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Let's Create Terrible Gimmicks for WWE!

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I didn't read the whole thread...and I'm not like some huge MST3K fan. I love the name, and I am fucking amazing, but even I find it hard to sit through Manos even with the bots. That's one harsh fucking film.


I'm still a big "I Accuse My Parents" fan, which makes me want to have RVD walk around with drunken parents and asking people if they "remember when he main evented" over and over and over before he ends up joining the mob and teaming up with some lounge singin' broad at a shoe store.



EDIT: And I dig Disney references more.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

HueyISscrewy: Remeber Hogan's on the Today show 2morrow, My VCR is set

NNCTInc: I will BLOW up my v.c.r. if I record that.

HueyISscrewy: I hope Buck hurries out of the store, cause I have to bring him home

NNCTInc: Just "forget" him like you have done in the past.

HueyISscrewy: I'm an icon, Katie, buy my book brotha!

NNCTInc: First, learn how to talk, old fart!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: I slammed Andre ya know brotha!

NNCTInc: Yep, after he jumped so you could do it!!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: I'm gonna take these 24 inch pythons....and a few prozac...and run wild on you....brotha!

NNCTInc: First, you have to catch me, sista!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: I can run...that is I could run....watch this clip of me and Dwayne...that's what rocky lets me call him, cause I'm a much bigger star than him...brotha

HueyISscrewy: On the plus side Triple H thinks his arm or wrist is broke....no HHH on Raw = Good....

NNCTInc: Well, lets examine that last statement. You, Hogan, have made several films that NEVER made any money, your t.v. series got cancelled after one year and you NEVER hosted saturday night live. The Rock, on the other hand, has hosted Saturday Night Live three times, his movie mad a ton of money, and Hollywood is giving him the royal treatment. So, whos the bigger star?

NNCTInc: And I am happy that Triple H isn't on Raw. But, I bet he is back next week to interfer in the RVD vs. HBK match.

NNCTInc: Hogan, plus you LOST your match to Rock at Wrestlemania!!!

HueyISscrewy: No I didn't brotha....errrr.....buy my book....out everywhere...November 19th


HueyISscrewy: I beat Andre see, but I had a torn chest muscle, and Andre was "shooting" on me....I'm just thankful I was able to stop him for my Hulkamaniacs

NNCTInc: Until you needed the money, right?!!!!

HueyISscrewy: Money...I did it for the love of my Country I beat the big nasty giant from France

NNCTInc: Please, YOU did for the love the american dollar!!!!!

NNCTInc: Especially when you did that horrible angle involving Sgt. Slaughter and the gulf war.

HueyISscrewy: (Sulks into chair)

NNCTInc: AHHH, are you crying?

HueyISscrewy: (Falls to knees...)


HueyISscrewy: (Arms start shaking...)

NNCTInc: I don't want to see anything that small and shriveled up close!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: (Head bobs maniacally)

HueyISscrewy: (Bandana flys off)

NNCTInc: Bloody hell!!!!! *Grabs shock pads and gives you twenty good shocks to the chest*

NNCTInc: *Laughs as you fall to the ground and wet yourself*

HueyISscrewy: (Hulk stands *no sells death*....rips his tailor made suit in half

HueyISscrewy: (Points finger)

NNCTInc: *Gets picture of Ric Flair out* THIS man will ALWAYS be better than you!!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: Puches out stagehand who tries to stop him)

NNCTInc: Laughing uncrontablly at Hogan's tirade!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: (Trips over coffee table..burns hot coffee on his sagging chest

NNCTInc: (Watches Hogan scream and cry like the little BITCH he is)

HueyISscrewy: (Randy Savage appears in the window outside of Today set)

HueyISscrewy: (Savage Scales side of building....

NNCTInc: (Also, sees Roddy Piper watching from the catwalk)

NNCTInc: (Piper swoops down from the catwalk)

HueyISscrewy: Savage hits flying elbow through roof onto hogan's lifeless body

NNCTInc: Piper grabs chair and cracks Savage's head WIDE open.

