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Secret Shopping

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Does anyone know anything about becoming a secret shopper?


I signed up to join this program that trains me on becoming one and sets me up with contacts but I was just curious if anyone knows anything about being a secret shopper.

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Basically you usually get a percentage off stuff you buy in establishments that the company wants research like information on. I know people who've done it. Just note that you can't make a living off of this and that you will be dropped if you just are doing it for free/discounted stuff.

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Basically you usually get a percentage off stuff you buy in establishments that the company wants research like information on. I know people who've done it. Just note that you can't make a living off of this and that you will be dropped if you just are doing it for free/discounted stuff.

I'm more intrested in making some extra money on the side if anything.

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My girlfriend wants me to be a secret shopper. I'd like to know some info, too.

Tell you what, let me "test" out the company that is sending me the training info and if things work out I'll give you their number, unless you want me to give it to you now. Just PM me.

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You're an idiot if you don't see secret shoppers coming. Their questions are among the most obvious and rehearsed I've seen. After dealing with one of them the guy actually finished by saying "You've been very helpful with this information gathering session."

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Me and the misses have done it before. It's nothing to hard, tho we didn't get any discounted stuff. Mostly we were told that we would be reimbursed up to a certain amount for any purchases we made. Honestly we just fudged a lot of it

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You're an idiot if you don't see secret shoppers coming. Their questions are among the most obvious and rehearsed I've seen. After dealing with one of them the guy actually finished by saying "You've been very helpful with this information gathering session."


Not always, although there was one guy at the theater we always recognized.

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I never understood how anyone did poorly with a secert shopper? All you have to do is be courtious and do your job. I only got points off because I refused to up sell b/c it's rude and degrading to both the custumor and employee.

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I always got busted for the sell-ups, or lack thereof. A lot of the SS would always come at the busiest time of the day, too. Sorry I didn't suggest the 20 extra products that my boss's boss's boss's boss's boss wanted me to do, but I thought getting that line of customers at my register out the door during the afternoon rush hour (the most hectic time of the 2-10 p.m. shift at the Quickie Mart) was more important. But what did I know? I only made $5.50/hour at the time. (Now I'm almost up to SIX bucks!)

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Yeah, man, wages in Pittsburgh are fucking horrible. Thank God I just go to school there.


I can work here in St. Loius, where wages are way higher then Pittsburgh, and I always have plenty of money.

(Untill my loan company caught on and started taking part of my paycheck, fuck that.)


But being a secret shopper...


Man, I dunno if I'd like doin' something like that.


Sounds too close to being a snitch to me.

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Yeah, man, wages in Pittsburgh are fucking horrible. Thank God I just go to school there.


I can work here in St. Loius, where wages are way higher then Pittsburgh, and I always have plenty of money.

(Untill my loan company caught on and started taking part of my paycheck, fuck that.)


But being a secret shopper...


Man, I dunno if I'd like doin' something like that.


Sounds too close to being a snitch to me.


Well see thats where you and me differ, I have no problem selling out.

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I was under the impression that I was on vacation from school, and therefore didn't need to be making payments.


Turns out, I was supposed to be, and my school and my loans company neglected to let me know about it.

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It's nothing to hard, tho we didn't get any discounted stuff. Mostly we were told that we would be reimbursed up to a certain amount for any purchases we made. Honestly we just fudged a lot of it


Which is essentially discounted stuff.


I don't know how you could fudge the stuff though, most secret shopper places require you to submit the receipts from your purchases for the applicable discounts.

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When I worked at Bose we were secret shopped, generally at least once a month. Usually it was easy, because you'd know you were working with a secret shopper.


Sometimes we'd get screwed though, because the person would just up and leave before we could finish our "sales process". Basically, Bose has a very detailed and lengthy demonstration and sales process they want their sales people to practice, so if you don't have enough time from the secret shopper, you're fucked.


Oh well, so glad I haven't worked there for over two years now.

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I got in trouble once for being "monotone" to a secret shopper a few years ago. (mall food job)


The date in question was a weekend, very busy - and I was forced to go in despite having strep throat (yeah, that's sanitary!). Of course I wasn't in the best of moods! I was sick.

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My company uses secret shoppers all the time, but they don't fucking train them appearantly, because we keep getting shit back like the person was just making shit up.


I scored a 23% Because appearantly, I "wasn't wearing my name tag, didn't talk to the person, didn't offer any assistance, and didn't thank them for coming in" yet they knew my first name. Andrew.


The store director comes down and starts giving me shit about it, so I turn to him, and ask him what my average Secret Shopper score was... I had him since I'm the highest average scorer in the store. He flips through his little chart and says, "82%"


"Problem isn't with me then. We had someone who didn't know what the hell they are doing."


I guess I just hate it since there is no logic to it at all where I work. People check the same response, but the totals are different. Like the highest you can get for "Greeting" the customer is something like, "Made visual contact, smiled or had a pleasant facial expression, and greeted me in a friendly, sincere tone" BUT then the customer rates you on a scale of 0/5 So we get shit like, did everything right, 2/5, or my favorite, "Shelves where well stocked, the floor was clean," Appearance of the department 2/5.


My ex-signed up for being a secret shopper, and they just got e-mails for businesses and they took the job if they wanted it or not. No training at all.


If these people received any kind of training it would be a plus, but I doubt that goes down where I am.

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

I shop secretly all the time.


But in some places its called 'stealing'. I'm a bigger fan of the term "secret".

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Do secert shoppers have any why they get audited? B/C if I did that I wouldn't give a bad grade unless service was really bad and forget about stupid shit like looking friendly.

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