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Klitschko crushes Byrd

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Wladimir Klitschko (46-3, 41 KOs) won the IBF heavyweight title with a seventh round KO of Chris Byrd (39-3-1, 20 KOs) at the SAP Arena in Mannheim, Germany. It was a battle of jabs in round one with neither fighter doing any damage. Klitschko connected with a hard right in round two. Klitschko won round three fairly handily, landing numerous left-right combinations as Byrd face began to show signs of swelling. Another one-sided round for Klitschko in round four. Klitscho floored Byrd in round five with a right hand, then pummeled him for the rest of the round. Byrd showed great toughness in weathering the attack. Byrd took more punishment in round six. Klitscho floored Byrd again in the seventh and referee Wayne Kelly stopped it. Byrd was bloodied and beaten at the end. Time was :41.



Finally, thre boring and faded Chris Byrd loses his 'title'.

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Byrd had a better claim on the heavyweight crown than anyone in the heavyweight division. Still, this is good news for the division, as Klitschko is one of the only fighters who can garner some legitimacy.

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God is good. No more Byrd or Ruiz stinking up heavyweight "title" fights with 12 rounds of jab and grab (at least for the short term) should get people excited.

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Byrd got gift decisions vs Oquendo and Golota...then fought boring fights with his friends McCline and Williamson. He had been fighting only once per year recently, in boring fights usually against his own buddies, and getting frequent terrible decisions in his favor. Hes been an embarassment for almost three years.

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Byrd had a better claim on the heavyweight crown than anyone in the heavyweight division. Still, this is good news for the division, as Klitschko is one of the only fighters who can garner some legitimacy.



For all his talent, the fact that Wladimir is always a solid shot away from a humiliating loss leads me to believe he's slightly more prone to have any amount of legitimacy come crashing down.

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I watched the fight today, and it was a massacre, but the reason it was a massacre is that Byrd fights like he has cement blocks on his feet. Seriously, he just stood there and let Klitschko land massive shot to the face after massive shot to the face.


I still don't have much confidence in Klitschko as a long-term dominant champion. The only other fight I've seen in him in was the Corrie Sanders fight, and I don't think he's very good against an active, mobile boxer. He's got all the power in the world and if you let him tee off, he will knock you out, but I haven't seen anything to change the impression that he's not that great of a boxer. Vitali was much more talented.

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I'd much rather see Wlad KO someone in spectacular fashion or get KTFO'd than see Byrd or Ruiz throw a couple of jabs, clinch, punch the arms/behind the head, get separated by the ref, rinse and repeat for 36 minutes per fight.

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Wladimir is a different fighter.


Emmanuel Stewart is the best thing to ever happen to Wladimir. He is so much more of a complete fighter now.


Without Emmanuel in his corner, I am not sure he survives the Peter fight.


This was Wlad's best performance against a "top" heavyweight since destorying Lamon Brewster for 5 rounds before gassing out.


A lot of people point to Wlad's chin, but I kind of disagree. I don' t think it is necesarily his chin, because it never looks like Wlad is actually hurt, I think he just would panic and forget what to do in the ring. With Emannuel Stewart in his corner though, he has shown that he can come back from being knocked down(IE: The Peter Fight)


On a sidenote: Byrd thinking he was as strong as Wlad was about the dumbest thing ever. I could understand if his OWN ego told him so, but the fact his cornermen and trainers went with that for his training is fucking absurd.

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Vitali WISHES he had an ounce of Waldimir's talent. What he does have that his little brother never will is a solid chin.



Well it can be argued that before Emmauel Stewart got with Wlad, that Vitali did have better ringmanship and wherewithall then Wlad. As far as dynamic offense, yeah Wlad has always been superior, but Vitali had always known how to protect himself better and he knew how to handle himself when he was in a FIGHT, just watch the Corrie Sanders fight and how he didn't wilt under any attack from Sanders. He stepped back and regained control, got his head together, he didn't look like a deer in headlights.

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Vitali WISHES he had an ounce of Waldimir's talent. What he does have that his little brother never will is a solid chin.


Wlad wishes he had atleast a part of Vitali's chin and heart.


It really looks like boxing promoters are trying to build up a Rahman/Wladimir showdown to combined all the titles.