HueyISscrewy: Zues storms in and protects his old friend Macho Man

NNCTInc: Macho is DEAD!!!! Piper then nails Zeus with chair!!!

HueyISscrewy: Piper gets tackled by Hillbilly Jim....soon we find out Piper doesn't wear underwear under his kilt...as Hillbilly Jim has him "squealing " like a pig

NNCTInc: SUDDENLY, King Kong Bundy swoops down from the cieling and squashes Zeus, Piper, and Hillbilly Jim!!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: The Ultimate Warrior runs in clotheslines Bundy and looks into the camera and sez: To think, act and believe through my own thoughts and actions in a manner, alone and while interacting with all others, that convinces any eyes and ears upon me that each human life is to be made important and taken serious, and that one should do in one's lifetime that which will live forever.





HueyISscrewy: (*Beats chest...runs off)

NNCTInc: Kevin Nash and Scott Hall come walking in.

HueyISscrewy: X - Pac sneaks behind them....

NNCTInc: Nash turns around real quick and powerbombs X-Pac through table.

HueyISscrewy: Nash while doing siad move tears his surgically repaired quad

HueyISscrewy: Halls swigs at his flask

NNCTInc: Scott Hall laughs at Nash on ground and throws up on him.

HueyISscrewy: Hacksaw Jim Duggan wals in in his janitor out fit....

HueyISscrewy: followed by Duke the Dumpster Drose

NNCTInc: Max Moon steps on in and proceeds to "moon" everybody.

HueyISscrewy: Duggan drops his trash can in disgust and Oscar the Grouch crawls out....

NNCTInc: Desperatley looking for Big Bird because he needs a new place to "nest"

HueyISscrewy: Oscar calls in That Huge Mother Fucking Muppet who used to carry him around and THE HMFM lays out everyone

NNCTInc: Then I emerge from the shadows and burn this WHOLE MOTHER TO THE GROUND!!!!

HueyISscrewy: But from the ashes arises Kane!

NNCTInc: Runs away very scared.

HueyISscrewy: He digs up one of the charred corpses....

HueyISscrewy: and fucks it into ash

HueyISscrewy: "ahhh...Ka-tee"

NNCTInc: THATS JUST TERRIBLE!!!!! That has been the MOST disgusting angle I have seen in quite some time.

HueyISscrewy: Papa Shongo shows up and regenerates the body of "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan

NNCTInc: Bloody Hell!!!! I come back and KILL Shango before he can complete the process. Hogan is now just a brainless zombie.

NNCTInc: Hogan joins the WWE writing staff and becomes head writer.

HueyISscrewy: LOL!!! OMG ~~~~

NNCTInc: Yes.

HueyISscrewy: Hogan books himself to win World Title...Nathan sits at home and has no choice but to LIKE IT

NNCTInc: Nathan leaves house, drives to Stamford, and BURNS THE WWE HEADQUARTERS DOWN!!!!!

NNCTInc: And then I go after Hogan.

HueyISscrewy: Hogan fueds with "The Dead Man" The Undertaker

HueyISscrewy: MSG is sold out.....Both men take turns no selling

NNCTInc: Nathan traps both in the Hell in the Cell, causes gasoline to rain down and BURNS BOTH MOTHERS DOWN TO NOTHING MORE THAN LESS THEN ASHES!!!!!

NNCTInc: And then I laugh uncontrollably.

HueyISscrewy: Nathan is overcome by smoke and falls unconcious

HueyISscrewy: EMT B.B. saves him

NNCTInc: Wakes with smile on his face.

HueyISscrewy: Bob Holly sees Nathan with his old girlfriend

NNCTInc: Asks B.B. to show him to thier "private" room

HueyISscrewy: proceeds to kick Nathan around Emergency room

NNCTInc: SHIT!!!!!! Pushes B.B. away and runs away.

NNCTInc: Escapes thru the front door.

HueyISscrewy: Crash holly is waiting to corner you

NNCTInc: Throws Crash hardcore belt and watches as he gets attacked by the Mean Street Posse.

