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Climax feedback

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There's a couple matches still missing, including the ME, but I got sick of waiting, so they can add them in when they're ready.

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Damn fine job Patty, a special thank you to you for stepping up to the plate when people let others down. I'll be reading the show shortly.

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Major props to Papacita for the Green X flashing thing in our logo. It looks really swank.



Someone explain to me the streamers bit?


I could see that being a good opening match. As for reading, the commentary was golden.



I think its very funny how Caboose is all Pro-PR and yet SJ is his manager...very interesting.

Was that a Konnan sighting?

Whoa, I didnt think PR would lose that match. I did enjoy the Spanish Fly babyface in peril and Heat as the up and coming challenger. Guessing theres a 24/7 rematch coming up



90lbs weight difference for women? I dont want to see that big mama. First woman's match I've read ever.

Okay, if they're shoot fighters, whats with the wrestling moves? I guess I was expecting more of a technical thing.

Ohhh, there are the technical things...

PUNT? Ow. Appropriate yes



Ohhh pretty graphic.

I'm picking Alfdogg's team to win.

Good use of tag strategy for the heels.

What? I thought that was going to be a double pin? Now dissenion?



Dude, you're a tool (to Otaku).

Ahh thats better...Kendo sticks...



Birmingham? I hope that's England

How is a standing Spiral Tap possible?

How is Jamie talking after going through a table?

Must be to dead people, because he should be one...

A draw? BOOOOOOO!!!



Dude, theyre getting their ass kicked by girls (and pretty girls at that....)

Okay thats better. pretty interesting, girls are doing more agility based moves, I like that.

Ohh, nice tapout spot.

Man, these loser want to take over the OAOAST? psshaw I would never lose to a woman



Okay, thanks for the quickie backstory. That should be before every PPV match

like a how we got here kinda thing.

Oh, I backwards talking heel. Okay. So that's kind of mean.


Dirt Sheet? Oh I wanna see?


Tag Match: SCM

I like the name, South Central Militia

Ohh now I really like these guys

Percussion? Their finisher is good, but it needs a new name!




I like the commentary of Jesse and Tony I think we should have more reviews by them, its almost like a DVD feature



Ohh interesting use of the ref. I need to learn that.

Black T wins, as they should. Good galvanizing win for some guys that needed it



Ohh, neato weapons

Very nice use of them too, match is very brutal, as it should be storyline wise

Siccckkk Tombstone.



I've followed the storyline, so im guessing this is the blowoff

Aww I hate the bait and switch unmasking.

WTF? I didnt see that coming!



I felt for sure that they wouldn't retain. Just injuries and all. Puts over the champions as guys that just wont quit.



HOW did that MURDERDEATHKILL not get the pin? HOW? HOW???


HOW do you not kill yourself with a 17 foot tall ladder and SSP?


HOW? How do we even wrestle every week?


Great finish. The LC is in shambles



Thanks to Patty for helping out. I think between us both we wrote a fairly fun but short match.


Solid PPV leading into AnglePalooza. Nice to see such a fleshed out PPV with every match meaning something. We just dont throw matches together.


I think there's too many power moves though. It's like we're literally killing each other in every match, and I just dont see how its possible to do every week and not have serious injuries if this was reality.


And yeah, the real world title amtch was pretty damn funny. I would post it too.

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How is a standing Spiral Tap possible?

How is Jamie talking after going through a table?

Must be to dead people, because he should be one...


He's a Jack Evans rip-off and as everyone knows, Jack Evans is purely invincible and can flip like nobody's business. How he did an Inverted 450 the 10 or so feet over to the table from the top rope? That's a better question.


As far as 'feedback' goes, I read the majority of the show early. Props to Parka who seems to have totally got the vibe of O'Hara that I wanted. Props too to Eski for the Black T match. Now, one question...why on every PPV is one move in virtually every match? This month, the double knee gutbuster, mainly from a fireman's carry position. I spotted at least 4.

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He bounced off the top rope and jumped back as he flipped over. I can picture it happening in my head.


And if you've ever seen Jack Evans wrestle he has done a standing Spiral Tap, or atleast that's what I'd say it looked like.

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Honestly I had a hard time finding his matches online to research for writing the match, but you can try file sharing programs. I can't remember who they were against off the top of my head. And be warned he is very very spot monkeyish.


EDIT: or you can go to www.rohwrestling.com and look at roster video #2 and he's the first guy on it.

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Good opener. It seems like the addition of Tenay resulted in less whackyness from the usually whacky Triple C.


TPR & Co. entrance seemed to take forever but solid match (don't think if would get 17 minutes on a real show, but good).


PFL did a good job with all his women's matches. No surprise there. He's always been one of the better writers in the OAOAST. Crystal being the Benefactor caught me by surprised. Didn't see that one coming at all.


Bit disappointed with Parka & O'Hara ending in a draw, but the match was fun while it lasted.


Patty's matches are always fun to read. COD-GPX was no exception.


The Christmas Deathmatch was just awesome. Alf's jumped to another level in recent months. He and Dan Black are on my "to watch" hit of 2006. Hey, that doesn't sound too bad. Alfdogg and Dan Black World Title feud.


It was damn good seeing Black T together again after both characters went off on their own for a while, caught up in the whole Upstarts/Originals saga. Excellent job Eski.


Damn good tag title match. Earl Hebner is a man of many talents. He managed to morph into Charles Robinson. :D


If I could do it over again, I would have the tag title match end the show and send everyone home happy. That said, the ME turned out to be pretty damn good considering the circumstances.


Match of the Night: Christmas Deathmatch -- Alfdogg vs. Chris Stevens


Line of the Night: “Gee golly, that's swell!” -- Stephen Joseph

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No kidding, Alf's done a crapload of good stuff this year.


Lotsa good matches in this one, which is a little surprising considering the amount of matches and since some people were doing double duty and all. Patty and SJ fixed up the main event nicely. I'll have to go back and read all the matches in detail, but after a first read-through, there was plenty of good to end the year.

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Everyone did a really great job on the show, COD/GPX and Serena/Molly were my two favs not involving my characters. Excellant stuff all around and now I have a month off from school where I can hopefully write some good matches.

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