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Guest panthermatt7

OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

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looks like Big Show ditched the MEGA MAN cast

Post of the thread.


Raw was about 11/16ths good tonight, so I'm happy. That TLC match sucked me in pretty well. I loooooooove the Angle that just is instead of being booed or cheered, the pure competitor. This character turn is so leading to him ending the Undertaker streak.


I fear that the Trish Stratus stuff is going to end with some horrible backstage segment where Mickie James tries to kill Ashley so her and Trish can be together foreverandeverandeverandever! And you know this is how they'd end it top all of that off: Mickie puts Trish out for a little while accidentally, causing her to lose the title (resulting in Mickie leaving because Ashley returns [~!] so we get Judge Vince presiding over an attempted murder case).


Trish returns sometime after Wrestlemania, and we don't talk about it ever again. Mickie James is sent down to OVW to "work on her timing," but they'll give her a nice eating disorder and bring her back - watered down mind you - as a hick girl to bust on TNA when it's getting popular as the year goes on.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
And Shelton's Mama is going to be the only reason to watch Raw when Angle leaves, Shawn feuds with Vince and Flair dies.



Wow, the concept of the sassy black mamma is radically new to you huh?

Its not that she's a sassy black woman. Its that she's an old, fat, sassy black woman. And nothing makes better TV than old, fat, sassy black people. Or something. It just works.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
I fear that the Trish Stratus stuff is going to end with some horrible backstage segment where Mickie James tries to kill Ashley so her and Trish can be together foreverandeverandeverandever! And you know this is how they'd end it top all of that off: Mickie puts Trish out for a little while accidentally, causing her to lose the title (resulting in Mickie leaving because Ashley returns [~!] so we get Judge Vince presiding over an attempted murder case).
They really need to can Ashley. She's a terrible actor, somehow worse than Torrie Wilson in the ring, and not very pretty.


I miss Christy.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
he end to the ladder match wasn't weak at all. Dear God.

It took forever, and the finish to the match with a billion different bumps was a punch and a really bad teeter like fall off the ladder on to nothing.

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Dude, Flair might as well have been a corpse trying to fight off a comparatively fresh Edge. It made sense. I mean, Flair's really fucking old to have simply done as much as he had so far, let alone win. Having him just teeter and fall off was good.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Dude, Flair might as well have been a corpse trying to fight off a comparatively fresh Edge. It made sense. I mean, Flair's really fucking old to have simply done as much as he had so far, let alone win. Having him just teeter and fall off was good.

Comparatively fresh? Edge had just been murdered by falling off a ladder through a table and into a baricade. Flair was healthy in comparison.

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After seeing Vince so much on Raw tonight, I have to say this....I miss Bischoff.

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Dude, Flair might as well have been a corpse trying to fight off a comparatively fresh Edge. It made sense. I mean, Flair's really fucking old to have simply done as much as he had so far, let alone win. Having him just teeter and fall off was good.

Comparatively fresh? Edge had just been murdered by falling off a ladder through a table and into a baricade. Flair was healthy in comparison.

Age multiplies the effect of huge bumps in the mark mind, and Flair had already been suplexed off a ladder, hit with a chair an assload of times, bled well before the halfway point, and was the recipient of the murder/suicide Edge did through the table. In my mind (and it was a markish mind since this match actually got me pretty hype) Flair was much more worse off than Edge was. And he had a concussion they mentioned multiple times during the night! I just remembered that. C'mon, like I said, he was a corpse by that point, Edge was just a wrestler that had taken an extremely severe beating. Look how he was able to pop up, spear Flair and beat him down right after the match.

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I thought Flair-Edge was a nice entertaining main event...good brawl, lots of blood, and a few crazy bumps. It was what I hoped it would be.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Dude, Flair might as well have been a corpse trying to fight off a comparatively fresh Edge. It made sense. I mean, Flair's really fucking old to have simply done as much as he had so far, let alone win. Having him just teeter and fall off was good.

Comparatively fresh? Edge had just been murdered by falling off a ladder through a table and into a baricade. Flair was healthy in comparison.

Age multiplies the effect of huge bumps in the mark mind, and Flair had already been suplexed off a ladder, hit with a chair an assload of times, bled well before the halfway point, and was the recipient of the murder/suicide Edge did through the table. In my mind (and it was a markish mind since this match actually got me pretty hype) Flair was much more worse off than Edge was. And he had a concussion they mentioned multiple times during the night! I just remembered that. C'mon, like I said, he was a corpse by that point, Edge was just a wrestler that had taken an extremely severe beating. Look how he was able to pop up, spear Flair and beat him down right after the match.

Look, I'm not saying Flair should have won. Of course not. But the finish could have been something better than Flair, who was just VIBRANT AND ALIVE~! beating up Lita, to suddenly completely lose it do a sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow climb (mainly because the dead Edge took forever to get back) Stand there with his hand on the belt like a fool and then get thwarted by a a series punches causing him to sloooooooooooooooooooowly fall down.


Hell, even if you want to do everything up until the two men duking it out on the ladder, there had to be some other way to end it then the old man falling down in a slow and comical fashion. Couldn't they have saved one of Ric Flair's death bumps for the finish?

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
It was flat, and a very poor choice for a finish.

That's all I'm saying. I thought it was awesome up until then. And its not as if the finish ruined it or anything, but with even a decent finish, I think the match becomes something special.

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Man, a lot of slip ups last night.


Coach: “. . . take his level to a new game.”


Lillian: “the last –masterlock challenge . . .”


The botch fest with the women’s match (specifically that hurracarana with somebody holding trish).


Masters looking into the wrong camera.


There were a few others, but I can’t remember them.


Cena got cheered. I really hop they don’t take this the wrong way and put the belt back on him. Seriously though, not switching the spinning belt is a major indication that Edge’s title reign was nothing more than a band-aid for the fans booing Cena.

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As dumb as it is to do the "Shelton's Mama" angle in the first place, Thea is doing a great job of putting just enough sass in her character w/o it going over the top.


That said, I'm sure Vince will have her join Styles in his office and give a stern warning to the both of them about how to "tell a story" the right way.

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Flair vs Edge was better than I expected it to be, but the finish was rather anti-climatic.

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I checked out the Unlimited stuff and Cena got this shit booed out of him after Edge attacked him during the Masterlock.


They cannot, and I mean cannot, just take the belt off Edge. He's getting over well. I'm thinking Cena/Hogan for WM.

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I think John Cena sucks, but lets please not do a "Cena's getting some boo's but not as many as last week, He's actually getting more cheers, this is the don't boo cena segment" crap every week.

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Can someone get me a good picture of Kurt Angle with the World Heavyweight Title around his waist that I could use for my signature?


Bout the same size as the Edge picture in my sig, if possible.

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Of all the TLC matches that one told by far the best story. An honest legit ****.

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