NNCTInc: Runs away laughing.

HueyISscrewy: Nate crawls into car...

NNCTInc: And drives away.

HueyISscrewy: Unfourently The Repo man has attached a chain to it and is being dragged behind

NNCTInc: DAMMIT!!!! Jumps out from car and drives away on motorcycle.

HueyISscrewy: Looks at Motor cycle registration, relizes motorcycle belonged to The Road Warriors

NNCTInc: STeps off motorcycle, destroys Rocco the puppet and jummps off cliff.

HueyISscrewy: The DOA proceed to give chase, mistaking Natew for LOD

NNCTInc: Dude, I threw myself off a cliff. I'm allready DOA.

HueyISscrewy: Nate lands on Wile E Coyete's Corpse sofening the blow enough to paralyze, but not kill him

NNCTInc: Hands still move, grabs boxcutter from pocket and slices my throat open.

HueyISscrewy: Nate nearlifeless body is spotted by Kane....


HueyISscrewy: Kane is about to fuck Nathan's sweet sweet ass but.....

NNCTInc: Thank god, my spirit has already left my body.

HueyISscrewy: Judy uses one of her 24 lb breasts to knock Kane out, then she rapes nathan's lifeless body

NNCTInc: Well, I'm already in heaven, so I really don't care anymore.

NNCTInc: Anyway, we all know that Jeramaih really wants Judy.

HueyISscrewy: Nate cums post morteum, impregnates Judy....

NNCTInc: Dued, I'm DEAD!!!!! That just can't happen.

HueyISscrewy: Judy goes to Lamaze class with Mae Young

NNCTInc: I am now feeling very sick.

HueyISscrewy: Several months later Judy gives birth to a....

HueyISscrewy: "hand"

NNCTInc: LOL, what are you trying to say there, Andrew?

HueyISscrewy: The hand comes to life and strangles Judy

NNCTInc: Yes, Oh, God, Yes!!!!!

NNCTInc: Then the hand goes after Andrew.

HueyISscrewy: Andrew recieves a "hand job"

NNCTInc: Dream on, Andrew, dream on!!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: Tara feeds Andrew rapes.....

HueyISscrewy: grapes

NNCTInc: Now, I know you are dreaming!!!!!

HueyISscrewy: Andrew is crowned King of the world

HueyISscrewy: But is attacked by Jerry Lawler at the induction ceramony

NNCTInc: And then Andrew wakes up and realizes he came all over her pants again in his sleep.

HueyISscrewy: Tara complains of the mess Andrew made of THEIR bed....

NNCTInc: Andrew proceeds to get up and turns off the v.c.r. and goes back to dreaming ALONE in his bed. I told you to stop taping her and dubbing the tapes.

HueyISscrewy: Andrew scratches himself, accidently cutting open his arm

NNCTInc: That ain't good.

HueyISscrewy: Andrew goes to work that night and works with Lucus....

HueyISscrewy: Lucus gets a nose bleed...

NNCTInc: I sense something bad coming this way.

HueyISscrewy: Andrew contacts AIDS

NNCTInc: That is just WRONG

NNCTInc: Dude, I have to get off and get dressed.

HueyISscrewy: Drew figures he has nuthin to lose and rapes Tara...then flys to NY finds Becky and rapes her too

NNCTInc: That is just sick.

HueyISscrewy: Thank you

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One day we will tune into Raw, and a match will suddenly fade to Bob Newhart in a bed, popping awake and mumbling about everything being a dream. Patrick Duffy will then come out of the shower and bean him with a snow globe.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
One day we will tune into Raw, and a match will suddenly fade to Bob Newhart in a bed, popping awake and mumbling about everything being a dream. Patrick Duffy will then come out of the shower and bean him with a snow globe.







