa jake 1 (12:54:03 AM): in order to keep piss from leaving, we're gonna get alfdogg banned

OAOAST Hoff (12:54:11 AM): wait, what?

OAOAST Hoff (12:54:14 AM): I mean Im for it

samoa jake 1 (12:54:28 AM): not just from tsm, but the entire internet

OAOAST Hoff (12:54:37 AM): wow!

samoa jake 1 (12:57:55 AM): however, it will require every single thing you own

OAOAST Hoff (12:58:29 AM): worth it

samoa jake 1 (12:58:51 AM): first, you have to stick everything you own into a woodchipper with a blender on the other side

OAOAST Hoff (12:59:08 AM): done

samoa jake 1 (12:59:15 AM): that was quick

OAOAST Hoff (12:59:56 AM): I work fast

samoa jake 1 (1:00:06 AM): are you sure you're not homeless?

OAOAST Hoff (1:00:41 AM): ......

OAOAST Hoff (1:00:44 AM): I have a computer

OAOAST Hoff (1:00:49 AM): and...an ethernet cable

OAOAST Hoff (1:00:52 AM): and....a hat

OAOAST Hoff (1:00:54 AM): so I live in the hat

samoa jake 1 (1:01:18 AM): so the computer and ethernet cable went through the woodchipper

OAOAST Hoff (1:01:25 AM): ........wait

OAOAST Hoff (1:01:33 AM): no I...stole them

OAOAST Hoff (1:01:40 AM): so I'm on the computer still

samoa jake 1 (1:01:46 AM): do you own the woodchipper?

OAOAST Hoff (1:01:56 AM): .......y--no

OAOAST Hoff (1:01:59 AM): no.

samoa jake 1 (1:02:26 AM): good, otherwise i was gonna ask how you got the woodchipper through the woodchipper

samoa jake 1 (1:03:06 AM): now, is the blender somewhat full?

OAOAST Hoff (1:03:24 AM): I don't have a blender.

OAOAST Hoff (1:03:29 AM): I have....blacktop...

samoa jake 1 (1:03:33 AM): why not?

OAOAST Hoff (1:03:45 AM): I....well I have a computer.

OAOAST Hoff (1:03:51 AM): and an ethernet cable....

samoa jake 1 (1:03:56 AM): sigh

OAOAST Hoff (1:03:57 AM): and I had a hat but...you know.

samoa jake 1 (1:04:03 AM): can you "borrow" a blender then?

OAOAST Hoff (1:04:12 AM): sure

OAOAST Hoff (1:04:19 AM): okay done

samoa jake 1 (1:04:36 AM): now, scrape up everything that went through the woodchipper into the blender

OAOAST Hoff (1:04:45 AM): done

samoa jake 1 (1:04:59 AM): it might be a little pulpy, so puree it all up

OAOAST Hoff (1:05:18 AM): got it

samoa jake 1 (1:05:38 AM): now, you've got a half-dozen syringes, right?

OAOAST Hoff (1:06:11 AM): of course!

samoa jake 1 (1:06:41 AM): put your pureed possessions into the syringes

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:09 AM): k

samoa jake 1 (1:07:24 AM): now, this is going to be the tough part

samoa jake 1 (1:07:33 AM): you...you need to eat a car

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:36 AM): was I supposed to.......

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:37 AM): wait

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:39 AM): .....

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:44 AM): do I need to eat ANOTHER car?

samoa jake 1 (1:07:46 AM): not just any car, but a car that seats 7

OAOAST Hoff (1:07:53 AM): .....still a valid question

samoa jake 1 (1:07:57 AM): so, like an escalade or something

OAOAST Hoff (1:08:05 AM): Navigator ok?

samoa jake 1 (1:08:13 AM): how's the gas mileage?

OAOAST Hoff (1:08:30 AM): ....I don't know. it gave ME some gas

samoa jake 1 (1:08:40 AM): how long ago was the car eating?

OAOAST Hoff (1:08:55 AM): about an hour

samoa jake 1 (1:09:04 AM): geez. i don't know

samoa jake 1 (1:09:14 AM): you might want to go ahead and eat another car, just to be on the safe side

samoa jake 1 (1:09:24 AM): remember, this isn't about you or me, this is about piss, and finally banning alf

OAOAST Hoff (1:09:52 AM): yeah, you're right.

