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Guest The Satanic Angel
I'm considering getting back on medication, but I do not want to gain a ton of wieght again. Decisions, decisions.


I would recommend asking your doctor to try out some other medications. There's plenty out there to choose from, and not all of them have the same side effects.




Leena, I apologize. I shouldn't have snapped the way I did. I obviously need my meds (hah).


But what you said was infuriating. Coming into this thread and telling people depression is bullshit is like going to a Holocaust memorial and telling everyone that it never happened.


You just don't do it.

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Guest Princess Leena

I know, I know... I've done so before, and had people wanting to kill me. :P


I should just never post in depression-like topics, but I can't control myself.

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I went through years and years of on-again/off-again depression spells before finally being diagnosed as having a chemical imbalance & couple of disorders (not getting into what, exactly, since y'all are really just strangers on the internet).


I was given a script for Zoloft, and something else that I really don't remember, but I never bothered to get them filled. The knowledge that I had a legit imbalance is all I needed, and made it so I could just deal with the depression cycles when they were occurring. Yeah, I still get depressed occasionally but it's kind of like having a cold for me: I feel them coming on and prepare myself accordingly.

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I'll tell you what, it's all about confidence and a sense of perspective. Also, while you shouldn't feel arrogantly entitled, keep in mind that a "normal" life is your right and other people/things shouldn't be affecting how you feel about things. They're your feelings. Adopt a positive attitude and always remind yourself that things could be worse, even if you aren't into it. Setting certain behaviors and atttitudes will begin to translate into genuine positive emotions.


That's how I fixed my problem anyway. I wasn't depressed so much as insecure and ineffective, but a lot of people confuse having loads of insecurities with being depressed anyway.

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Good attitude Kotz, the people suffering from depression in this thread would be well served to read that post.

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When and where do you draw the line between being sad or often in a bad mood and actually considering yourself depressed? I'm not being snarky here; I actually would like to know.

Sort of off-topic here, but I couldn't help but laugh at the use of "snarky." We had family over for Easter and my mom and her sisters wouldn't stop playfully arguing about the legitimacy of the word. My one aunt even went as far as to go find a dictionary in the house to look it up. That parlayed into a discussion of what words they'd rather say, during which I found out my mom's disdain for the words "toes" and "belly button." Carry on.

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I hate when meds fuck with your weight, sleeping schedule, eating habits, and all that good stuff.


But I've been on Zoloft, Effexor, Depakote, Klonopin, Zanax, Lithium, Cymbalta, Seroquil...


You just have to find what works. I have migraines too, and it took me years to find out Exedrin Migraine is the best shit out there.

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My advice is to be like Niskie if you can.


I haven't been on Ritalin in a looong time. It wasn't just the raised heartrate or the weird feeling, it was the money.


But if you can learn to cope, keep things copacetic, etc. without the meds, do it.

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Has anyone ever been no sold by their therapist? I went to the one at my grad school and told the guy that I've felt depressed for the past 10 years and considered suicide in high school and I was told I seemed a little sad. I also mentioned I had an under active thyroid, which has been linked to depression, but he had no idea what I was talking about. He also seemed to confuse agrophobia w/ socail anxiety, which I think I have, but sence I actually leave the house I seem to be disquailifed from have it.


Now I'm ever more depressed because my therapist dosn't take me seriously or gives any help. I've been really hesitant in the past with the tought of going on meds, but I realize my depression has got to be from brain chemistry considering nothing in my life seems to have triggered it. Anyone, my liver isn't going to hold out if I keep self medicating the way I have the past month I stoped going to therapy.

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I can see alot of you guys lack self confidence.


Whatever, I've been depressed when I was younger, but now i just don't care. Nothing really brings me down.

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Guest Princess Leena

For all you kids who lack self-confidence, remember that you're not EHME.

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Whatever, I've been depressed when I was younger, but now i just don't care. Nothing really brings me down.

If you had to deal with a poster as shit-tacular as EHME, you'd be depressed, too.

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Wow, EHME shows his face and gets zinged twice. He can't even gain popularity on the internet.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
Has anyone ever been no sold by their therapist?


The therapist I am seeing now didn't really start giving me any solutions until last week (I'd seen her four times before then). If your therapist isn't satisfying your need, tell them. Be upfront and say, "This is my problem, I need your knowledge/advice to help me find a solution. If you can't do it, recommend me to someone who can."