Vader is shown wandering the streets of whatever town RAW is on from. While he is on screen the theme from "Northern Exposure" plays



Alf as RAW GM

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Chris Benoit goes on a huge losing streak. As each week passes by, he gets angrier and angrier. After a loss to Simon Dean, Benoit is seen walking backstage saying that he has to go away for awhile and change some things. Several weeks later 2 midcard faces are having some kind of conversation when they hear bells. They turn around and see Chris Benoit driving an ice-cream bike. Benoit has the full suit and everything. Benoit offers them a few ice cream bars but they refuse. As they go to walk away Benoit attacks both of them viciously...He reaches into his cart and smashes them with the ice cream and applying the crossface. This goes on for several weeks before WWE typically ends the thing and doesn't mention it again.

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Second Shooting Star to the Right is excellent. Fuck the miming, just make the entire CW division the Lost Boys (Neverland, not vampire), and whoever's the champion gets to be Peter Pan. At the same time, get a heavyweight stable who are the pirates, with Paul 'Hook' Burchill as their leader.


Mark Henry can cameo as the guy who eats Burchill's hand, and Mysterio's daughter can be Wendy.

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Mark Henry can be the fatguy who does nothing, but can give advice to everyone... no matter the situation.


Chris Benoit should be a PETA freak.


Randy Orton the deeply depressed lunatic zealot.


ADD Rey Mysterio

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I got another one:


It would be a total re-do of Spike & Molly's romance, only with Antonio & Romeo, the Heartthrobs. All the guys in developmental look alike, so you could bring them up as Antonio & Romeo's family members.


Do the slow build, with both guys slowly re-turning homosexual. Have "accidental embraces", jokey fondling, etc. You could even have Antonio on his laptop, typing something happily, when Romeo comes along and Antonio shuts it quickly, hiding the details of his typings. He runs off for a match, and Romeo sneaks on and reads it, then scratches his head and sort of smirks. We later find out that it's Antonio's Live Journal, and he's typing lyrics from a Juliana Theory song in ode to "a special boy that he knows".


They end up getting together and being all kissy-kissy, which leads to a skit where they go in to kiss, and Gene Snitsky, playing the role of Perry Saturn while in his new gimmick (based off of the movie "Jack" (starring Robin Williams), combined with The Beaver from "Leave It to Beaver"), comes into the shot and blocks the kiss with his head, then backs up, shrugs his shoulders, and much like the Undertaker with Josh Mathews, Snitsky's lips move, but you hear a child's voice saying "It's not my fault!". Snitsky runs off and giggles, as the Heartthrobs laugh at the young boy.


This will end up with the Heartthrobs feuding with the returning Godwinns (as KKK members who were scarred for life when Henry walked in on Phineaus's brother fornicating with their nephew) after the families go away, leading to a first-ever "Marriage Legalization" match in WWE, where the Heartthrobs will be banned from getting married if the Godwinns win. The Heartthrobs win after the child they adopted legally in Massachusetts, Tzuki in a Kwang outfit, dropkicks Phineaus into a pin from Romeo.


The Heartthrobs then go to get married, but taking from the Test/Stephanie wedding, Tyson Tomko drugs Romeo, rapes him, and marries him as his own. This leads to Tomko vs. Antonio, winner gets Romeo. Romeo turns on Antonio, leading to months of Romeo & Tomko vs. Antonio & Tzuki bouts on Heat.


The big blow-off is a pudding match at Wrestlemania. But, before that happens, the screen gets blurry and it fades to London & Kendrick in bed together. Kendrick wakes up and claims he had a really bad dream about the Heartthrobs being a couple, and explains it to London. London calms Kendrick down, and they fall back asleep, all while spooning.

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Guest Dr Stupid
I got another one:


It would be a total re-do of Spike & Molly's romance, only with Antonio & Romeo, the Heartthrobs. All the guys in developmental look alike, so you could bring them up as Antonio & Romeo's family members.


Do the slow build, with both guys slowly re-turning homosexual. Have "accidental embraces", jokey fondling, etc. You could even have Antonio on his laptop, typing something happily, when Romeo comes along and Antonio shuts it quickly, hiding the details of his typings. He runs off for a match, and Romeo sneaks on and reads it, then scratches his head and sort of smirks. We later find out that it's Antonio's Live Journal, and he's typing lyrics from a Juliana Theory song in ode to "a special boy that he knows".


