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Who is the defining artist of this generation?

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Eminem a flash in the pan? That's laughable.


If we're talking relative to a generation, then yeah, he was.


What are you talking about? He's had a good 7 years or so as the dominant figure in popular music (that's more than the Beatles' original run or MJ's hot period). He has had 3 pantheon-level albums, critical recognition and mainstream success and notoriety. That's far more than a flash in the pan. The argument for Eminemn is as good as any.


The Beatles at their peak in relation to popular music absolutely buttfuck Em in every single way possible.


Having said that, Em was also one of the first artists that came to mind when I saw this topic.

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cobain is legendary because he killed himself.


if eddie vedder blew his brains out after "vs", people would have the same opinion of him, as they do of cobain now.


Great, great point, and I've been saying this for years as well. But, I also hate Nirvana and love Pearl Jam.

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I don't think that any artist-Radiohead, Eminem, Kurt Cobain, or otherwise-can be the "Defining" artist of this generation. Take, for example, the Beatles, who appealed to nearly everyone when they were around. They absolutely defined the 1960s in terms of music. If you look at the last 10 or 15 years, I don't think you can say there's been one defining artist that can be universally agreed upon as defining the generation. If you ask four different people, depending on their taste, they'll say either Radiohead, Eminem, Kurt Cobain, or something else. Unlike in the 1960s, when pretty much everyone agreed that The Beatles were the defining act of the times (although there might be a 3 or 4% margin or error), I don't think the same can be said about this generation. I think this generation is too varied and diverse to have one specific defining artist, which I don't think is a bad thing.

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cobain is legendary because he killed himself.


if eddie vedder blew his brains out after "vs", people would have the same opinion of him, as they do of cobain now.


Great, great point, and I've been saying this for years as well. But, I also hate Nirvana and love Pearl Jam.


This is one of those weird points of view that has gained momentum in recent years as a backlash to love for Nirvana. Pearl Jam was never as popular or influential as Nirvana. Nevermind, In Utero and Unplugged were all classics far above anything in PJ's catalogue, and were the defining band in a movement that changed the entire landscape of popular music.

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But Kurt Cobain himself said that he was just rippin' off the Pixies. I think that Nirvana had a more interesting look and charisma, due in large part to Kurt Cobain, but I think that Pearl Jam were better songwriters and musicians. It's kind of like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but not really.

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cobain is a defining artist for how he died. not for how prolific he was. he did change the course of music for several years, too.


eminem is a glorified limp bizkit. he started out seemingly wanting to display his antural talents. but he became bogged down in the angry man, crass 98-02 years. you know, when south park was at its height. and wwf ATTITUDE. and doing it all for the nookie. and mysogony. know what i mean? dont respond fi the answer is no because you are clueless.

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So, you're saying that Kurt Cobain defines the generation because he killed himself. I think that paints a very negative picture of this generation, but not a wholly unwarrented one.

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Guest Felonies!
Might get heat for this, but honestly give Kanye West a few years and he might define this generation. I mean, he's not by any means a rapper (or a good one at that), his beats are just copies off other peoples hits, but hear me out:


I mean, you think without his production on Beanie Sigels and Common's albums they'd be hits? Those guys have been out for YEARS and didn't see good album charts until West did production on them. What about Lupe Fiasco and Rhymefest? I don't think we'd be seeing them on our TV screens with top singles if Kanye wasn't around. He's producing a new generation and it's revolving right before us. I mean, you may hate the guy, but he's helped some good people get off their feet.

Okay, so he's a more obnoxious, less talented Brian Eno? I'm not gonna let this turn into another Czech Republic vs. Kanye West And TSM thread, but if the guy is an average rapper and just rips off beats from everyone else, he's not gonna measure up to Lennon/McCartney, Jagger/Richards, Page/Plant, Bono/Edge, or any of those. But hey, pink sweaters.

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Guest Felonies!


cobain is a defining artist for how he died. not for how prolific he was. he did change the course of music for several years, too.


eminem is a glorified limp bizkit. he started out seemingly wanting to display his antural talents. but he became bogged down in the angry man, crass 98-02 years. you know, when south park was at its height. and wwf ATTITUDE. and doing it all for the nookie. and mysogony. know what i mean? dont respond fi the answer is no because you are clueless.

There you go. Limp Bizkit is the defining artist of our generation. Our shitty, shitty, shitty generation.