My mom suggested I do this, but go one step further and request to be put in a mental hospital if the therapist wouldn't help me. Luckily, I didn't have to go that far with my therapist, but I'm sure it would definitely let her know that she wasn't helping me. Heh.


Good luck.

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Wow, EHME shows his face and gets zinged twice. He can't even gain popularity on the internet.


Unlike some of the posters here, I don't need popularity on the net.

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11 years ago my parents wouldn't let my therapist put me on any medication because they didn't believe in it. For what its worth, it was recommended I see a therapist because a couple of my teachers in Middle school were worried about me because I wasn't very outgoing and social. No brain altering drugs for me, which made the sessions a complete waste of time. I like to think of that as the starting point on my trip down into the lifes sewer system, which is presently where I reside for the most part.


Funny thing though, my mother got on Prozac a couple years ago. Totally fine to be on drugs if she's the one having the problems..


Im to the point where most of my problems stem from my hairloss and since my hair isn't coming back, I dont see myself getting any better on my own. I have no motivation to go through the whole therapist thing again since that helped about as much as a needle on a lifeboat the first time. I dont have enough money to get any medication and stay on it so theres no point of even starting really. For right now Im sort of 50/50 good days/bad days and its been that way for a while.


I've been thinking about trying a few things such as hypnosis and herbal/natural remedies but I've not really looked into anything seriously.

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For all you kids who lack self-confidence, remember that you're not EHME.


I'm sure that thinking you are EHME is the unknown stage of schizophrenia, probably the part where the voices are calling you useless.

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I'm glad EHME gave us his insightful and helpful two cents on depression.


Who here feels empty sometimes ? Like, an example: You're sitting here reading this message that I've typed, and you just start to think for a moment about what I am saying, or trying to get you to think about. Do you feeling anything ? Or is there just nothingless. Just nothing at all. I often find this feeling. It comes out of nowhere, and it lingers on for way too long, like the family member who can't take a hint and just leave. How does one fight, or overcome if you will, this problem ? I've noticed I start feeling like this when I think about my past, my uncertain future, women in general, and a question I want so horribly answered: Why are we here / What is our purpose ?

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Guest The Satanic Angel
Who here feels empty sometimes ? Like, an example: You're sitting here reading this message that I've typed, and you just start to think for a moment about what I am saying, or trying to get you to think about. Do you feeling anything ? Or is there just nothingless. Just nothing at all. I often find this feeling. It comes out of nowhere, and it lingers on for way too long, like the family member who can't take a hint and just leave. How does one fight, or overcome if you will, this problem ? I've noticed I start feeling like this when I think about my past, my uncertain future, women in general, and a question I want so horribly answered: Why are we here / What is our purpose ?


Empty? I can't say I've felt it specifically, but it may be the same feeling described differently.


Mostly I've felt regret. Almost every decision I've made in the past seven years I regret (the reasons for the decision or the fallout from the decision). I feel like I've wasted my time, my effort, and my parents time and money.


As far as why we're here, the answer is simple. For God to laugh at. ;)

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I felt like such a huge pussy after throwing my post up, by the way. I don't think it's nearly as bad as that response made it sound like, which isn't to say I don't still have my off days/weeks.


The sense of perspective helps. It's what's kept me sane and as far as I'm concerned, a better solution than artificial drugs and therapists, along with having outlets to let your frustations or thoughts out on, whether they're people you don't have to pay to talk to or a number of hobbies/interests that can distract you from yourself.


In the long run, therapists and pills don't truly help. Mental health doctors have likely been dealing with seriously suicidal people and others with real trauma and problems for years to the point where they're hardened and cynical, thus can't find the time or heart to care about every sad sack that walks through their door, whether they have legit cases or not. While there are others who only care about filling up the hour and their checkbook. That's why they don't offer solutions or prescriptions to every person who might have a problem and in turn it's like talking to a wall until you call them out and threaten to take away a revenue stream. Hell. Your local dive bartender provides the same for free by comparison and can be just as condescending as a therapist if you want. I'm sure he's heard them all.


Meanwhile the high cost drugs are just temporary mood enhancers, they're not made for someone to life the rest of their life on, and something that's just as easy for you to crash on or have side effects that are worse than living and dealing with it isn't for me. They're probably only suitable for those who have legit imbalances and serious issues anyway, whether those imbalances actually are legit in the world of science or not, that that's it.