They end up getting together and being all kissy-kissy, which leads to a skit where they go in to kiss, and Gene Snitsky, playing the role of Perry Saturn while in his new gimmick (based off of the movie "Jack" (starring Robin Williams), combined with The Beaver from "Leave It to Beaver"), comes into the shot and blocks the kiss with his head, then backs up, shrugs his shoulders, and much like the Undertaker with Josh Mathews, Snitsky's lips move, but you hear a child's voice saying "It's not my fault!". Snitsky runs off and giggles, as the Heartthrobs laugh at the young boy.


This will end up with the Heartthrobs feuding with the returning Godwinns (as KKK members who were scarred for life when Henry walked in on Phineaus's brother fornicating with their nephew) after the families go away, leading to a first-ever "Marriage Legalization" match in WWE, where the Heartthrobs will be banned from getting married if the Godwinns win. The Heartthrobs win after the child they adopted legally in Massachusetts, Tzuki in a Kwang outfit, dropkicks Phineaus into a pin from Romeo.


The Heartthrobs then go to get married, but taking from the Test/Stephanie wedding, Tyson Tomko drugs Romeo, rapes him, and marries him as his own. This leads to Tomko vs. Antonio, winner gets Romeo. Romeo turns on Antonio, leading to months of Romeo & Tomko vs. Antonio & Tzuki bouts on Heat.


The big blow-off is a pudding match at Wrestlemania. But, before that happens, the screen gets blurry and it fades to London & Kendrick in bed together. Kendrick wakes up and claims he had a really bad dream about the Heartthrobs being a couple, and explains it to London. London calms Kendrick down, and they fall back asleep, all while spooning.




Then the screen blurs again, and we see The Dicks waking up realising it was all a dream, then smile knowingly at each other and retreat underneath the covers of their curcular leopard skin waterbed.

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I got another one:


It would be a total re-do of Spike & Molly's romance, only with Antonio & Romeo, the Heartthrobs. All the guys in developmental look alike, so you could bring them up as Antonio & Romeo's family members.


Do the slow build, with both guys slowly re-turning homosexual. Have "accidental embraces", jokey fondling, etc. You could even have Antonio on his laptop, typing something happily, when Romeo comes along and Antonio shuts it quickly, hiding the details of his typings. He runs off for a match, and Romeo sneaks on and reads it, then scratches his head and sort of smirks. We later find out that it's Antonio's Live Journal, and he's typing lyrics from a Juliana Theory song in ode to "a special boy that he knows".


They end up getting together and being all kissy-kissy, which leads to a skit where they go in to kiss, and Gene Snitsky, playing the role of Perry Saturn while in his new gimmick (based off of the movie "Jack" (starring Robin Williams), combined with The Beaver from "Leave It to Beaver"), comes into the shot and blocks the kiss with his head, then backs up, shrugs his shoulders, and much like the Undertaker with Josh Mathews, Snitsky's lips move, but you hear a child's voice saying "It's not my fault!". Snitsky runs off and giggles, as the Heartthrobs laugh at the young boy.


This will end up with the Heartthrobs feuding with the returning Godwinns (as KKK members who were scarred for life when Henry walked in on Phineaus's brother fornicating with their nephew) after the families go away, leading to a first-ever "Marriage Legalization" match in WWE, where the Heartthrobs will be banned from getting married if the Godwinns win. The Heartthrobs win after the child they adopted legally in Massachusetts, Tzuki in a Kwang outfit, dropkicks Phineaus into a pin from Romeo.


The Heartthrobs then go to get married, but taking from the Test/Stephanie wedding, Tyson Tomko drugs Romeo, rapes him, and marries him as his own. This leads to Tomko vs. Antonio, winner gets Romeo. Romeo turns on Antonio, leading to months of Romeo & Tomko vs. Antonio & Tzuki bouts on Heat.