Either way, you had to be an idiot not to see Wladimir beating Byrd. Chris Byrd always has been overrated, and he shouldn't be a heavyweight.

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Eh, Vitali arguably showed heart once against Lewis, and that's about it. Otherwise, the only noticable examples regarding his heart are quitting against Byrd and backing out of Rahman fight 4 times before challenging Lewis to come out of retirement.


Anyways, I'll be holding off the Wladimir nuthugging until he beats a slugger more technically sound than Peter, or someone not as tailor-made for him and/or as shot as Byrd.

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Eh, Vitali arguably showed heart once against Lewis, and that's about it. Otherwise, the only noticable examples regarding his heart are quitting against Byrd and backing out of Rahman fight 4 times before challenging Lewis to come out of retirement.


Anyways, I'll be holding off the Wladimir nuthugging until he beats a slugger more technically sound than Peter, or someone not as tailor-made for him and/or as shot as Byrd.


Vitali suffered a torn rotator cuff, let's see you continue to fight with a injury like that. Vitali just wouldn't quit for no reason, he was kicking the shit out of Byrd in that fight.


Rahman KO's Wladimir.

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I never claimed I would fight with such an injury, but an old, heavily outmatched Evander Holyfield did in a fight he had no hope of winning. Vitali could've jabbed and run for 3 rounds and lost several rounds 10-8 to still put out a JD.


Also, Rahman hasn't shown enough firepower lately for me to believe he'd bomb Wlad out before his own mediocre chin gives out.

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I never claimed I would fight with such an injury, but an old, heavily outmatched Evander Holyfield did in a fight he had no hope of winning. Vitali could've jabbed and run for 3 rounds and lost several rounds 10-8 to still put out a JD.


Also, Rahman hasn't shown enough firepower lately for me to believe he'd bomb Wlad out before his own mediocre chin gives out.


Evander Holyfield has too much heart for his own good though, which is why you can barely understand what he says now. Vitali did the smart thing, it has nothing to do with his heart. He was in massive amount of pain, you can't finish a fight with one fucking arm. Like I said, if he wasn't serious, he problay would've continued the fight, like he wanted to againest Lennox.


Rahman still has that right hand power, he just wasn't able to show it, because his last 2 fights have been againest Top Heavyweight Contenders like Toney(The best defensive fighter in the HW divison) and Monte Barrett(Yes I know Wlad beat him, but he improved greatly since the fight. He was a very hungry fighter when he face Rahman)

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I never claimed I would fight with such an injury, but an old, heavily outmatched Evander Holyfield did in a fight he had no hope of winning. Vitali could've jabbed and run for 3 rounds and lost several rounds 10-8 to still put out a JD.


Also, Rahman hasn't shown enough firepower lately for me to believe he'd bomb Wlad out before his own mediocre chin gives out.


Evander Holyfield has too much heart for his own good though, which is why you can barely understand what he says now. Vitali did the smart thing, it has nothing to do with his heart. He was in massive amount of pain, you can't finish a fight with one fucking arm. Like I said, if he wasn't serious, he problay would've continued the fight, like he wanted to againest Lennox.


So wait... he showed smarts by quitting due to a workable injury with less than 3 rounds left against a feathefisted Byrd, yet showed heart by wanting to continue with a dangerously large cut over his eye with 6 rounds to go against a still dangerous Lewis?


Besides, it's not as though continuing with shoulder injuries against Moorer and Byrd contributed to Evander's current condition as much as the more severe and numerous asswhippings he's taken throughout his career.


Rahman still has that right hand power, he just wasn't able to show it, because his last 2 fights have been againest Top Heavyweight Contenders like Toney(The best defensive fighter in the HW divison) and Monte Barrett(Yes I know Wlad beat him, but he improved greatly since the fight. He was a very hungry fighter when he face Rahman)


The Toney fight is undertsandable, but the fact that a guy as average as "No Gunz" Barret was able to keep the fight competitive and even hurt Rahman seems to sum the sita\uation up to me. For all his faults, Wladimir is still a damn ight better than Barret. Though, it's not to say Hasim COULDN'T KO Wlad, I jsut think it's more likely he'd be stopped before that could happen.

