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STAR TREK 11 to be written by JJ Abrams

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J.J. Abrams is becoming the next Gene Roddenberry.

Paramount is breathing life into its "Star Trek" franchise by setting "Mission: Impossible III" helmer J.J. Abrams to produce and direct the 11th "Trek" feature, aiming for a 2008 release.


Damon Lindelof and Bryan Burk, Abrams' producing team from "Lost," also will produce the yet-to-be-titled feature.


Project, to be penned by Abrams and "MI3" scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto OrciRoberto Orci, will center on the early days of seminal "Trek" characters James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, including their first meeting at Starfleet Academy and first outer space mission.


Deal reflects Par's bullishness on "MI3," which launches worldwide next weekend, and underlines the goal of Paramount chief Brad Grey and prexy Gail BermanGail Berman to re-energize the pipeline via high-profile tentpoles while revitalizing the Par brand with top-tier talent such as Abrams.


"MI3" is the first pic to be released that's been greenlit by Grey.


"Star Trek" has been Hollywood's most durable performer other than James Bond, spawning 10 features that have grossed more than $1 billion and 726 TV episodes from six series.


Decision to relaunch "Star Trek" comes less than a year after UPN pulled the plug on "Star Trek: Enterprise" amid dismal ratings following a four-season run and four years after "Star Trek: Nemesis" turned in the worst performance of the 10 films with $43 million domestic.


Original series created by Roddenberry launched in 1966 on NBC and ended in 1969.


During the following decade, the original 78 episodes of "Trek" became staples in syndication and helped mobilize the fan base along with conventions, books and merchandise. Paramount released "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" in 1979 and saw domestic grosses hit $82 million. The next three films grossed a combined $263 million domestically, so Paramount started the second TV series, "The Next Generation," in 1987, with Rick Berman and Roddenberry co-exec producing.


Under Sherry Lansing's tenure, Rick Berman had been teamed several years ago with Jordan Kerner and Kerry McCluggage to develop an 11th feature set in the early days of Starfleet Academy.


Even as a fan, my feelings about this are mixed. As cool as it'd be to see a new Trek movie (there's universal agreement that's been at least a decade since there was a good one), prequels have proven time again to not be the best way to go creatively. However, as bad an idea as this is, its probably the only way Star Trek will ever be resurrected. Whether or not that's a even a good goal is debatable. In the last decade, Star Trek has gotten incredibly unpopular due to over-saturation and the perceived over-zealousness of its fans. Nobody's really clamoring for new Trek adventures.

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Wait until they become roommates. I'mm just waiting for it turning into Animal house in space

"They're the original odd couple! What whacky adventures will they get up to next".

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I'm hesitant about a prequel. It may work as a series but it HAS to be set during TOS or TNG/DS9 timeframes for fans to be familiar with it or AFTER TNG/DS9 but not so far that there is massive changes.

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Maybe the best way to bring the series back from the dead is to stop making new movies that are really bad. Star Trek needs about a 5 or 10 year break away from the public and from it's own fans. Not a prequel movie that will end up doing more harm than any possible good it could do.

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I never got the hate Nemesis got. I thought it was a decent movie with the best effects out of all of the movies. Sure, the Data subplot was kind of stupid (B4- really, enough already), but I never got why it waranted so much hate.

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I actually quite liked Insurrection, it was my favorite of the Next Gen movies. Nemesis had stuff that completely screwed with the established facts of Star Trek. Enterprise did it too, which is why I abandoned it pretty quickly. Romulans look like Vulcans, and there was never anything I recall about one planet absusing the other. I'm not the biggest Star Trek fan, and admittedly I haven't seen a ton of the original series, but I'ver seen all the movies and a fair chunk of Next Gen and DS9 and some of Voyager, I disliked 7 of 9 and sometimes just plain dumb stuff happened. If they can get Patrick Stewart, maybe they could do something with him on the Stargazer, I'd like to see one more Next Gen movie, it was by far my favorite crew, but I don't know how everyone's looking, and Stewart isn't getting any younger, so I'd live with him getting most of a movie, he's got a lot of stuff that hasn't been probed yet, I think. Ad I'm beginning to ramble, so I'll end it here

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Must we forget that First Contact was actually pretty good?

I wasn't a fan, myself. Also, the thing with the needle piercing his eye in the dream and the Borg queen's spine being like a tail grossed me out when I saw it. Insurrection was the only Next Gen movie I liked

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I'm mixed about it myself. While I love Trek movies, they really misstepped with Nemesis. I was thinking that a DS9 movie would have been a better bet, but I have to agree about Trek needing a serious break.


Not to mention that Paramount is trying to carve more meat off that dying carcass every chance they get. The DVD box sets are still over $100 apiece, and now they;re coming out with compilations of classic, TNG, DS9, and Voyager episodes based on a theme. They know that they have their fans by the short and curlies.

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I'm mixed about it myself. While I love Trek movies, they really misstepped with Nemesis. I was thinking that a DS9 movie would have been a better bet, but I have to agree about Trek needing a serious break.


