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Guest Duke_The_Dog

WON Notes - HHH rips Angle - Legends coming back

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Finlay’s debut brought in 500,000 extra viewers a rare occurrence for a new guy


Awesome news for Finlay. I was at work the other day talking with one of my friends who watches wrestling only casually... and he brought up Finlay fucking up Matt Hardy and Funaki the past two nights. He loves the guy and wants to see him fuck more shit up. I think Finlay is gonna get over well guys.


Yeah, it's weird. I have a friend who is more of a casual wrestling fan nowadays, though he was hardcore into it during the "Monday Night Wars". He mentioned seeing Fit Finlay's debut and said "yeah, he's better than he used to be." I asked "you mean he's in better shape?" "No, he's more violent!" Seems like WWE might have a popular midcarder on their hands.

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I never understood Jose Lethario being brought in to manage HBK. Frankly, most WWF fans at the time had no idea who he was (my friends and I had never heard of him), so there wasn't any name value with him. I understood having him appear in Shawn Michaels' training videos, since obviously he was gearing up for the big match against Bret Hart. But having him come in and manage HBK? Didn't make any sense. You have this cool, cocky, young babyface that chicks dig, and set him up with this 60 year old Hispanic guy? He didn't have any mic skills, either. Seemed pretty silly to me. I think I feel the same about Misterio Sr...might be cool to see him training Rey Jr. for his match at Wrestlemania, but I hope they don't make him a recurring character.


Shawn wanted him to be there, and it worked with the context of the whole "boyhood dream" thing for Jose to be ringside for at least WMXII but he really wasn't neccesary beyond that. The fact Jose stayed around for almost a year, wasn't helping Shawn's cool-ness that he supposedly had.

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Poor Randy... he's doomed for failure if they main event him with Angle...


WTF? Randy couldn't even lick the sweat off Angle's nutsuck. Angle on his worse day >>>>>>> Orton on his greatest day.


Orton Vs. Angle is interesting because it's never happen before, but I still want to see Rey main event Wrestlemania, even if he doesn't win the title.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Orton Vs. Angle is interesting because it's never happen before,

I wouldn't go that far. Probably just leave it at "Orton vs. Angle has never happened before"

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is Finlay their answer to Samoa Joe?


who'd win that in a legit fight?


They'd both send each other to the hospital, both Samoans and Irish people can fight and take a beating.

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is Finlay their answer to Samoa Joe?


who'd win that in a legit fight?


They'd both send each other to the hospital, both Samoans and Irish people can fight and take a beating.


Dont forget 'wear red dragon shirts' and 'get drunk'.

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The kneejerk reaction to those HHH comments are "HHH is a fuckwad for saying that about Angle." But then I thought about it, and frankly he's right. Both Angle and Jericho to my way of thinking were not 100% heels in the Cena feuds. Heels shouldn't be right about things or bring up legitimate shortcomings in the face, since the fans will start listening and siding with the heel.


Jericho picked up for Christian in criticizing Cena for being a Marky Mark/Vanilla Ice wannabe, and said that his rock band Fozzy was better than Cena's rap. Rap is a polarizing form of music, so quite a few people sided with Jericho. I don't think Jericho was even meant to be a serious threat, but he still has fans who objected to him being pushed as such a joke challenger.


Angle kept mentioning that he was obviously the superior wrestler and people agreed with him. Add to it that Kurt has never exactly gotten the right reactions for any length of time, and thus fans sided with him.


Edge played an excellent heel vs. Cena. Note that in the past few weeks Cena had been cheered mostly and booed sparingly. Edge is great at playing a total scumbag lowlife, someone who wants no sympathy from the crowd and while he believes he is right in his own mind, he doesn't have such blowaway in ring skills that he can criticize Cena's. Until last night he was also booked strongly in that he actually beat Cena for the title.


Basically they REALLY fucked up last night.


As far as the Terry Funk ONS II stuff goes, what does it mean that he'll be the main draw? I'd think anyone would realize that show should be built around RVD, especially given his promo at the PPV last year saying how much the show meant to him.