The big blow-off is a pudding match at Wrestlemania. But, before that happens, the screen gets blurry and it fades to London & Kendrick in bed together. Kendrick wakes up and claims he had a really bad dream about the Heartthrobs being a couple, and explains it to London. London calms Kendrick down, and they fall back asleep, all while spooning.




Then the screen blurs again, and we see The Dicks waking up realising it was all a dream, then smile knowingly at each other and retreat underneath the covers of their curcular leopard skin waterbed.



And then the screen blurs AGAIN, and we realize that it was all a dream for the returning Too Much

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I can't beleive Rando of all people no-sold my above post.


Your mother ignored you as a child, didn't she?

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I think Mark Henry should re-invent himself as "Smark" Henry. His gimmick would involve judging other people's workrate and criticizing them over bad matches, spots, etc. Then someone... I don't know, JBL we'll say, gets pissed off when Smark Henry gives one of his matches *1/2. JBL tells Smark Henry that he could never put on ***** match and sucks at everything related to wrestling. Then they feud over whether or not Henry can have a ***** match. During the match, JBL purposely begins to stall, botch moves, etc, and the announcers get worked up about how JBL is sabotaging Henry's dream of putting on a ***** match.


I'm not exactly sure how'd you wrap that angle up, but it's a good start.



You've just described most of the gimmick of 'The Critic' Scott Pretzler in the SWF. Only Pretzler could wrestle.

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I like the idea of ADD Rey Mysterio.


Tazz: He's getting ready to Drop The Dime, Cole!


*Rey jumps up to the top rope... then turns around and faces out to the audience*


Cole: Not so fast partner; I think he's seen some ICE CREAM!


*Rey springboards into the fans, ending up headfirst in an ice cream cart*


Tazz: Only on Smackdown!

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In the spirit of ripping off pop culture references that are out of date, CM Punk should be brought in as C. Montgomery Punk. As in, Burns, obviously.


Have him speak like someone from the 1920s, reference people who nobody is old enough to remember, he'd always forget the name of his opponents and the people he's supposed to be teaming with. Of course, they'd need someone to be his 'Smithers like assistant'...just find someone from OVW who isn't doing anything. Or, better yet, use Josh Matthews. He looks the part. It can be discovered in an hilarious segment that Punk has that disease that makes you age too fast and that he's really got the body of a brittle old man underneath the muscles and non-oldness and stuff. They'd need to find something that could give Punk momentary youth, just to make it believable. When he hasn't got this thing, be it magic potion or a magic knitted XxX hat, Punk is so weak that Josh has to fight his battles for him and of course he fails.


Then they fall in love happily ever after yadda yadda yadda.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Hire Playboy Buddy Rose and Gigalo Jimmy Del Ray and team them up as the new Fabulous Ones

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

They should change Mark Henry's gimmick so he throws barrels at people and kidnaps divas and hides in the rafters. He could feud with Nunzio and Vito.


LMAO. Mark Henry would be the perfect DK. They could even bring back Captain Lou Albano to reprise his role as Mario.

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In the spirit of ripping off pop culture references that are out of date, CM Punk should be brought in as C. Montgomery Punk. As in, Burns, obviously.


Have him speak like someone from the 1920s, reference people who nobody is old enough to remember, he'd always forget the name of his opponents and the people he's supposed to be teaming with. Of course, they'd need someone to be his 'Smithers like assistant'...just find someone from OVW who isn't doing anything. Or, better yet, use Josh Matthews. He looks the part. It can be discovered in an hilarious segment that Punk has that disease that makes you age too fast and that he's really got the body of a brittle old man underneath the muscles and non-oldness and stuff. They'd need to find something that could give Punk momentary youth, just to make it believable. When he hasn't got this thing, be it magic potion or a magic knitted XxX hat, Punk is so weak that Josh has to fight his battles for him and of course he fails.


Then they fall in love happily ever after yadda yadda yadda.

that is too awesome!!!!

