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Guest Overworked

Who would you want in ECW if you could get them?

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Guest Overworked

Ok this is the first thread i've done on here in a while, hopefully im not too rusty.


With the remergence of ECW, and the possiblity (remote but still there) of it sustaining itself as a separate but connected entity of the WWE, who would you want back or join the promotion?


Now keeping in mind for some of us, the heyday of ECW was what eight-ten years ago? Those stars back then might not be the best in shape, be it age or injury.. But for those who can still go, or at least has enough creative character star power that they can be brought in as symbologic roles, Managers etc.

Now obviously a few ex ECW alluims also have some sore feeling about the WWE in general, but if the money was right, or the right conditions were met could they get them back?


Lets start with say..... Dudley boys? They were released basically the WWE creative knuckleheads couldn't bother thinking up reasons to keep them as a top rung tag team, like they were for what 3-4 years in the WWE and many that long or longer in ECW before then? Drag in Dudley boys, and Spike Dudley.


How about Raven? TNA has given him pretty much the same top level run as ECW did. If you could guaratee that majority of the WWE officials who wanted Raven in perpetual Punchin Judy role were not in the deciding role.


Probably couldn't get Shane Douglas, too much bad blood, probably would urinate in the Titan Towers Parking lot instead of coming in for another contract.


How about Bringing back Rhino, and prop him up as he should have been (As they should have done with Taz incidently) As a Monster wrecking machine.


And since their match last year.....um Masato/Mike Awesome anyone?


Who would you want back? And what current Indi/TNA/OVW wrestlers that you seen could fit the bill?

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Matt Hardy

CM Punk

Paul London

Brian Kendrick

Juventud Guerrero

Jamie Noble

Kid Kash

Samoa Joe

Brian Danielson

Jimmy Yang


Lo Ki

Teddy Hart

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Most definitely Bryan Danielson! Also: Delirious, Matt Sydal, Jimmy Rave w/ Prince Nana & Jade Chung.


Not really keen on the Dudleys. Only as heels and only with the rest of the Dudley clan would I accept them.

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I'm sure we'd alllll like to see most / all of the ROH contingent on ECW, since that would be free TV.


But if Punk is "too indy" for TV...


You do the math.

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seriously though and keeping in mind I have no clue as to who is and isn't still working for WWE...


as just mentioned above, Steve Corino


Yuji Nagata

Kevin Sullivan as the Taskmaster. Basically to play the heel cult leader to Heyman's anti-hero. I think it would work for Sci-Fi and you know Sullivan would fit in.

Benoit (I don't care how he and Sullivan feel about one another)

Bam Bam Bigelow


New Jack


2 Cold Scorpio


that along with what they have should fill the roster nicely until they start to create more new talent of their own.

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Rhino showing up with the old ECW World Title.


He'd have to find the belt first.


I thought it was the tv title that is lost?


As for who, just four names:

Doug Basham


CM Punk


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Rhino still has the ECW World title, the TV one was stolen during the last show.


Personally, I wanna see Homicide and Colt Cabana brought in to ECW. They'd fit in very well, I think.

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Guest The Great Muta


Matt Hardy

CM Punk

Charlie Haas

Jimmy Yang

Paul London

Brian Kendrick

Super Crazy


Masato Tanaka

Ikuto Hadaka

and anyone else from Japan or ROH...

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New Jack

The Dudley Boyz

Kid Kash

2 Cold Scorpio

Lance Storm


Jerry Lynn(Lynn Vs. RVD for the WWE Title would be a dream come true)

Steve Corino

Judge Jeff Jones


Also The Great Muta, Super Crazy is in ECW.

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Guest The Great Muta
Also The Great Muta, Super Crazy is in ECW.

Really? When did they confirm that? I don't see him on the roster page at ECW.com.

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Also The Great Muta, Super Crazy is in ECW.

Really? When did they confirm that? I don't see him on the roster page at ECW.com.


Well he tagged with Tajiri at ECW One Night Stand II, so I assumed he's a part of ECW.

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Jay Lethal

Tajiri (full time)

Super Crazy



Low Ki or Senchi or whatever he is named now


Raven (if he gets back into shape)

Shane Douglas(maybe not as a wrestler anymore, but he could be useful)


Malenko(just for a PPV match if he was up to it)

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