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I never claimed I would fight with such an injury, but an old, heavily outmatched Evander Holyfield did in a fight he had no hope of winning. Vitali could've jabbed and run for 3 rounds and lost several rounds 10-8 to still put out a JD.


Also, Rahman hasn't shown enough firepower lately for me to believe he'd bomb Wlad out before his own mediocre chin gives out.


Evander Holyfield has too much heart for his own good though, which is why you can barely understand what he says now. Vitali did the smart thing, it has nothing to do with his heart. He was in massive amount of pain, you can't finish a fight with one fucking arm. Like I said, if he wasn't serious, he problay would've continued the fight, like he wanted to againest Lennox.


So wait... he showed smarts by quitting due to a workable injury with less than 3 rounds left against a feathefisted Byrd, yet showed heart by wanting to continue with a dangerously large cut over his eye with 6 rounds to go against a still dangerous Lewis?


Besides, it's not as though continuing with shoulder injuries against Moorer and Byrd contributed to Evander's current condition as much as the more severe and numerous asswhippings he's taken throughout his career.


Rahman still has that right hand power, he just wasn't able to show it, because his last 2 fights have been againest Top Heavyweight Contenders like Toney(The best defensive fighter in the HW divison) and Monte Barrett(Yes I know Wlad beat him, but he improved greatly since the fight. He was a very hungry fighter when he face Rahman)


The Toney fight is undertsandable, but the fact that a guy as average as "No Gunz" Barret was able to keep the fight competitive and even hurt Rahman seems to sum the sita\uation up to me. For all his faults, Wladimir is still a damn ight better than Barret. Though, it's not to say Hasim COULDN'T KO Wlad, I jsut think it's more likely he'd be stopped before that could happen.


Not be able to move your shoulder and a big gash over your eye is much different(I still think that if Vitali would've continued the fight, he would've been KO'd. Lennox was starting to get back into the grove of things and nailed Vitali with some good shots. He caused that big gash). If you can't move your shoulder, it's very stupid to contiue fighting and will only damage the shoulder much worse then it already is. Atleast with the cut, he can still use both of his arm, and still has a chance to change the outcome of the fight.


As far as the Barrett fight goes, no one was excepting Rahman to KO Barrett. 2 Gunz was riding alot of momentum going into the Rahman fight. 1st in alot of people's minds he got robbed againest Joe Mesi, he beat undefeated Dominick Guinn who at the time was being considered as one of the best heavyweight prospects, and then he defeats undefeated prospect Owen Beck. He had all the momentum in the world going into the Rahman fight. Rahman proved he was the suprior fighter. If that Barrett fought Wlad now, Wlad wouldn't have as easy of time as he did in 2000.


I have big time trouble seeing Wlad KO Rahman, espically since Rahman doesn't make those stupid mistakes anymore to get KO'd, like the old Rahman. Emanuel Stewart even said Rahman would give both the Klits alot of trouble, because of his style.

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What the fuck was with my spelling earlier? Anyways...


- Vitali could've much more easily beaten Byrd one handed then he could've beaten Lennox tired, hurt and with one eye. On the severity of each injury, while a dislocated shoulder is hardly ever a career ender, the eye injury ringside doctors were concerned about could've been. Besides, such a handicap could've left Vitali much more succeptable to blind Lennox right hand, leaving him KO'ed & concussed, which Byrd wouldn't be able to do sans a baseball bat.


- I give Barrett all the credit in the world for being a good HW sleeper given his limited talent, but his pre-Rahman run was hardly astounding. He gave away too many early rounds against Mesi (including a 10-8 4th) for the JD to be a robbery. Guinn was a promising HW talent, but caused concerns with his spurts of a inactivity in the ring. Since the Barrett bout, he's 2-2-1 with a draw to Friday Ahunanya. As for Beck, he was never special at all, having never beat a good fighter and losing his next bout to Ray Austin. In Monte, Hasim had a slugger with little power and a dentable chin, yet he couldn't manage to impress.


If Hasim were to work his jab, pressure Wlad and defend the 1-2 well, he'd have a great shot at KO'ing Wlad. However, given his nature, I'm more inclined to believe he'd look sluggish and keep his defense open enough for Wlad to shoot that 1-2 through all night.

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What the fuck was with my spelling earlier? Anyways...