OAOAST Hoff (1:09:58 AM): for the common good.

OAOAST Hoff (1:10:01 AM): one sec

samoa jake 1 (1:13:29 AM): WELL?

samoa jake 1 (1:18:18 AM): h000000000000f...

OAOAST Hoff (1:18:27 AM): okay....done.

samoa jake 1 (1:18:39 AM): at least i'm sure you chewed

samoa jake 1 (1:19:25 AM): so now we have a half-dozen syringes filled with all of your worldly possessions, and you've eaten a large automobile, right?

OAOAST Hoff (1:19:30 AM): right

samoa jake 1 (1:20:14 AM): now, this one comes directly from piss, so don't yell at me about it, ok?

OAOAST Hoff (1:20:31 AM): ok

samoa jake 1 (1:20:38 AM): we.....we have to....

samoa jake 1 (1:20:42 AM): christ, i can't believe this

samoa jake 1 (1:20:48 AM): this is for piss, this is for piss

samoa jake 1 (1:20:55 AM): we have to get......cwm.....a college degree

OAOAST Hoff (1:21:00 AM): I'm out.

samoa jake 1 (1:21:05 AM): and not just a college degree, but a master's degree

OAOAST Hoff (1:21:09 AM): pffffffft

samoa jake 1 (1:21:11 AM): and say that he's smarter then us

OAOAST Hoff (1:21:21 AM): well I mean I can lie, sure

OAOAST Hoff (1:21:28 AM): but CWM, a college degree?

samoa jake 1 (1:21:32 AM): yeah, we can easily lie to his face

samoa jake 1 (1:21:41 AM): i don't know how we're gonna get a college dgree

samoa jake 1 (1:21:48 AM): how fast does that university of phoenix work?

OAOAST Hoff (1:21:55 AM): it IS online......

samoa jake 1 (1:22:28 AM): do they have master's?

samoa jake 1 (1:22:43 AM): think it might be possible to print out a fake degree in photoshop or paint or something?

OAOAST Hoff (1:22:51 AM): I got it

samoa jake 1 (1:22:59 AM): excellent

samoa jake 1 (1:23:05 AM): heh heh. piss underestimated our brilliance

samoa jake 1 (1:24:34 AM): done yet?

OAOAST Hoff (1:24:42 AM): one min

samoa jake 1 (1:24:59 AM): last time you said that it took almost ten

OAOAST Hoff (1:25:17 AM): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v342/hoffv1/degree.jpg

samoa jake 1 (1:25:32 AM): perfect

OAOAST Hoff (1:25:41 AM): pretty authentic, eh?

samoa jake 1 (1:25:42 AM): ok, let me check the list here

OAOAST Hoff (1:25:44 AM): k

samoa jake 1 (1:26:03 AM): possessions, check, syringes, check, car, check, degree, check, gonna just say we did the man secks, so check

OAOAST Hoff (1:26:17 AM): good call

samoa jake 1 (1:26:27 AM): yeah, part of piss' list is that we have secks with each other

samoa jake 1 (1:26:34 AM): i'm just gonna tell everyone we did

OAOAST Hoff (1:26:38 AM): yeah we did that, you were catcher

samoa jake 1 (1:26:42 AM): follow my lead if people question us

OAOAST Hoff (1:26:51 AM): yeah okay you were the bitch though

samoa jake 1 (1:26:54 AM): actually...his list said you were on bottom

samoa jake 1 (1:26:56 AM): sorry

OAOAST Hoff (1:26:59 AM): !

OAOAST Hoff (1:27:01 AM): it did not

samoa jake 1 (1:27:12 AM): we didn't even do it, so stop bitching

samoa jake 1 (1:27:15 AM): this is for piss, remember?