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This is one of those weird points of view that has gained momentum in recent years as a backlash to love for Nirvana. Pearl Jam was never as popular or influential as Nirvana. Nevermind, In Utero and Unplugged were all classics far above anything in PJ's catalogue, and were the defining band in a movement that changed the entire landscape of popular music.

"Nevermind" was a classic, thats it. "In Utero" was popular, but "Nevermind" is THE Nirvana album. Just like "Ten" is THE Pearl Jam album. Thus the comparison. If Eddie offed himself after the popular but not amazing "vs" album, they would be the same as Nirvana and "Ten" would be the defining album that "Nevermind" has been elevated to.

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So, you're saying that Kurt Cobain defines the generation because he killed himself. I think that paints a very negative picture of this generation, but not a wholly unwarrented one.

Hrmmmm...considering this generation is the generation AFTER the one Cobain was "the defining artist" of...no. But yeah, that sets a pretty truthful picture of Generation X: self-centered, angst-ridden, and too big of a bunch of fucking pussies to deal with the hardships of life.


The iGeneration, though...fuck, maybe MC Lars will emerge as the voice of it. All he does is make fun of shit constantly, but does it so bluntly and with such little flow that he's a genius.

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So, wait...what generation are we in? Uh...was Kurt Cobain in Generation X or Generation Y? Is this the iGeneration or whatever? I wanna be a baby boomer.

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So, you're saying that Kurt Cobain defines the generation because he killed himself. I think that paints a very negative picture of this generation, but not a wholly unwarrented one.


you're catching on!

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I hate to say this, but 2Pac's greatest contribution to music is getting murdered. I'm not saying that because it ended a great musical career, I'm saying that it served as inspiration for so many others.

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I think it's obvious that no musical act has successfully connected with people enough to be a defining act in a long while.


There will always be the need to associate with something, so people will say that they associate with Em, or Radiohead, or I dunno Slipknot.


But there has been no artist quality enough to actively grab everyone who listened to him/her. Maybe it's not like the 60's anymore, and people aren't willing to give that much to artists anymore... I dunno.

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How can there be any defining artist or anything of this generation? Everything from the entertainment industry to automotive manufacturers to pop cultural in general revolves around remixes, remakes, and anything retro. This generation will be known for a lack of originality and nostalgia.

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You could argue U2...again.


You know what I find weird about U2 - they always get mentioned as one of the top bands in the world, known for having a wide reaching and devoted fanbase, but I've never met a person who was a fan of theirs. It's always "U2 sucks" or "I hate Bono." Not really a knock against them, but just something I've encountered and wondered if anyone else has as well.


Back to the subject at hand. There is no defining artist of this generation. The differing answers in this discussion are proof of that. I still think if you were trying to squeeze someone into that role, it would have to be Eminem, but there are still many arguments against him. There is still time for something major to happen in the music world for this generation, but the whole structure of the industry would likely suffocate any person from dominating the scene like the aforementioned artists in their respective eras.

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Em was not and is not defining of anything more than kids wanting to be bad.


That will never define a generation.

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Em was not and is not defining of anything more than kids wanting to be bad.


That will never define a generation.


That is such bullshit. Eminem has been the defining figure of the entire hip hop industry for the past half decade, and whether you like it not, hip hop's assimilation into the mainstream and popular culture is one of the defining points of this generation. His appeal is wide-reaching, drawing respect and record sales from both white suburban America and the inner city culture. He has two albums that were recognized in the top 100 albums of all time by Rolling Stone (which is still the most widely read and accepted music magazine). He was able to cross over into movies and clothing as well, and his label imprint has introduced major acts like 50 Cent.


That has nothing to do with kids wanting to be bad, so quit bringing your naivity into this thread.

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Oh get off your highhorse.


I know full well who bought a majority of Eminem's records.


He's not even the greatest MC.

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Maybe top 5 grossing.


I've heard better stuff on campus, on sidewalks.


Even giving his flow credit, he had so little to say, how can you compare him? How can he be a definition of anything but angst?

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Maybe top 5 grossing.


I've heard better stuff on campus, on sidewalks.


Even giving his flow credit, he had so little to say, how can you compare him? How can he be a definition of anything but angst?


Eric...wow man...you've said some crazy things here and at the Pit, but...wow man...

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