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Gary Floyd

"Slither" Red Band Trailer Up

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Wow, it's at 90% now at RT! I think it'll end up at around 75% or so, which would be great for a flick like this.


Then again, it might fall like a brick after more of the more stuck up critics submit their reviews.


Is it wrong that every time I see the following picture, I see a huge obese woman's naked breast with a big ol' hairy nipple and two crusty warts on the sides?



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This is pretty cool. The red band trailer, and some clips.

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Here's my review-



2006 is shaping up to be “The Year of the Shitty Horror Movie.” Look at what we’ve had to endure so far: THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE! IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME….YOU DIE FOR REAL and my personal favourite: MISTAH WILL YOU PLAY WITH US?


Slither is different then these movies in that it knows its plot is stupid and ridiculous and has fun with it. While I was rarely scared, I was enjoying myself because Slither is so funny.


In Slither some sort of slugs come to Earth and infects some guy who turns into a gross looking thing. Soon people turn into zombies and the four main stars of the movie have to figure out how to not die for 45 minutes. That’s the basic plot, as Slither knows no one cares about plot exposition and wastes little time on it.


Much of the humour comes from Nathan Fillion, who plays a cop. Fillion is an expert at the art of deadpan and is able to keep the story going when the zombies get boring. Fillion is essentially playing the role of audience, constantly making comments about how stupid and ridiculous events are getting as the story develops. Before you sit there and say, “What the fuck?”, Fillion has already beaten you to the comment, and it’s funnier then anything you were going to say. Gregg Henry (another Firefly alum) provides comic relief in a supporting role. Writer/director James Gunn knows zombie movies are stupid, and always makes sure the audience is in on the joke.


The big checkmark against Slither is that as a horror movie, it sucks. Gunn uses the same old tired BOO techniques that have become stale. The movie is simply never scary, and Gunn tries to overcompensate by upping the gore factor. The movie’s gross, but you never get the sense that anyone is truly in danger. This bogs down the last part of the movie, as the one-liners stop coming and it’s more about how they can stop the zombies.

Gunn redeems himself with a very funny climax involving a grenade. And the reference to Troma is a nice homage.


Overall, Slither is a fun and a refreshing addition to the tired horror genre. It never slows down and is always entertaining. Gunn did a good job of getting the right mix of people to work with and they all know how to work with what they’ve been given. There’s enough gore to satisfy the gore fans, enough horror to satisfy the horror fans and there’s a lot of mocking of horror to satisfy the people like me who couldn’t give a shit about zombies.


And for you all fans of The Office, you’ll be happy to know that Jenna Fisher has a small role as a receptionist. Apparently she slept with the director/writer to get the part, as James Gunn is her husband.

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Good review Bob. I might write a review for it on my blog.

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Ebert gave it two stars. Well, at least it's better than the ratings he usually gives these kinds of movies


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He says it works, which sounds more like a thumbs up than **. Ebert generally gives thumbs up to something that, while for everyone wouldn't be good, for people who would want to see a movie like that, it would be good to them.

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Ebert kind of explains the rating in the review, but it sounds more like a **1/2 review. But Ebert always says to read the review, not the ratings, and it sounds like he liked it.


Is Silent Hill the movie where the girl gets lost in the small town and the mom goes to look for her and well, that never ends well. I think I might have seen a trailer for it in front of Running Scared.


I also reviewed Basic Instinct 2, although I'm sure no one wants to read that.

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I just saw this today, and I have to say: Bob, you're WRONG, and Ebert's right.


This is an okay film. But that's it. I was entertained, but I didn't find it nearly as funny as some are making it out to be or nearly as entertaining as I thought it would be. It has a few moments, but that's it. The remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" was a MUCH better film, across the board (even though that was just straight up horror).


Not that this is a bad film, because it isn't, but it's just....okay. It's worth a rental or worth watching on TV like if it were on HBO or some other cable movie channel. But it's not good enough to deserve such a great rating on RT nor is it worthy of fanboy gushing (which I can see happening, possibly due to Nathan Fillion's "Firefly" connection). Ebert's right this time, the film's about ** out of four. Or ** 1/2 out of five, whatever your system is. Bottom line, it's middle of the road. It's alright, but that's about it.

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Not really, especially when a lot of what he says is right.


Other peoples' opinions are only right when they agree with yours.

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Is Silent Hill the movie where the girl gets lost in the small town and the mom goes to look for her and well, that never ends well. I think I might have seen a trailer for it in front of Running Scared.



