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The Smackdown thread for June 2, 2006.

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With the mass exodus of stars from SD, I think a ME "King's Court" heel stable with Booker, Regal, and Finlay would be awesome. Just have Regal and Finlay help Booker cheat to win the World title, then have Rey and Lashley act as the face foils.


Angle/Rey is now officially the new front-runner for TV MOTY.


Great SD overall. I don't know how they keep doing it.


I agree, a Rey/ Booker feud with Lashley on Rey's corner and Regal & Finlay with Booker T would kick all sorts of ass, and because I enjoy watching all these guys on TV, that would be ten times better than anything Raw is doing right now.

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Guest hasbeen
To me, Bam Bam Bigelow is one of the all time greatest big men. He wasn't up there with Vader, but he could hold his own in the ring and was a lot better that most of the other big lugs throughout the 80's all the way up to today.


The man could really get around the ring.


My nephew made fun of him for years after seeing that WM match with LT, saying that he was just crap. I bought a tape of great BBB matches and gave it to my nephew along with one of those little action figures of him (I made a post here a year or two asking for help with all of this) and gave it to him for Christmas.


Let's just say he doesn't make fun of Bigelow anymore.



Look for some of his Memphis stuff, with Lawler against Rich and Idol especially.

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I thought SD! tonight was pretty good. I'm with everyone else..Rey/Angle is the TV MOTY so far.


Tazz's promo was cool too. I'm with whoever said Tazz chokes out Lawler on Raw, then Lawler returns the favor and pildrives Tazz on SD next week. That would be awesome.


The Divas match was pretty bleh, and Michelle McCool is pretty much the same. Krystal did show some talent there, and like someone else said, could become the next Trish if she wanted to.


All in all, fun show to watch tonight.

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I thought SD! tonight was pretty good. I'm with everyone else..Rey/Angle is the TV MOTY so far.

Tazz's promo was cool too. I'm with whoever said Tazz chokes out Lawler on Raw, then Lawler returns the favor and pildrives Tazz on SD next week. That would be awesome.


The promo was good, but their match will be crap because Lawler is an awful wrestler.


As for the rest of last night's SD, Rey/Angle was the only good match(I know Finlay had a match, but it was a squash). Mizanin was SO annoying(a wrestling show doesn't need a presenter, anyway) Regal, Finlay and Booker is a good combo, IMO.


I REALLY hope Mizanin isn't a permanent fixture.


The return of Mr Kennedy should make next week's show good.

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The return of Mr Kennedy should make next week's show good.


Mr Kennedy might not like the way The Miz presents him and give him a beatdown, starting a feud between them two.

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I think Miz could work as some sort of "host" for the show, but he has GOT to stop that fucking hoorah shit. That really gets extremely annoying and unless they are going to try to turn him heel from this, I can't imagine anyone in creative actually entertained by him spouting that tagline after damn near every sentence. Miz has the energy and even somewhat of the charisma to get over, but they better be careful about how they try to portray him, as it could easily backfire.


Anyway I really liked the show last night. The crowd was responding well to things too, which shows that they are doing alot of things right on this show right now to me. Lashley is getting over finally and Angle really went out with a bang via a hell of a match with Rey that put Angle over excellent in his more badassish persona than he even had before. I'm really interested in Angle working ECW.


I dunno if it is because they are kind of hotshotting things right or not, but I liked that the show didnt seem so formula produced, meaning it seemed a bit more unpredictable from a straight production standpoint.

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I wanna know why Smackdown is SO BETTER booked then Raw. The final angle with Booker, Regal & Finlay gangbeating Lashley was amazingly well done. Lashley kept fighting back despite the beating.


Then you got how well their booking Henry, Khali. Other then the Rey fiasco, Smackdown is awesomely booked. So...Why the hell can't Raw and Smackdown be thsi good at the same time?


Because Vince doesn't care about Smackdown. In fact, I doubt he even knows what is happening on Smackdown half the time. So that allows the writers to do their job instead of having Vince and Steph do it for them.

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