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Mechanical Animals is way better than it should be

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I remember picking this up as a 13-year-old with zero musical taste. I look back at some of the stuff I was listening to back then and it's embarrassing. This is one of the exceptions to the rule. I don't go around announcing it, but it's still an album I listen to every now and again.

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I remember that album being kinda fun and extremely silly. That and a shit-ton of Leonard Cohen were some of the first things I really loaded up on with Napster.


I was listening to that album really loud one time, and my mom came into my room to let me know that dinner was ready. It was right in the middle of the song that goes "I'm not in love, but I'm gonna fuck you until something better comes along." Perfect timing.

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It's the only album of my teen metal phase that I can still happily listen to.


Manson really hit the knack of having two or three choruses in a song. You think you're at a chorus, then anther comes along. Genius.

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I remember until the weeks leading up to the release of this album, I had always bought into the anti-Marilyn propaganda. I became someone of an advocate of his around the time singles from the album were getting exposure.

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its a great album and his nice attempt to ape Bowie..while i like the album still prefer AS and HW over it


fav songs: mechanical animals and coma white


ive seen them play 14 times and the one bad thing about this era was that the live shows were AWFUL

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Sellout or not, this album is amazing. It still baffles me that I was able to pick up this and Mer De Norms in the 2-4-12 bin.


that is a fantastic album...kinda short...but fantastic!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I grew out of my teenage Marilyn Manson phase with Antichrist Superstar. Convince me to pursue his work after that.

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I couldn't agree more with the gist of this thread. I got back to this album a month or two ago and it holds up really well. For someone who was considered an image rocker at the time, Manson put out some quality music.

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I grew out of my teenage Marilyn Manson phase with Antichrist Superstar. Convince me to pursue his work after that.


I never did, that album was my phase, plus a 'BEWARE OF GOD' t-shirt.

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I grew out of my teenage Marilyn Manson phase with Antichrist Superstar. Convince me to pursue his work after that.

Mechanical Animals is really the only thing you're missing out on. Give it a d/l.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I grew out of my teenage Marilyn Manson phase with Antichrist Superstar. Convince me to pursue his work after that.


I never did, that album was my phase, plus a 'BEWARE OF GOD' t-shirt.


I had the "American by birth: Antichrist by choice" one.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm pretty sure that whole glam sound was his goal here. In all honesty, the record moves well. It's fairly linear, the production is wonderful, and his ideas are pretty clearly stated in terms of the overall feel. Catchy as shit.

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That was during the "rock is dead" period, where every mainstream rock band became convinced that in order to survive they had to modernize their sound by infusing it with electronic elements, or in Manson's case, trying to re-create the glam rock of the 1970's. Once nu-metal became the rage, Marilyn reverted back to his old form.

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