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Will we see another year long title reign?

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It looked like Cena and Batista were on their way to a year long title reign. But Dave got hurt and they poorly handled Cena dropping and worse yet him getting it back. Shelton seemed like he COULD have done it with the IC title durring his first reign.


With as many top guys as they have right now, and the middle carder rotating doors will ANY titles be held for a year or longer in the WWE?

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I hope Triple H holds the belt for a year until a really good, charismatic worker wins the title from him. The Benoit WM 20 win wouldn't have been the same if the belt kept flopping back and forth every other month. Save for the horrid Goldberg title run, Trips run may have sucked, but it at least put major heat and a celebration factor when he was finally beaten at Mania.

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Well if Shawn is going part time this year and if Cena's new character is the Crap Babyface That No One Likes then I can kinda see Triple H holding onto it for a while if he gets the title at Wrestlemania. I don't think RVD is going to get called up to the main event.

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They have no faces on Raw that are worth a shit.


RVD (as always) could be...but he wont.


And HHH isn't the best heel on RAW anyway...


There booked into a corner with HHH as champ.


Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

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if Cena's new character is the Crap Babyface That No One Likes

He'll turn after WM.

I thought it was Paul Walker the Actor that Nobody Wants to pay to See!


That's right Cena NOBODY CAN SEE YOU NOW!

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Guest Coffey

I think Lita's got more heat than Edge, honestly. I like Edge but to be perfectly honest, I completely forgot about him until you mentioned him. I was trying to think of the top heels on Raw and I came up with Vince McMahon. I was like "Well Hunter is better than Vince."


I think Hunter is better than Edge too.

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When everyone boos Cena at WM, who will be the one to step up and say that HHH obviously doesn't know how to play heel? I mean, besides everyone on this board.


To answer the original question, no. Year-long title reigns don't fit in with the current environment -- four hours of TV plus a monthly PPV.

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When everyone boos Cena at WM, who will be the one to step up and say that HHH obviously doesn't know how to play heel? I mean, besides everyone on this board.

Would you be surprised to learn that Hunter's changed position on the "heels who get cheered against Cena don't know how to be a heel" argument?

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When everyone boos Cena at WM, who will be the one to step up and say that HHH obviously doesn't know how to play heel? I mean, besides everyone on this board.

Would you be surprised to learn that Hunter's changed position on the "heels who get cheered against Cena don't know how to be a heel" argument?

Hasn't he already with this change of direction for Cena?


Or was that what you were implying?

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When everyone boos Cena at WM, who will be the one to step up and say that HHH obviously doesn't know how to play heel? I mean, besides everyone on this board.

Would you be surprised to learn that Hunter's changed position on the "heels who get cheered against Cena don't know how to be a heel" argument?

No, not one bit.

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Edge, like so many, needs to get the Hell away from Triple H. I hope Edge gets traded to Smackdown at the next draft/trade (which should be coming soon) and he'll win the title at Summerslam against Rey.

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