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The Fast and the Furious...

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Dammit. I fucking hate rice burners and this movie is just going to fuel that fad.

Dammit why can't one of these movies be about real cars. Ya know muscle cars and hot rods.

It wouldn't be so bad if people actually modded their cars. But dipshits just get an eye-aching paint job and put a fart can on the car and drive around going "Look my car is loud therefore it's fast! Try to race me! Vroom vroom!"

My friend in his 2000 Impala LS outraces ricers all the time.

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But you know, if you actually do have a ricer and can beef it up pretty damn good, and knowing what the fuck you are doing, then yes, they do look cool.


Basically, fuck Honda Civics

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And a Mustang Fastback they crammed a Nissan Motor (RB26DETT, Skyline motor) into..



The horrible crime of ruining a classic american music car with a shitty fucking motor. Much like the other two, I'm sure this one will suck, not as bad as the first one..but still bad.


Edit: I just saw my sig, how funny that I'm saying the RB26DETT is a bad motor, and I have drifting skyline in my sig. o_O

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I prefer my Mustang to any of those rice rockets. Of course, I thought it was hilarious when my friend's stock 350Z w/sport package smoked a couple of ricers on a freeway feeder a couple days ago. Basically, anything that makes those dumbasses (stupid decals, HUGE exhausts, etc.) look stupid is OK by me. However, instead we're going to get another 90 minutes of glorifying them. Ugh. I'll watch it on cable for the imports that never make it over here and that's about it.


Edited to add: The "Nacho Libre" trailer is hilarious.

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I like the main character, Lucas Black, from Friday Night Lights and Jarhead.


I'll always think of him as the kid from Slingblade....


I have almost zero interest in this film. It shouldn't have been made without Paul Walker or any of the other original cast members.

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I'm as anti-Riced as they come despite owning a Civic. The thing was built to be economical and that's the way I'm keeping it, dammit.


I haven't seen the previous two installments, and I'm making no effort to see this.

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So how many rappers are in this movie and is Devon Aoki in it?


Look like lil' Bow Wow at least.


Is he gonna find a magic car during and electrical storm and gain driving powers that make him drive like John Fucking Force?

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What in God's name possessed Hollywood to make yet another Fast and the Furious movie? Good grief, the first one was good and the second one was horrific. The concept is old and tired. Let it go.

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