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The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tries to download White Light/White Heat from an Es

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the title meant to read "The Czech Republic tries to download White Light/White Heat from an Espanophone."



[stjst1] what's wrong with your VU files? I got "remote file error"

(8:01) [Opio222] espàñol

[stjst1] Porqué no puedo descargue sus canciones par "the Velvet Underground?" Conseguí un "remote file error."

(8:04) [Opio222] ni idea ....

(8:04) [Opio222] voy a mirar

[stjst1] "White Light/White Heat"

(sent while offline) [Opio222] ok

(8:07) [Opio222] mira a ver aora enla pagina principal

[stjst1] ingles?

(8:07) [Opio222] musica pa grava

[stjst1] Did you jsut say I'm a burden?

(8:08) [Opio222] o entiendo

(8:08) [Opio222] no entiendo

[stjst1] fine, forget it

[stjst1] sorry about this

(8:08) [Opio222] xao

[stjst1] it still doesn't work

[stjst1] todavía no funciona

(8:15) [Opio222] ni idea tio

[stjst1] Usted es la única persona que tiene "White Light/White Heat" en el Internet entero, y necesito recuperar este álbum porque perdí toda mi música hace dos semanas.

(8:17) [Opio222] no t preokupes

[stjst1] you're too busy?

[stjst1] Eso miraba más como Griego que español.

[stjst1] Estoy utilizando un traductor para hablar con usted. Usted debe utilizar quizá uno para hablar con mí.


fucker signed off.

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Guest Vitamin X

Okay, that was pretty funny. Weird things, though.


(8:07) [Opio222] musica pa grava

[stjst1] Did you jsut say I'm a burden?


No, although grava does mean burden, depending on how you pronounce it, he probably meant "music for recording" or download.


(8:08) [Opio222] xao


That sound like "ciao" or goodbye. Dissed!


[stjst1] todavía no funciona

(8:15) [Opio222] ni idea tio

Why did he just call you his uncle?


(8:17) [Opio222] no t preokupes

[stjst1] you're too busy?

No, he said don't worry.

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My ex-girl once LOL'd at the combination of Czech's "Mr. Baby" avatar and the title "Don't go there, girlfriend."


Just throwing that out there.

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