- Vitali could've much more easily beaten Byrd one handed then he could've beaten Lennox tired, hurt and with one eye. On the severity of each injury, while a dislocated shoulder is hardly ever a career ender, the eye injury ringside doctors were concerned about could've been. Besides, such a handicap could've left Vitali much more succeptable to blind Lennox right hand, leaving him KO'ed & concussed, which Byrd wouldn't be able to do sans a baseball bat.


- I give Barrett all the credit in the world for being a good HW sleeper given his limited talent, but his pre-Rahman run was hardly astounding. He gave away too many early rounds against Mesi (including a 10-8 4th) for the JD to be a robbery. Guinn was a promising HW talent, but caused concerns with his spurts of a inactivity in the ring. Since the Barrett bout, he's 2-2-1 with a draw to Friday Ahunanya. As for Beck, he was never special at all, having never beat a good fighter and losing his next bout to Ray Austin. In Monte, Hasim had a slugger with little power and a dentable chin, yet he couldn't manage to impress.


If Hasim were to work his jab, pressure Wlad and defend the 1-2 well, he'd have a great shot at KO'ing Wlad. However, given his nature, I'm more inclined to believe he'd look sluggish and keep his defense open enough for Wlad to shoot that 1-2 through all night.


I think that both stoppages Lennox and Byrd fight were good stoppages. No way should anyone fight with a dislocated shoulder and just continue to damage it. Lennox was going to beat up on Vitali no matter if he was cut or not. Lennox was landing good uppercuts before the stoppage. Vitali had a good 2 rounds.


I'm willing to bet Wladimir doesn't KO Barrett this time around.


People are starting to overrate Wladimir again... The same Wladimir who was KO'd by Ross Purritty, the same Wladimir who was KO'd by Corrie Sanders, the same Wladimir who got tired and got KTFO by Lamon Brewster, the same Wladimir who was about to get his ass kicked by DaVarryl Williamson by got lucky with a cut, do I have to continue?


He beat Byrd! whoopie-doo! He also beat Byrd a couple years ago. Byrd was never a real legit HW IMO, he is a small heavyweight, who was on a big slump in his career. James Toney has proven more then Byrd.


He beat Samuel Peter, who he has 4 inches height and reach over, and who also doesn't know the term of "head movement". Even then Wlad looked shakey in the fight and almost got KO'd a couple times.


The John Ruiz fight was a wake up call for Hasim and has been 6-0-1 since that fight. And in most boxing experts minds he should've got the desicion againest James Toney. He dominated Kali Meehan(Who was coming off a disputed lost to Lamon Brewster), he beat Monte Barrett, and he looked pretty impressive againest James Toney, and showed a nice jab.


Hasim Rahman would outwork Wladimir and eventually catch him with his deadly right hand that put out many boxers, including the great Lennox Lewis.

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Wait a sec... how did two people who hate how overrated Wlad is quickly becoming start arguing? I certainly don't think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I just don't have enough faith in Hasim fighting to his potential and obliterating him.

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Wait a sec... how did two people who hate how overrated Wlad is quickly becoming start arguing? I certainly don't think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I just don't have enough faith in Hasim fighting to his potential and obliterating him.


So you got more faith in Wladimir, who has looked worse then Hasim, and has a much weaker chin?

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Yep. Wladimir, if nothing else, knows how to play to his strengths, and has enough offensive firepower to hurt Hasim.


1-2,1-2,1-1-2, clinch all night.

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Yep. Wladimir, if nothing else, knows how to play to his strengths, and has enough offensive firepower to hurt Hasim.


1-2,1-2,1-1-2, clinch all night.


I'm sorry, but Rahman isn't Samuel Peter. He actually has defense and head movement. It's going to be alot harder for Wladimir to actually do that.


Infact I'd take Serguei Lyakhovich over Wladimir as well.

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What has the heavyweight division come to when people think Hasim Rahman is a legit contender. The dude is going to live off his Lennox Lewis KO FOOOOOOOREVER. Because of that single fight he will always gets shot at the belt.......Well just remember, Oliver McCall also knocked out Lewis.

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What has the heavyweight division come to when people think Hasim Rahman is a legit contender. The dude is going to live off his Lennox Lewis KO FOOOOOOOREVER. Because of that single fight he will always gets shot at the belt.......Well just remember, Oliver McCall also knocked out Lewis.