Not to mention that Paramount is trying to carve more meat off that dying carcass every chance they get. The DVD box sets are still over $100 apiece, and now they;re coming out with compilations of classic, TNG, DS9, and Voyager episodes based on a theme. They know that they have their fans by the short and curlies.



I'm actually glad about the compilations. I decided a while ago that, while I was a trek fan, I wasn't going to pay upwards of $160 for 20-something episodes of a TV show. With the compilations (like they used to do with the VHS tapes) I can get my favorite episodes for a hell of a lot less.

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Must we forget that First Contact was actually pretty good?

I wasn't a fan, myself. Also, the thing with the needle piercing his eye in the dream and the Borg queen's spine being like a tail grossed me out when I saw it. Insurrection was the only Next Gen movie I liked


I think that was the last Star Trek movie I saw. How could that not be everyones favourite: It was basically zombies in space!

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Reasons I hated Nemesis:

-The villian was a clone of Capt. Picard that look, sounded, and acted nothing like him.

-The Remans, who've been oppressed for hundreds of years by the Romulans, get their revenge by attacking the Federation. Huh?

-Suddenly the Federation and the Romulans are buddies at the end of the movie, despite the fact that the Romulans brought that shit on themselves by oppressing the Remans for hundreds of years.

-Everything about B4= oh so very ghey.

-The dune-buggy chase. Not only are we now using 20th century automobiles, but we're shooting at primitive species who get in our way.

-Data flying a shuttlepod through the hallways of a Romulan spaceship.

-Thank you for reminding us we'd rather be watching a different movie by ripping off the ending to Wrath of Khan.


I thought First Contact was good, even if it did steal heavily from the even better movie Aliens.

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First Contact was the last movie that was any good (even that did some have lameness and formulaic elements to it, but it had charm which carried it through).


Nemesis was a boring piece of formula crap.

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I went and saw Nemisis in the theaters and the first thing I said once I walked out was "KHAAAAN!!!!" Nemisis was horrible it was the Final Frontier of TNG. However, I'm waiting for the Free Enterprise sequel.

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If they do attempt the Star Trek prequel movie...


Will they be wearing the "Enterprise" style jumpsuits or Original Series style outfits?


I'd imagine it'd be close to what was worn in the episode "The Cage".



Speaking of which...Its a shame Paramount never decided to use that series again. As much as I enjoyed Enterprise's final season (and especially the characters of T'Pol and Trip Tucker), I think a Capt. Pike show would've been preferable to Enterprise.

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I think if anything, they should have done a prequel/sequel inbetween TOS and TNG.

That could have been good.


Either a voyage of the Enterprise B or the Enterprise C.

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The Enterprise C would have been interesting as in the Series Finale for that they could tie it into the TNG episode when they go through the time warp.

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Lame. They should have made a DS9 movie instead. I always liked it better than TNG myself.

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Lame. They should have made a DS9 movie instead. I always liked it better than TNG myself.

First they'd need to

explain how Sisko gets released by the prophets, and what makes Odo to decide to come back

if they decide to use the whole cast.

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Must we forget that First Contact was actually pretty good?


I have a friend who hated that film because he felt it was "too much like an action movie" and was "too unrealistic" in terms of its science. I'm still not sure exactly how a film about alien cyborgs taking over the earth breaches the apparently razor thin line 'realistic' sci-fi and becomes unrealistic nonsense.

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I'm really, really worried about this movie, should it come to pass. I'm a bit of a purist as far as Star Trek though. I've read and am reading every novel, and follow the "complete" canon as it were. Kirk, Spock, and/or McCoy never met at Starfleet Academy. Kirk met Spock when he first came on board the Enterprise (Vonda M McIntyre's novel Enterprise) and while he knew McCoy previously, it was not from the Academy. I just hate that they might throw out 25-some years worth of canon for a new movie.


They did it in Nemesis, ignoring their OWN canon from the TV show. Picard HAD hair in the academy, and up through the time he commanded the Stargazer, and ended up in his bald state towards the end of the Stargazer run. They showed him with hair in a couple of occasions during flashbacks in TNG. Just plain sloppy.


Personally, I'd like to see one of two movies:


1 - A movie based around the new Titan movies, with Riker in command of the U.S.S. Titan. It'd be a chance to show off some GREAT special effects, since have of his crew are wacky-ass aliens made of jelly, one that has to live in water, one that looks like an elephant or some shit...


2 - Something to do with "The Lost Era" of novels, with the Enterprise C, or possibly Sulu on the Excelsior.

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2 - Something to do with "The Lost Era" of novels, with the Enterprise C, or possibly Sulu on the Excelsior.

The Excelsior would be awesome, but I'm not sure if they'd be too afraid of backlash since Takei came out. I know Star Trek is generally a liberal show, but we know that anti gay forces can be rallied at a moment's notice

Edited by Masked Man of Mystery

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