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Lesnar court case update

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In the latest on the Brock Lesnar/WWE case regarding his ability to work even though he signed a non-compete contract breach settlement through 2010:


*Judge Christopher Droney was originally going to rule today on a summary judgement. He had given WWE until today to give him a good reason why Lesnar shouldn't be free and clear to work worldwide, for whomever he close.


*On Monday, WWE asked for an indefinite extension to come up with a written argument.


*Droney today ordered both sides in court on Friday to deliver a maximum of 20 minute verbal arguments. He will then rule, not necessarily on Friday, but likely shortly thereafter, on whether to dismiss the case or keep it going.


Just posted by Da Meltz.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Does "I'm Vince McMahon, DAMMIT!" count as a good reason?


In all seriousness, the fact that the legal team is requesting an indefinate extension shows they got nothin'.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Deliver a maximum of 20 minute verbal arguments?? Sounds like it's time to call in Triple H.

Maximum, not minimum.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

I'm calling on Rudo to give us Triple H presenting a legal argument in the style of Unfrozen Caveman from SNL.

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The "indefinite extension" for coming up with a written argument stuff is hilarious.


"You have until (date) to give me a good reason."


WWE: "Umm....could I get an extension on that? Like...I dunno...until sometime...in the future. A while from now? That'd be great."

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Deliver a maximum of 20 minute verbal arguments?? Sounds like it's time to call in Triple H.


"You see your honour, Brock Lesnar signed a contract. He put the pen to the paper, and he signed that contract. And you see when he signed that contract, it was a binding contract. Which he signed. He signed the contract with a pen, and then it was signed. Just like that, it was signed by Brock Lesner. Watch the Royal Rumble this Sunday."


Actually Triple H should go to Capitol Hill and become a politician. He could filibuster like nobody else.



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This is not going to be good for the WWE. I don't know how U.S contract law varies from the one down here, but the no compete clause is is a restraint of trade. It should be overturned because the duration of it is extreme from when it was terminated. Unless they can prove that it was reasonable for them to have it so long, which i doubt they can, Brock has this in the bag

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Guest InuYasha
I'm calling on Rudo to give us Triple H presenting a legal argument in the style of Unfrozen Caveman from SNL.

Ah, Phil Hartman; you are truly missed.

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The "indefinite extension" for coming up with a written argument stuff is hilarious.


"You have until (date) to give me a good reason."


WWE: "Umm....could I get an extension on that? Like...I dunno...until sometime...in the future. A while from now? That'd be great."


The judge, obviously, isn't an idiot, so he knows that's just a really pathetic attempt by the WWE to keep things in limbo, which is to say, keep Brock in legal limbo and try and still bleed him dry with legal costs.


I really don't see this going well for the WWE. Best case scenario for them is that Brock can't work in North America for a competitor (i.e. TNA), but I doubt they'll get that much. Brock's probably going to win this one.

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Vince's ego will never let that happen.


If Lesnar wins, and he realistically could, it wouldn't surprise me to see the WWE do something to bury him in the future, because we all know Vince doesn't handle defeat well. Maybe we'll see a "Self-Destruction of Brock Lesnar" DVD project down the road.

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What exactly was the reason why Brock left millions of dollars behind in the WWE? I forget...


Two reasons.


1) Thought he could become an NFL player. WWE was ok with this and even wanted to do a press conference to announce one of their wrestlers was going to attempt to make it in the NFL. Lesnar's people told him that would not be a wise move because Lesnar is attempting to go to a legit sport and he was already going to start having credibility issues just attempting this.


2) Hated the schedule. He didn't mind being a pro wrestler, but hated the travel.

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The "indefinite extension" for coming up with a written argument stuff is hilarious.


"You have until (date) to give me a good reason."


WWE: "Umm....could I get an extension on that? Like...I dunno...until sometime...in the future. A while from now? That'd be great."

How about 2010? That'll long enough for us to get our research on this case.


[/WWE logic]

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Judge Christopher Droney granted a WWE motion to delay the scheduled hearing tomorrow for the company to oppose a summary judgment that would result in Brock Lesnar's non-compete being thrown out. The new date for the hearing is 2/8.


Both the WWE side and Lesnar's side each have 20 minutes before Droney, who will then decide whether to throw out WWE's claim and allow Lesnar to wrestle world wide, or keep the case going forward.


Da Meltz.

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