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The kneejerk reaction to those HHH comments are "HHH is a fuckwad for saying that about Angle." But then I thought about it, and frankly he's right. Both Angle and Jericho to my way of thinking were not 100% heels in the Cena feuds. Heels shouldn't be right about things or bring up legitimate shortcomings in the face, since the fans will start listening and siding with the heel.


Jericho picked up for Christian in criticizing Cena for being a Marky Mark/Vanilla Ice wannabe, and said that his rock band Fozzy was better than Cena's rap. Rap is a polarizing form of music, so quite a few people sided with Jericho. I don't think Jericho was even meant to be a serious threat, but he still has fans who objected to him being pushed as such a joke challenger.


Angle kept mentioning that he was obviously the superior wrestler and people agreed with him. Add to it that Kurt has never exactly gotten the right reactions for any length of time, and thus fans sided with him.


Edge played an excellent heel vs. Cena. Note that in the past few weeks Cena had been cheered mostly and booed sparingly. Edge is great at playing a total scumbag lowlife, someone who wants no sympathy from the crowd and while he believes he is right in his own mind, he doesn't have such blowaway in ring skills that he can criticize Cena's. Until last night he was also booked strongly in that he actually beat Cena for the title.


Basically they REALLY fucked up last night.


As far as the Terry Funk ONS II stuff goes, what does it mean that he'll be the main draw? I'd think anyone would realize that show should be built around RVD, especially given his promo at the PPV last year saying how much the show meant to him.

I'm not conviced that Cena's heel heat wasn't all his fault.


Let's face it. They couldn't shove him down our throats week after week doing these OMG overcoming the odds matches and expect him to be the company's babyface.


If it were HHH vs. Cena instead of Angle in that drawn out, incredibaly unrealistic feud, would Cena still have gotten crapped on? I think so.

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The kneejerk reaction to those HHH comments are "HHH is a fuckwad for saying that about Angle." But then I thought about it, and frankly he's right. Both Angle and Jericho to my way of thinking were not 100% heels in the Cena feuds. Heels shouldn't be right about things or bring up legitimate shortcomings in the face, since the fans will start listening and siding with the heel.


If that is the case then HHH is an even worse heel than them. There hasn't been another wrestler who has continuously taken cheat shots, belittled his opponents or/and gone out of his way to expose their weaknesses like HHH has. Just look back at his fueds with RVD, Jericho and Booker T.

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Somewhat true on both fronts. It's Cena's ring work and the fans were seeing Jericho and Angle carrying the feuds. The wwe can't put out DVDs like Warrior's and not expect fans to pick up on stuff like that in today's environment. It's their own booking and writing that's causing some of this. When they have Angle spouting off on the troops the fans aren't buying it because they know he's just doing it to negate his cheers against Cena. I will give Edge a lot of credit for being a heel and staying a full heel.

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Orlando Jordon’s Boyfriend will be played by one of his real life friends


What, what the hell is this? Why are they doing this? You have Orlando finally do something interesting in his career by standing up to Booker T and his hoodrat wife only to turn him gay. GAY?! He just turned face and now you're turning him gay? It's hard enough for a black wrestler to get over, but a GAY black wrestler?Can anyone give me some background on this gimmick change because since no one quoted this tidbit it is obviously old news I missed out on.


Doesn't sound like you're too fond of gay folk there, babe ;)

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Orlando Jordon’s Boyfriend will be played by one of his real life friends


What, what the hell is this? Why are they doing this? You have Orlando finally do something interesting in his career by standing up to Booker T and his hoodrat wife only to turn him gay. GAY?! He just turned face and now you're turning him gay? It's hard enough for a black wrestler to get over, but a GAY black wrestler?Can anyone give me some background on this gimmick change because since no one quoted this tidbit it is obviously old news I missed out on.


It's one of those "playing to reality" deals, basically taking the real identity of the wrestler and making it his character.

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Carmen Electra’s Naked Women’s Wrestling League (booked by Dory Funk jr) recently taped a TV pilot and PPV. Jimmy Hart and April Hunter were both on air talent.




