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OAO "WWE .VS. ECW Special" Thread - June/7th/06.

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This show is going by a lot faster than a RAW, at least to me. Say what you will about the show tonight, but at least it's had a different feel to it, with a few changes in the action.


Aside from Joey/Tazz/King trying to murder each other on commentary, it's been Raw minus the HHH/McMahon saga.

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Guess what? Rey is associated with WCW too. So is Benoit. And Jericho. And Chavo Guerrero, and Foley and Flair. So what? Why not bring in Hall and Nash and Steiner in and have them all wear WCW t-shirts... I just don't see the appeal, that's all.

Well I also have reason to believe that if they ever had a WCW vs WWE ordeal with a WCW team, that those guys would have a rightful place on the WCW team.


My fucking God, there's no way at all to escape See no Evil.


Well that's fine. My main point is that I don't see the benefit to doing a WWE vs. ECW angle or a WWE vs. WCW angle in the first place for several reasons, but yes, if they're going to do it, the guys they're using obviously make sense... even if guys like RVD, Rey, Foley, etc. have made more of a name for themselves in WWE and have been associated with WWE for longer.


At least we can agree on See No Evil.

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If WWE ever wanted to get over any program, they could just have a special "Story Time With Mick Foley", and he cuts a promo like this about whatever program they want to promote. :P

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Yay Foley for getting rid of that very poor excuse for motivation, though I'm not sure exactly what it is now. Ok, it's wanting to get revenge on.. ecw? Ok, better, but, you know, not good. I love how Foley wanted this to work so bad he told Funk to punch his face so hard to cause a mouse under his eye. Maybe I will forgive Foley for the lameness of this feud afterall. That promo was AAAAAAAAAAAAALL over the place, though.

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Everyone, you just witnessed a money promo. Yeah, like Rudo said, it was all over the place but Foley was selling the show and gave for once, a more sensible explanation.

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This is also one of the main things that most new workers no longer learn on their way up. Hot damn is that how you cut a promo that sells tickets or what...

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See, I love Mick Foley and Foley's promos, but that had a tone of............"I've seen it all before."


Then again having to listen to Lawler made that interview seem all that much greater.

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