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I'm going to this show on Thursday!!



Tokyo Dome City Geopolis


1. Elimination Survival Match ~ Over The Top Rope: Yuji Nagata, X, X & X vs. Manabu Nakanishi, X, X & X

2. Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. X

3. Three Way Match: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Wataru Inoue vs. X

4. Jado & Gedo vs. X & X

5. Hiroshi Tanahashi, X & X vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, X & X



Apparently fans are voting via cell phones for the 'X' slots on the card. I'm hoping that Chono is on the show!

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So, here's a video from the 11/16 show that I took. My mic is shitty so the sound isn't so great, but the visual is hilarious:




I also ended up going to the 11/17 tag league finals show as well. I have tons of pics and videos from both shows that I'll try to get around to posting whenever I find the time. :)

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I'm not trying to knock who you dig but what's so great about Chono?? Not just you, but he's always super over in Japan, and I don't see why. Personally I find him pretty boring in the ring, even before the neck injury. Is he supposed to be like this really cool bad ass cuz he wears sunglasses and says he is Chono?


In his defense, I really dug seeing him beat Rude with the top rope shoulderblock for the NWA title, and when Scott Hall used to call him Masa "My Hero" Chono.

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I don't really need a reason to dig Chono other than he was one of the first puro wrestlers I really followed back since the early 90's. Just because his matches aren't as spectacular anymore doesn't mean I wouldn't want to see him live.

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I've always felt the comparison of Chono being a japanese version of The Rock to be fair enough. Each could work when they needed to but it was all charisma and presence that made them so popular.

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Agreed Hawk 34 & MisawaGQ. It'd be akin to a huge Rock fan wanting to see him live, wrestling.


Even though Chono wasn't there, I still got to see Nakamura wrestle 3 times in 2 nights and that was worth the price of admission alone. The guy is a fucking machine.


I also got to meet Prince Devitt after the first show and he noted that he thought that he "saw a couple of white lads in the crowd" which was pretty funny. I'd not seen much from him prior, but I can definitely see why people are calling him the "third generation" of the Dynamite Kid/Chris Benoit style wrestler.

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Not to change the subject, but to, does anyone know what the frickin Landslide is yet??? I've scoured Strong Style Spirit and have yet to see a clear explanation of what the move is. I've heard its an F5, i've heard it's a headrop, there's a wrist clutch that i know of.


A wrist clutch F5?? I think that would force it to be a headdrop, which is sort of cool.


And is Tanahashi's High Fly Flow just a Superfly Splash, or a Frog Splash? I've read both.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

I believe it's a Frog splash, but I'd have to go through my wrestling stuff to find a Tanahashi match to be sure.

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Not to change the subject, but to, does anyone know what the frickin Landslide is yet??? I've scoured Strong Style Spirit and have yet to see a clear explanation of what the move is. I've heard its an F5, i've heard it's a headrop, there's a wrist clutch that i know of.


A wrist clutch F5?? I think that would force it to be a headdrop, which is sort of cool.


And is Tanahashi's High Fly Flow just a Superfly Splash, or a Frog Splash? I've read both.


I found the videos of it on Puroresucentral.com. High Fly Flow is a frog splash (and a good one). The Landslide looks like a wrist clutch samoan driver.

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Minoru Suzuki is defending the Triple Crown against Yuji Nagata at the New Japan Dome Show in January.

I've never understood how they arrange these interpromotional matches, especially among companies who have as much history as New Japan and All Japan....and that reminds me, what ever happened to Toshiaki Kawada post the Noah split?

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At this stage of the game, New Japan most likely arranged it by calling Muto and begging for help with help for drawing a respectable crowd to the Dome.


If you mean what happened to Kawada when everyone left to form NOAH, he stayed with All Japan, had a couple of Triple Crown reigns, wound up droping the belts to Kojima and has since gone freelance. He's currently back in All Japan teaming with Muto in the RWTL.

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Minoru Suzuki is defending the Triple Crown against Yuji Nagata at the New Japan Dome Show in January.

I've never understood how they arrange these interpromotional matches, especially among companies who have as much history as New Japan and All Japan....and that reminds me, what ever happened to Toshiaki Kawada post the Noah split?


Competition in Japan is a lot different than it is in North America. Companies will compete, but they'll also help eachother out as well. This rings true outside of puro as well.

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Speaking of Toshiaki Kawada, he dropped the fall to D-Lo Brown in the most recent RWTL matches:


5. Tag League: Bull Buchanan & D-Lo Brown defeated Toshiaki Kawada & Keiji Mutoh in 13 minutes, 40 seconds when Brown used the Lo-Down on Kawada for the win.


6. Tag League: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima went to a 30-minute time limit draw with NOSAWA & Minoru Suzuki.



- Suwama & RO'Z (7 pts)

- Brown & Buchanan (6 pts)

- Kojima & Tenzan (6 pts)

- Mutoh & Kawada (6 pts)

- Hayashi & Nakajima (5 pts)

- Kea & TAKA (5 pts)

- Suzuki & NOSAWA (1 pt)

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When does everyone suppose Bull, D-Lo, and Chuck Palumbo come back? I really can't see them staying over there forever, they just don't seem Steve Williamsey enough.


