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Hank Kingsley

Girl Scout cookies are back

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Guest Smues

When my sister was in girl scouts one year my mom volunteered to hold all the cookies for her troop. So for a couple of weeks the cars were parked outside and our garage was loaded with boxes of girlscout cookies. As like an 8 year old it's incredibly hard to not just walk in the garage and start snacking. But on the upside we ended up with a bunch of unclaimed boxes.

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The only kind of Girl Scout cookies I ever got were the Oreo-like ones, which came in packs that had both chocolate and vanilla cookies. No one in my house ever liked the chocolate cookies. However, now that they make Golden Oreos, Girl Guide cookies are obsolete, since I don't have to buy a kind of cookies I don't like to get a kind I do.

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Them little girls are hustlers.


I normally am not a fan of little kids and can dismiss them pretty easily.


I was once walking out of walmart and they were outside selling, and they sucked me in with their shill. I asked how much it cost and this little girl, no more than 4 says "Sir, they are 3 dollars a box, if you want one of each it'll cost 24 dollars."


My inner wus took over and bought 8 boxes.


Since then I've been working on being an old grump again.

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I was once walking out of walmart and they were outside selling, and they sucked me in with their shill. I asked how much it cost and this little girl, no more than 4 says "Sir, they are 3 dollars a box, if you want one of each it'll cost 24 dollars."


When my two nieces were shilling their wares, the better half came home one night and the following conversation was held:


"Honey, I bought some girl scout cookies off of Heather and Emily, will you split the cost with me?"


"How much?"




"I don't think so."


Now the mother-in-law isn't talking to me (been about a month or so). Not sure yet if this is supposed to make me feel regretful.

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I must be in the minority since I totally dig the Thin Mints, but feel very "meh" when it comes to the Samoas.

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The little sharks now set up shop in the bank lobby, and take turns loitering in the ATM lobby & hit up people as they're getting money out, thereby eliminating the "I don't have any money on me" excuse.


TG for headphones and loud music, completely drowning out their little "'scuse me, mister?" voices.


Needless to say, nl5 isn't getting any girl scout cookies this year.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

I swore I wasn't going to buy any Girl Scout cookies, and surprisingly, I haven't seen them set up anywhere in the area. But a co-worker came around and schilled for her daughter who had boxes left over ... there's a box of Thin Mints on my desk. Digging into them as I type ...

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