OAOAST Hoff (1:27:17 AM): :-(

OAOAST Hoff (1:27:18 AM): ok

samoa jake 1 (1:27:28 AM): remember, if he questions us, let me do the talking

OAOAST Hoff (1:27:38 AM): k

samoa jake 1 (1:27:43 AM): so, the last item on the list is to go over to alf's house

OAOAST Hoff (1:27:48 AM): k

samoa jake 1 (1:27:56 AM): and cut his power lines

samoa jake 1 (1:28:24 AM): piss figures that no one knows how to repair things in indiana, so if we break something expensive and important, and can run away fast enough, he'll never get back on the intarweb

OAOAST Hoff (1:28:48 AM): nice

samoa jake 1 (1:29:02 AM): i guess that's why you had to eat a car

samoa jake 1 (1:29:07 AM): no, wait, piss included bus fare

OAOAST Hoff (1:29:12 AM): tight

samoa jake 1 (1:29:13 AM): that's rather nice of him

samoa jake 1 (1:29:18 AM): we should thank him for that later

OAOAST Hoff (1:29:43 AM): yep

samoa jake 1 (1:30:17 AM): so, do we have anything to cut the power with?

OAOAST Hoff (1:30:31 AM): syringes?

samoa jake 1 (1:30:45 AM): i don't think that will work

samoa jake 1 (1:30:52 AM): we can try

samoa jake 1 (1:32:10 AM): we there yet?

OAOAST Hoff (1:32:21 AM): yes?

samoa jake 1 (1:32:32 AM): did the syringes work?

OAOAST Hoff (1:32:59 AM): no :-(

samoa jake 1 (1:33:04 AM): fucknuts

samoa jake 1 (1:33:22 AM): we need something big and sharp

OAOAST Hoff (1:33:40 AM): MY PENI5!

samoa jake 1 (1:33:51 AM): um, fear of electrocution?

OAOAST Hoff (1:34:03 AM): nope

samoa jake 1 (1:34:14 AM): well, if you put it like that...

OAOAST Hoff (1:34:50 AM): *SCHLONG*

samoa jake 1 (1:35:11 AM): did it work?

OAOAST Hoff (1:35:31 AM): nope

OAOAST Hoff (1:35:33 AM): felt good tho

samoa jake 1 (1:35:35 AM): um

samoa jake 1 (1:35:59 AM): well, that's great and, um, all

samoa jake 1 (1:36:05 AM): but we still need to cut alf's power supply

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:08 AM): *shrug*

samoa jake 1 (1:36:19 AM): you just wanna chew through it?

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:24 AM): okay!

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:28 AM): *chomp*

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:32 AM): *chomp*

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:35 AM): *CHOMP*

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:39 AM): bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

OAOAST Hoff (1:36:42 AM): got it!

samoa jake 1 (1:37:02 AM): and the final, final step is to burn down his house

samoa jake 1 (1:37:05 AM): i've got this covered

samoa jake 1 (1:37:14 AM): seems awfully mean of piss, but i'll do it

OAOAST Hoff (1:37:19 AM): go for it

samoa jake 1 (1:37:34 AM): ::YOGA FLAME::

OAOAST Hoff (1:37:40 AM): YEAH!

samoa jake 1 (1:37:59 AM): WE WIN!

OAOAST Hoff (1:38:05 AM): WOOT!

samoa jake 1 (1:38:07 AM): NO MORE ALF AND PISS WON'T LEAVE!

samoa jake 1 (1:38:09 AM): wait, there's more

OAOAST Hoff (1:38:11 AM): YES!

OAOAST Hoff (1:38:12 AM): wait

OAOAST Hoff (1:38:14 AM): ok?

samoa jake 1 (1:38:23 AM): we have to say the name of bob barron three times each

samoa jake 1 (1:38:26 AM): that's....odd

samoa jake 1 (1:38:28 AM): but ok

samoa jake 1 (1:38:37 AM): bob barron bob barron bob barron

OAOAST Hoff (1:38:47 AM): bob barron bob barron bob barron

samoa jake 1 (1:39:11 AM): i don't know what that will do, other then cause barron to come in and flame us. but he's a hater anyway

samoa jake 1 (1:39:26 AM): so, just gotta let piss know.

samoa jake 1 (1:39:27 AM): ok?

OAOAST Hoff (1:39:32 AM): opk

samoa jake 1 (1:40:01 AM): make a new thread, or post in the one you made

OAOAST Hoff (1:40:09 AM): you do it

samoa jake 1 (1:40:25 AM): new thread then

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