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Re gimmick 5 jobbers as a British Rock Group from the 1960's and have their catch phrase (and ring name) be :


"We ain't losers cause we are the Beat-alls!" (Beat all)



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How about a power hungry and dysfunctional family by the last name of Mcmahon?

Have Stephanie marry HHH and have a kid together. Vince goes into a spa and is accused of sexual assault.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

A New Stable:


Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

Kevin "Nailz" Kelly"

Devon "Crowbar" Storm

Vince "Genetic Jack Hammer" McMahon

Jim "Hacksaw" Duggan

Larry "The Axe" Henning


They form: THE TOOL BOX!




Vader and Major Gunns form a mixed tag team known as : Heavy Artillery




Ivan Koloff is brought back as russia's own : Soda Popinski




DDP and Bunkhouse Buck form a team known as "The Bang for your Buck"




Spanky and Paul London are given furry costumes and become "The New Fabulous Kangaroos"




Sgt Slaughter goes missing for several weeks until it is discovered he has been kidnapped by Baron Von Rasche with Silver face paint who is rechristen "Destro". Jake the Snake is rehired to play Cobra Commander.



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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The Smackdown Minis are given Ice Cream Cone costumes and renamed "The Vanilla Midgets"




GoldDust seeks a new partner so he recruits NFL washout RB Maurice Clarett to form Team "Gold Rush"




CM Punk is brought in as a pedophile whose cover story is he's looking for the midget "Little Beaver" "All I want is a Little Beaver!"




Vince hires Mae Young and 5 of her 80 plus year old friends as The "Bombastic Outrageous Octogeniarian Babe Squad" B.O.O.B.S.




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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

WWE does Raw is Night Court II this time with Judge Vince preciding over Gen. Adnan's War crimes trial. Ron Studd is hired to play "Bull" . Shelton's Mama is "Roz" and Ron Simmons plays "Mac"




WWE reveals Dusty Rhodes' father is T.L. Hopper -



Son of a plummer indeed




The Missing Link and Geogre "The Animal" Steele join "Evolution"




Viscera has on going stomach aches, after a few weeks he goes to see a doctor. The doctor say "Vis...ummm...your pregnant!?!" Vis endures pregnancy for a few weeks..then gives birth to a tiny egg. Vis then sits on the egg for warmth. The following week the egg is HUGE. Over 6 feet tall. Everyone wonders what will hatch. Finally one week on RAW the egg cracks and out emerges Johnathan Winters!



(Props to whom ever gets where i stole that from)



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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Ken Patera is hired to do several skits where he is now a burger flipper at McDonalds




Kane is shown driving to RAW in a new diesel truck, he then professes his love of dentistry and his new found hobby building bombs




Hillbilly Jim is seen chasing Ralphus around the locker room with cries of "squeal piggy piggy"




Kamala becomes a vegetarian



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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

3 Random divas will form "Super Trendy Diva Stars" The STD'S




Rev. Slick will brought in to combat the evil forces of Brother Love




Boogeyman starts obsessing over Dennis "The Worm" Rodman




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Guest netslob
Viscera has on going stomach aches, after a few weeks he goes to see a doctor. The doctor say "Vis...ummm...your pregnant!?!" Vis endures pregnancy for a few weeks..then gives birth to a tiny egg. Vis then sits on the egg for warmth. The following week the egg is HUGE. Over 6 feet tall. Everyone wonders what will hatch. Finally one week on RAW the egg cracks and out emerges Johnathan Winters!



(Props to whom ever gets where i stole that from)





nanoo nanoo

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Dynamite Kid is brought back as the new one legged wrestler




Don Muraco and Mr Fuji are resigned by WWE films and given a 20 million dollar budget for Fuji Vice: The movie




A Space ship lands on the RAW Stage - Out come 2 wrestlers from the Future. They walk like Robots and speak of US President Paul Levesque.




Fit Finlay is given a Chef gimmick and spends each week chasing the Gobbely Gooker around with a wooden spoon



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