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ECW gets a normal time slot

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Guest Coffey

I don't know, it doesn't seem that weird to me. I bet people thought it was weird when Raw first showed up on USA. Besides, this isn't worse than TNN, the Nashville Network, before they became Spike TV. Seriously, ECW was on in-between Rollerjam and 18 Wheels of Justice. I was anticipating "bad girl" Tanya Harding and Hee-Haw commercials every break.

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It makes as much sense as Battlebots on Comedy Central or Cartoon Network showing live action movies.


Par for the course, I guess.


Or Saved by the Bell on Adult Swim.


Sci-Fi seems kind of a dark corner of Cable though, where all the freaks get sent. Not really a wrestling base.


Seems like a match made in heaven to me.

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Should I be expecting a marathon of b-movies featuring pro-wrestlers on the Sci-Fi channel anytime soon? A weekend full of Roddy Piper, Terry Funk, Hogan movies is a great way to build the fanbase cause god knows you need to watch No Holds Barred, Santa Slay, Roadhouse, Over the Top, Hell Comes to Frogtown 24-7!

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You're kind of new here, so I don't know your tone, but you have to be joking about that statement, right?


I was joking... of course.

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Also on the PWInsider audio that was just posted, they say that as of now it's about 90% for sure that it's going to be on Sci-Fi and only 10% on USA. They want it on a different network to go that extra step to make it look like WWE and ECW is truly separate from one another.


Makes sense to me.

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Also on the PWInsider audio that was just posted, they say that as of now it's about 90% for sure that it's going to be on Sci-Fi and only 10% on USA. They want it on a different network to go that extra step to make it look like WWE and ECW is truly separate from one another.


Makes sense to me.


Yeah, the more I think about it, the better I like Sci-Fi as a home. They could even theme the night like Extreme Thursdays or something and show horror flicks, etc.

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I remember being really excited when Sci Fi first came on TV... and then I never watched it because no shows interest me on that channel. Now, with the exception of Tripping the Rift, I finally have a reason to watch Sci Fi after all these years. Awesome.

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Is Sci-Fi the channel that didn't show anything on it other than fucked up images here and there with audio that kept repeating names and then saying that "we're/it's coming for you" when it first started up?

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Ghost Hunters is an alright show. I was pissed when they stopped showing MST3K, even though it seemed that they only had five episodes that they played on a constant loop.

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Sci-Fi is one of the most heavily censored channels on cable TV. For being a dedicated horror/sci-fi network, you rarely see any blood or gore in a movie. I hope they dont make ECW tone it down any. Though I guess thats a relative statement since we dont really know how far WWE will let the company go in the violence department.

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Dude WTF? I don't get the Sci-fi channel, do I really need to upgrade my cable so I can get ECW. Horseshit.

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Why Sci-Fi? This is like the Outdoor Network carrying NHL games.


OLN carrying games made sense because Comcast wanted to change it into a sports network to rival ESPN and that was the biggest sports property contract available at the time although they tried to get NFL but failed.. hell, they are even changing the name to "Versus" in September.


Oh, and I feel so bad for the people that don't get SciFi..not..


I was worried that ECW was going to be internet only and with my slow connection I'd never be able to watch it...combine that with me losing Smackdown come the fall when UPN goes away and I was seriously considering just quitting watching WWE altogether because if I can only watch RAW..when theres SD and ECW going on then whats the point..?

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Is Sci-Fi the channel that didn't show anything on it other than fucked up images here and there with audio that kept repeating names and then saying that "we're/it's coming for you" when it first started up?


Yeah, that was a pretty cool way to announce a debut.

All of this is still too confusing. Nothing about ECW says "Sci Fi", while everything else on the channel has some form of science fiction tie-in.


Be like BET announcing they were going to start showing water polo.

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I can just imagine Cyrus showing up again as the Sci-Fi network honcho demanding that ECW plug all the grade Z horror flicks and what not.


To be honest though I would rather ECW just go about its business and not discuss the network they are on at all. Badmouthing TNN while they were negotiating with the WWF was one thing, but trashing Sci-Fi after they went out of their way to give ECW a slot?

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To be honest though I would rather ECW just go about its business and not discuss the network they are on at all. Badmouthing TNN while they were negotiating with the WWF was one thing, but trashing Sci-Fi after they went out of their way to give ECW a slot?


Having a guy called "Trek Dudley" that sat in the front row with full Star Trek apparel and eventually turned into a Comic Book Guy-esque gimmick would be funny.

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