Not to sound preachy, which I think I'm far past by now, but it all starts with yourself. You have to help yourself before anything or anyone else can, which certainly is a difficult thing to do sometimes. Simply, there's a reason why people regress while on or after taking themselves off medication despite appearances that they're fine and that's because they're not fine before being put on it. In closing, perspective, stop thinking goddammit, confidence, etc., etc.

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I felt like such a huge pussy after throwing my post up, by the way. I don't think it's nearly as bad as that response made it sound like, which isn't to say I don't still have my off days/weeks.



"It certainlt wasn't worse then mine."


The sense of perspective helps. It's what's kept me sane and as far as I'm concerned, a better solution than artificial drugs and therapists, along with having outlets to let your frustations or thoughts out on, whether they're people you don't have to pay to talk to or a number of hobbies/interests that can distract you from yourself.


"I used to be that way. Now, as I've said, I'm on Meds and go once a month to a Psychiatrist, for blood tests, a 15 talk about my meds, new prescription, and I'm then I'm ghost, Try out the new shit for 2 weeks, if it's all good, I keep it. If not, I switch. It's really not as fucked up as I'm making it sound. No, really. Plus, I sell the ones I don't like."


In the long run, therapists and pills don't truly help. Mental health doctors have likely been dealing with seriously suicidal people and others with real trauma and problems for years to the point where they're hardened and cynical, thus can't find the time or heart to care about every sad sack that walks through their door, whether they have legit cases or not. While there are others who only care about filling up the hour and their checkbook. That's why they don't offer solutions or prescriptions to every person who might have a problem and in turn it's like talking to a wall until you call them out and threaten to take away a revenue stream. Hell. Your local dive bartender provides the same for free by comparison and can be just as condescending as a therapist if you want. I'm sure he's heard them all.


"The thing is, to find a doctor who has gone through personal depression, or whatever. I'm not talkin' some Gary Busy time mofucker, just a dude with a good insight that most doctors won't have. My Psychiatrist is cool. And I'm gonna start seein a therapist bi-weekly in a month. That should be stupendous. But she's nice, and she's sexy. And has a sexy name...

That I can't remember....

Fuck it. But, yeah, try my advice above, it's been the only two shrinks I've had that I feel like I've accomplished something when the session is over."


Meanwhile the high cost drugs are just temporary mood enhancers, they're not made for someone to life the rest of their life on, and something that's just as easy for you to crash on or have side effects that are worse than living and dealing with it isn't for me. They're probably only suitable for those who have legit imbalances and serious issues anyway, whether those imbalances actually are legit in the world of science or not, that that's it.


"The only problems I've ahd with meds, was being put on the wrong ones. I would notce sideeefects, stop taking them, go get something better, and be fine.


And any and all meds you would be prescribed would most likely be available in generic versions, like 80 bucks for a bottle of brand name would be 7 bucks generic, and shit.


And yeah, I sit through 18 months of hell before I finally caved at went to the hospital. I was diagnosed as clynical depressant, and all my syptoms fit me perfectly. Then a bunch of crazy fucking bullshit happened in my personal life, now I'm diagnosed as Bi-Polarv2, which is way worse, and requires stronger, but fewer meds. So I'm good."



Not to sound preachy, which I think I'm far past by now, but it all starts with yourself. You have to help yourself before anything or anyone else can, which certainly is a difficult thing to do sometimes. Simply, there's a reason why people regress while on or after taking themselves off medication despite appearances that they're fine and that's because they're not fine before being put on it. In closing, perspective, stop thinking goddammit, confidence, etc., etc.


"No fuckin' doubt.


I had to get up off my ass and go to my family doctor and admit I needed help. From there on, it's worked out pretty well.


I've got the college thing goin', plenty women, I'm just chillin, waitin to transfer schools....



Yeah, in 2001 if somebody would have sit me down and explain, in detail everything that was going to happen for the next 6 years, I would not believe them. Number one, because that's insane, but really because it's just fuckin' crazy to me how much my quality of life has immproved in the past few years, and with all he fucking shit I've had to go through...


Shit, I pretty proud of myself. Heh"






Peace out, bro.

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