Yes, and if it's anything like the video game which it's based on, it will mak your testicles ascend into your abdomen. Good cast too. Rhada Mitchell from Pitch Black and Melinda & Melinda, and Sean Bean.



The rapingest, killingest, scariest villain ever.

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Ok, is this pure horror or is it like a horror/comedy?


It's a horror comedy. Almost to the point where it's a spoof, but not quite, because the story is somewhat serious, unlike, say, Scary Movie 4.


Silent Hill is the film I'm most looking forward to in the month of April, but I fear it will be killed at the box office because it's opening the same day as "The Sentinel", which I think will probably do pretty good business.

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I like horror films, and I thought it was mediocre. Bob doesn't like horror films and liked it.


They did something wrong with this movie, then.


ok, so if someone doesn't really like horror movies, but liked something like Shaun of the Dead, they'd like this?


Maybe. Although I thought Shaun of the Dead was a much more entertaining and well-executed horror comedy than this. And this is coming from a guy who thinks that Shaun of the Dead is a bit overrated (I really enjoy it, own it on DVD, but c'mon, there are some people who claim it's one of the best zombie films of all time, which it isn't).

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Yea, as I said in my review I thought as a horror movie it sucked.


And I've never seen Firefly or Serenity, so I don't know Nathan Fillion at all, and I think he's hilarious

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I just got back from seeing this, and I must say that my steak continues. I saw The Hills Have Eyes, Inside Man, V for Vendetta, and now this, Slither, and I've loved them all. Slither was also the most entertaining flick of them all to me.


I don't understand how anyone who enjoys horror or campy flicks at all can say that they don't like this movie. The movie flew by, as it was working on all cylinders. The filmmakers didn't just string out the flick just for the sake of length. They set it up, put the plot in motion, and drove it straight home without any shitty subplots or anything like that.


It had some fantastic hilarious lines, like

"What kind of thing wants you to eat it!?"

, it had aliens, zombies, a little nudity, slug creatures, gore, a Lloyd Kaufman cameo, tons of things done in homage to other flicks, and on and on and on. It walks that fine line between straight up horror and straight up comedy/parody, and it does it pretty much flawlessly.


It's the best film of it's kind since Shaun of the Dead. I wish that we could have more flicks like this in theaters more often, because they are so damn fun and entertaining to watch. James Gunn is well on his way to doing even greater things, and I can't wait to see what comes next.


The ratings are deserved, you should believe the hype.


We've had a botload of shitty horror flicks over the past few years, but this sure as hell isn't one of them.

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Just saw it, and loved it. Most fun I've had in the theatre in ages.

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Everything you said is fine, and I even backed up a lot of it in my above post, except for the part where you said it straight up sucked in terms of the horror. But you don't even like horror movies at all, so there ya go. It isn't actually frightening or anything like that, but the elements of horror in the flick were done fine to me, and I watch a shit load of horror movies.


Of course I marked for Pam. I mark for her every single time I ever see her. :)

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Downhome's out of his fucking mind. It's nowhere NEAR on the same level as Shaun of the Dead, and more entertaining than "Inside Man"? That's going to be one of the contenders for best film of the year, even though it is a Spike Lee joint.


The movie was okay. That's it. You're starting this fanboy bullshit about it, though, and it doesn't deserve it.

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I'm out of my fucking mind for liking a movie that you didn't really care for, holy crap! I said:


It's the best film of it's kind since Shaun of the Dead.


and most people who have seen the flick agree with me. From the moment I saw the trailer, I knew that I'd love it, and I knew a cult following would begin. Yeah, I was more entertained by Slither than Inside Man. It had me laughing throughout most of it, enjoying the homage's to all of the other flicks, loving the gore that we saw, and really digging the unusual plot. I wasn't as entertained by Inside Man all the way through as I was with this one, so sue me.


And I'm not starting any fanboy shit. I've been behind this flick for months, and to me it delivered everything that I was expecting.


Once this one started to actually get good reviews from critics, I predicted that there would be certain horror fans that turn on it. I'm not saying that's what you are dong, if you didn't like it all that much that's cool, but I do think that's going to happen for some fucked up reason.


It's a campy B movie, with money behind it as well as a major studio, and that pisses some people off for some reason.

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Once this one started to actually get good reviews from critics, I predicted that there would be certain horror fans that turn on it.


Ditto. Those kinds of horror fans suck IMO, and take the fun out of everything.



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That's exactly right lovecraft231.


Also, there is a quick scene after the credits. I didn't stay long enough to see it, but I've been told that it's

a quick shot of a cat getting a little taste of what Grant got to start the whole thing. You know, for the sequel.


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