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Gary Floyd

"Silent Hill" trailer now online

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So far, so I'll see it on opening night. My ONLY point of contention is the saran-wrap zombies should be bloody. Thyey just should. Videodrome has got the market with straining against latex.

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It looks like I just about called this one a couple of days ago, although not here at TSM:


I just wanna toss this one out there.


I've seen many people get very excited about this flick, in a big way. I think it's quite possible that this could be one of the biggest letdowns of the entire year, which is why I haven't allowed myself to get my hopes up at all.


I'm just sayin', it might not be the film that many are expecting it to be. It wouldn't shock me at all for this one to get horrible, horrible reviews (as well as, you know, being a flat out bad movie).


I hope I'm wrong though.


I'd be willing to bet that many, if not most, of the fans of the video game will find something to like about this one. However, those of us who don't care that it's based on the game (I'm a big fan of the game) and just want to see a good movie will more than likely be let down, once again. Right now it's sitting at 33% overall and 0% CotC (then again, the CotC only has two reviews posted so far).


"Silent Hill has plenty of bad acting, bad dialogue and a confusing plot -- all of which become exponentially more painful when the movie goes on forever."





"This one is dumber than a bag of coffin nails, despite the directing hand of Christophe Gans."


-- Peter Howell, TORONTO STAR



"The problem is, Hill gets lost in the foaming desire by Gans to maintain the movement and depth of the game, leaving the action lifeless and dreadfully repetitive."


-- Brian Orndorf, EFILMCRITIC.COM



"Uwe Boll had nothing to do with this movie, but it has his general feeling of murkiness and poor plot structure."


-- Kevin Carr, 7M PICTURES



"It's like a video game - the visual effects and the setting are carefully constructed, but without that core element provided by the player: a reason to care."





"While this latest video game adaptation will most likely thrill its legions of fans with its graphic demonic depictions, the overblown plot deters the film from being a true fright fest."



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I don't give a shit about the negative reviews, I saw the film today and I loved it.


As far as video game movies goes, it's pretty much the best one ever. That's probably a dubious honor, but honestly, I thought it was good. I found it to be a more entertaining film than the vast majority of major Hollywood horror flicks of the past few years.

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It was bad. The acting was horrible, the plot was flimsy at best, there is no horror and no tension to be seen or heard in any scene and actually wasn't worth the 7 bucks I laid down for it.


It's got nice visuals and sticks very very true to the game in terms of feel but the best parts of Silent Hill are just lost in the quick shuffle. I'm sure the video game fans will love it as it is probably as true to a game as you are ever going to get, but it's a very weak movie in so many areas.


Boring, beauty and bland.



If you aren't a fan of the game, save your damn money.

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Just to update, it's at 17% and 0% now at RT. From what I've read, here is what I think is fair to say:


-If you aren't a big time fan of the game, then stay away for sure.


-Even if you are a big time fan of the game, think before you blindly go to see it, because it's about 50/50 if you'll enjoy it or not.


Even CHUD gave it a score of 3.5/10.

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Very hit and miss. Overall I enjoyed it, but I can see why it's getting flak.


Also, shame on Gans for only sticking with SH1's style for about 30 minutes, then shooting the entire rest of the goddamn movie indoors. The scariest parts of SH1 were wandering around outside, with shit chasing you that you couldn't see while your radio was going crazy and aaaaaaagh what the fuck.


First 30 minutes got this right.


Last 90 didn't come anywhere close.


Also, the games use silence very well. The movie had music in every fucking shot. Bad form.


Still, overall I think it was more hit than miss. They did enough right for me to feel like I got my money's worth.

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Very hit and miss. Overall I enjoyed it, but I can see why it's getting flak.


Also, shame on Gans for only sticking with SH1's style for about 30 minutes, then shooting the entire rest of the goddamn movie indoors. The scariest parts of SH1 were wandering around outside, with shit chasing you that you couldn't see while your radio was going crazy and aaaaaaagh what the fuck.


First 30 minutes got this right.


Last 90 didn't come anywhere close.


Also, the games use silence very well. The movie had music in every fucking shot. Bad form.


Still, overall I think it was more hit than miss. They did enough right for me to feel like I got my money's worth.


That's weird. I thought walking around outside was by far the least scariest part in SH1. Silence isn't scary. Fog isn't scary. Being warned ahead of time that a monster was about to strike certainly isn't scary. And the bats, or whatever they were flying around, were pretty much the opposite of scary. The scariest parts of SH1 was the reverse School, the hospital, and the sewers... for the most part because of the music. And also because they made you feel more claustrophobic and trapped.

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I thought it was alright, not the best but good for what it was worth.


There are some REALLY cool scenes in it that make the admission worth it.

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Very hit and miss. Overall I enjoyed it, but I can see why it's getting flak.


Also, shame on Gans for only sticking with SH1's style for about 30 minutes, then shooting the entire rest of the goddamn movie indoors. The scariest parts of SH1 were wandering around outside, with shit chasing you that you couldn't see while your radio was going crazy and aaaaaaagh what the fuck.


First 30 minutes got this right.


Last 90 didn't come anywhere close.


Also, the games use silence very well. The movie had music in every fucking shot. Bad form.


Still, overall I think it was more hit than miss. They did enough right for me to feel like I got my money's worth.


That's weird. I thought walking around outside was by far the least scariest part in SH1. Silence isn't scary. Fog isn't scary. Being warned ahead of time that a monster was about to strike certainly isn't scary. And the bats, or whatever they were flying around, were pretty much the opposite of scary. The scariest parts of SH1 was the reverse School, the hospital, and the sewers... for the most part because of the music. And also because they made you feel more claustrophobic and trapped.


Silence isn't scary? The hell it's not. The whole shtick of the first game was you would hear NOTHING but Harry's footsteps, so that when you started to hear the "schshhshc" of the radio, you immediately tense up. And in the streets, either due to fog or darkness, you can't see any more than ten feet in any direction - walking along for a while, hearing nothing but your footsteps, then a quiet "schshshshchc" growing louder and louder, even though you can't see what's making it or which direction it's coming from? Awesome.


Indoors, all you had to do was run to a door to escape whatever sticky situation you were in. Outdoors, you had no such luxury.

Edited by chirs3

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As long as the music is the 'dark world' music (Think the Reznor soundtrack to Quake, only LESS musical) I have no problem.


The first two Silent Hill games were great. 3 was pretty good. The Room ate ass.

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This was terrible. I've never played the game. It did look like a game, I'm guessing a lot of the shots were straight out of it, but the movie was slow and boring.


I'm actually surprised that anyone liked it...what was there to like? Seriously. Maybe the gore at the end if you're big into gore, but you have to sleep through 2 hours of crap to get there.

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