Does anyone know if they brought their families there, or do they commute??


They could all have good spots in TNA. Hell they could even play up the fact that they've been in japan for a few years honing their WRESTLING skills, and aren't your run of the mill WWE reject. I guess the other rejects wouldn't like that so much though.

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I thought Palumbo was back already?


Also, a lot of them divide time with Japanese tours and indy bookings in the states and whatnot. I also think the fed that they're working for puts them up somewhere while they're on tour.


You should read Steve Corino's livejournal. Aside from some really funny stories, it's got some great insight into what it's like to be a gaijin wrestler working in Japan.



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All Japan ran their December 2nd rally in Shizuoka at Hamamatsu City Gym, claiming 3,200 paid. Results:


1. NOSAWA pinned Ryuji Hijikata in 8 minutes, 16 seconds.


2. Shuji Kondo & "brother" YASSHI defeated Akira Raijin & Katsuhiko Nakajima in 11 minutes, 57 seconds when YASSHI used a German Suplex Hold on Raijin.


3. Tag League tie-breaker match: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Keiji Mutoh & Toshiaki Kawada in 23 minutes, 28 seconds when Tenzan used the moonsault press on Mutoh.


4. Minoru Suzuki & MAZADA defeated Nobutaka Araya & Nobukazu Hirai in 17 minutes, 11 seconds when Suzuki pinned Hirai after a body press misfire.


5. Taiyo Kea, Kaz Hayashi, & TAKA Michinoku defeated TARU, D-Lo Brown, & Bull Buchanan in 18 minutes, 40 seconds when Kea used the TKO on Buchanan.


6. 2006 Real World/Strongest Tag League finals: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Kohei Suwama & RO'Z in 24 minutes, 21 seconds when Kojima used a lariat on RO'Z for the win.


Interesting booking in that Mutoh pinned Tenzan in the first match between the teams but it was Kojima who pinned Mutoh to get his teams win back.

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Muto & Chono vs. Tenkoji has been added to the big Dome show on 1/4/07


That's pretty badass on paper or maybe in a video game but pretty awful in theory and reality since they all pretty much eat it in the ring. It's like Flair & Hogan vs. DX without all the fun politics.


Also added is the winner of Nakamura/Tanahashi vs. Taiyo Kea.


I thought this show was supposed to be big. I'm interested in Nagata vs. Suzuki only because I want Nagata to win the Triple Crown.

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Muto & Chono vs. Tenkoji has been added to the big Dome show on 1/4/07


That's pretty badass on paper or maybe in a video game but pretty awful in theory and reality since they all pretty much eat it in the ring. It's like Flair & Hogan vs. DX without all the fun politics.


That's a bit insulting to Muto, Chono, Kojima & Tenzan. I'd rate them all higher than Hogan / Flair / DX as they are today.

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Guest samoapunk

I need a little help. I purchased a DVD entitled Japanese Hardcore Wrestling Volume 1 (commentated by Joel Gertner and Missy Hyatt) and was wondering if any of you could tell me the actual dates the matches took place and what shows they were from.


Here's a listing of the matches:


CZW Jr. Weight Championship

The Winger vs. Trent Acid (Acid was the champ going in to this match, but Winger wins the title here)


BJW Woman's Championship

Ichiki vs Genki (Genki was the champ going in and Ichiki wins this one)


WEW Hardcore Championship

Yamakawa vs. Kanemura (haven't watched this one yet to see who's champ/challenger)


BJW Grand Prix 2000 Extreme Cup

Shadow WX vs Mike Samples (haven't watched this one yet to see who's champ/challenger)


BJW Heavyweight Championship

Abdullah Kobayashi vs Honma (haven't watched this one yet to see who's champ/challenger)


Thanks for any help you guys can give me!

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I think the idea is to build to Misawa/Kobashi, but who knows anymore?


Kobashi isn't ready to go, Morishima is the future and they have already built for Joe/Morishima.

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Morishima will get the big, break-through title win against Misawa. He already asked Misawa to give him a match and I believe Misawa accepted. Once Kobashi's back, I expect Morishima to get a big win over him as well, completing the passing of the torch.

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It's a very bad for the short-term for Misawa to get the belt back. He's not going to hold the belt long as it's pretty much set in stone that Morishima is their next ace and is getting the GHC title from Misawa, maybe even as soon as the next GHC Title match. Where that becomes a problem is that it would make three of the last four GHC Champions short-term champions and that damages a title. One short term champion isn't bad, and can help if means avoiding a match you want to build to for a long time, but to have two in a row would be distinctly un-Japanese and I don't think it would make the GHC Title look strong at all. Where this can be good long term is if Misawa does drop the belt to Morishima and Morishima has a long, very long, run with the title. A, hopefully, legendary title run would do wonders for making the GHC Title special again, which it hasn't been since the Kobashi reign.

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