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OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

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If they do need to kill time, just have Edge talk for a while. He can talk if he's given something to get his teeth into, so just have him rant on people not thinking he'd ever be champion or wasn't good enough to win the belt.

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Cena's going to do the stupid thing, and try to verbally attack Vince, even though what he was doing was completely fair, as he was doing what the contract (barring World or WWE title stipulations) said.


Similiar to the crowd booing JBL (and Kurt Angle) after he fairly won the WWE Title in the bullrope match against Eddy

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Guest Fook
But then that moves the WWE Title one step above the Hardcore Title, when they had the 24/7 rule. Being able to dick-whip the title off the champ at a moment's notice severely compromises the integrity of the title.


Having another MiTB doesn't mean it has to be used the same way again. It's a nice twist and it could provide us with a new fixture in the main events, but that doesn't mean it has to be used in a "spur of the moment" type match every time.


For instance, the MiTB winner could easily strut out on Raw in early July and declare that he's using his guaranteed title shot at Summerslam. Then they just build the feud from there.

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Guest InuYasha

Well, I'll be here for about the next 20 minutes. After that, I have to bug out and go to night school. I won't be getting home until an hour after RAW ends, so I'm recording it.

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Guest InuYasha
They could also have all the guys from the EC match have a 6 way to be #1 contender at the Royal Rumble.

As long as it keeps HHH out of the title scene, I'll be happy.

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Guest InuYasha
I haven't seen photography this bad since the Zapruder film.

So it was Edge in the Book Depository!

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...and here we go.


The opening is.... a replay of last night.


Stills replay though. No showing action in action....eh, you know what I mean.

Still pictures courtesy of Conan O'Brien watching the PPV.

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No, the "Torrid Sex" is too good of a bait-and-switch not to do the bait and switch. It doesn't matter that people know it's a B-A-S, they'll watch just to find out what the switch is. If, as people predict, it will be the bait for the GM announcement, then so be it.


Perhaps RTC will come down and be a group GM force.



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No, the "Torrid Sex" is too good of a bait-and-switch not to do the bait and switch. It doesn't matter that people know it's a B-A-S, they'll watch just to find out what the switch is. If, as people predict, it will be the bait for the GM announcement, then so be it.


Perhaps RTC will come down and be a group GM force.




So let's see...


Richards returns to Raw, Goodfather, Bull Buchanan and Ivory are re-hired...and Val brought out of his on-again/off again team with Viscera.


Or new RTC members insted?

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I feel bad for anyone who ordered the ppv now, as they showed the bulk of the match right there. That was a good time eater as it was a longer then usual package. They muted the crowd though.

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Cena out first?


I wish they would go all Bret Hart with Cena. He heels it up for those who boo him, but still act like a face towards the women. Just like how Bret was a heel to Americans, and a face with Canadians.

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I know this isn't the thread to say it...but if Mark Henry somehow wins the world title from Batista, the meltdown that I will go through will be more entertaining and at the same time depressing than anything the WWE has done since March of 2001.

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Guest InuYasha

They fucked Benoit this way, so it's only right they do it to Edge.


...and Cena is actually encouraging the boos! :D

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