Rahman has been considered a legit contender in the 90's. He is a talented boxer, but sometimes becomes lazy training and comes to fights fat.


When Rahman comes prepared and focused, he's a threat to beat anyone.

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I know this old but:


"When Rahman comes prepared and focused, he's a threat to beat anyone"


I actually kind of agree here. The Lewis fight was more than just one lucky punch, he was really game while Lewis was just there. Of course in the second fight, Lewis had his head on straight and completely outclassed him as I recall.


"Lennox was going to beat up on Vitali no matter if he was cut or not. Lennox was landing good uppercuts before the stoppage. Vitali had a good 2 rounds."


I'm sorry but it was more than clear who the better fighter was. I recall Lewis landing a few clean punches but they didn't have the same effect as when Vitali landed a clean shot, and he was landing alot more. Even with the early cut(which wasn't busted open by a power shot but a clean cut from a fluke angle.), Vitali was still winning the rounds and the fight was going his way before the stoppage. Lewis was already getting rocked and if it wasn't for the eye trouble...


And I'm sure Lewis retired because he had nothing left to prove...right.



And Vitali is obviously the superior boxer to Wlad. Vitali has everything on him but size and power. Heart? Vitali didn't need to show it much because during his title run he knocked everyone the fuck out. As far as backing out against Rahman, yeah I'm sure Vitali was terrified of him and it had nothing to do with blowing his knee out. The Byrd fight? He was a different fighter in those last few years or so though, but he did have the "boxing is not my day job " attitude for most of his career. He still kicked everyone's ass though, including Lewis and Byrd before the injuries.

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"Lennox was going to beat up on Vitali no matter if he was cut or not. Lennox was landing good uppercuts before the stoppage. Vitali had a good 2 rounds."


I'm sorry but it was more than clear who the better fighter was. I recall Lewis landing a few clean punches but they didn't have the same effect as when Vitali landed a clean shot, and he was landing alot more. Even with the early cut(which wasn't busted open by a power shot but a clean cut from a fluke angle.), Vitali was still winning the rounds and the fight was going his way before the stoppage. Lewis was already getting rocked and if it wasn't for the eye trouble...


Most people agree that Vitali was starting to gas as the fight progressed, and his best chance to finish Lennox had already passed. Lennox was starting to get his offense in, and combined with Vitali's cut, it's probable he was going to make up the 2 point difference and possibly put a hurting on Vitali.


And I'm sure Lewis retired because he had nothing left to prove...right.


What was Lewis going to prove by climbing into the ring again? He knew full well that his best days were far behind him, and he had already secured his legacy as the best HW of the past 20 years.



And Vitali is obviously the superior boxer to Wlad. Vitali has everything on him but size and power.


Wladimir has better footwork, offense, and arguably defense nowadays.


Heart? Vitali didn't need to show it much because during his title run he knocked everyone the fuck out.


The 1 fight title run against Danny Williams? Vitali benefitted by fighting a lot of scrubs throughout his career, and even after gaining prominence, his resume topped out with the average Larry Donald, an extremely fat Kirk Johnson, & semi-pro golfer/semi-retired boxer Corrie Sanders.


As far as backing out against Rahman, yeah I'm sure Vitali was terrified of him and it had nothing to do with blowing his knee out.


Vitali had an excuse every other month as to why he wouldn't fight Hasim. It would have been one thing had he simply retired and shut up, but of course his retirement didn't stop him from trying to goad Lewis into a rematch.


The Byrd fight? He was a different fighter in those last few years or so though, but he did have the "boxing is not my day job " attitude for most of his career.


But when has someone not taking their chosen field seriously a reason for excuse-making?


He still kicked everyone's ass though, including Lewis and Byrd before the injuries.


Had he actually kicked either guys' asses, he would have won those fights. As it is, he hurt them a bit and couldn't close the show.

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I can see the argument of you saying he didn't whoop Lewis's ass (although I say he whoop his ass...moreso because Lewis was A: taking him lightly like he did Rahman and B: Wasn't expecting to fight him) but you have to be kidding me with Byrd. He whooped Byrds ass. Beating the shit out of a guy and getting injured in the process doesn't change the fact that you beat the shit out of a guy.

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