How can Vince compete with Naked women wrestling? Goodbye Divas..

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Carmen Electra’s Naked Women’s Wrestling League (booked by Dory Funk jr) recently taped a TV pilot and PPV. Jimmy Hart and April Hunter were both on air talent.




How can Vince compete with Naked women wrestling? Goodbye Divas..


The one time I saw an episode, all of the women were severe butterfaces, and their bodies weren't that good either.

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It was a while ago and I want to say yes, but it wasn't anything you wouldn't see in a playboy fluff piece for like a PMOM so that's how tame it was. The only difference being most of these chicks were beastly in the face. WEW's gratuitous nudity between matches had more "value" than an entire NWWL show.

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Guest Samantha
Shannon Moore is dating Droz ex wife


What happened to his wife... did I miss something?

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Honestly, if you had a Cena/HHH feud that lasted as long as the Angle feud...there would be no heat. The reaction would end up similar to Orton/HHH where the heat would die totally and no one would boo Cena, no one would cheer Cena, no one would care period.

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Shannon Moore is dating Droz ex wife


What happened to his wife... did I miss something?


She heard what Warrior said, realised that she was, in fact, married to a cripple, and left him for the Prince of Punk.

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Terry Funk will be the main draw of One Night Stand II


Terry Funk seriously needs to retire already.

Agreed, I love the guy, but if you saw him at Hardcore Homecoming, he could barely walk, Tammy Candido was helping him into the ring

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Terry Funk will be the main draw of One Night Stand II


Terry Funk seriously needs to retire already.

That needed to be done ten years ago.

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HHH says Cena is being boo’d cause Angle doesn’t know how to play heel


Neither does Edge or Jericho, I guess.


The Rumble match is the template for how Triple H will bury Cena for good at Wrestlemania. Destroy him for 20 minutes ala Austin, then pin him clean in the ring with a Pedigree.


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I honestly don't see how they can do another ECW PPV considering how many people that were on that show that they can't use now.

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Guest Dr Stupid
I honestly don't see how they can do another ECW PPV considering how many people that were on that show that they can't use now.


That's probably why they want to use Terry Funk as a main draw. At least this time they can have RVD work a match.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees


Orlando Jordon’s Boyfriend will be played by one of his real life friends


What, what the hell is this? Why are they doing this? You have Orlando finally do something interesting in his career by standing up to Booker T and his hoodrat wife only to turn him gay. GAY?! He just turned face and now you're turning him gay? It's hard enough for a black wrestler to get over, but a GAY black wrestler?Can anyone give me some background on this gimmick change because since no one quoted this tidbit it is obviously old news I missed out on.


It's one of those "playing to reality" deals, basically taking the real identity of the wrestler and making it his character.

Orlando's gay?

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I honestly don't see how they can do another ECW PPV considering how many people that were on that show that they can't use now.


That's probably why they want to use Terry Funk as a main draw. At least this time they can have RVD work a match.


They can pull it off. They either have or can get Sandman, Funk, Dreamer, Corino, Credible, New Jack, Da Baldies (for New Jack to destroy), cameos from Austin and Cactus Jack, bWo, Psicosis, Crazy, RVD, Spike Dudley (since he probably won't be coming to TNA), Kid Kash, Lance Storm, The FBI, Balls and Axl, Doring/Roadkill, Al Snow, Johnny Swinger, Taz, and Whipwreck.


That could be a fun show.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Orlando Jordon’s Boyfriend will be played by one of his real life friends
What, what the hell is this? Why are they doing this? You have Orlando finally do something interesting in his career by standing up to Booker T and his hoodrat wife only to turn him gay. GAY?! He just turned face and now you're turning him gay? It's hard enough for a black wrestler to get over, but a GAY black wrestler?Can anyone give me some background on this gimmick change because since no one quoted this tidbit it is obviously old news I missed out on.
It's one of those "playing to reality" deals, basically taking the real identity of the wrestler and making it his character.
Orlando's gay?


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