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Guest Vitamin X

Nintendo sends Bush a birthday gift...

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Guest Vitamin X


Nintendo sent President Bush a DS Lite and a copy of Brain Age (mind you) for his 60th birthday which he'll be celebrating tomorrow. Along with the gaming package came a 'lil happy birthday letter that strongly encourages Mr. President to train his brain basically reads like a press release for the brain training game.


We'd pay a grundle to see Dubya yell out "Blue!" several times at his new DS Lite.


From engadget via Joystiq via Wired News.

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I saw this, but I didn't post on the basis that I didn't have a source that I believed on it.


I mean, anyone could fake that photo and there's obviously no GWB in it.


Brain Age is terrific, but the voice recognition is terrible. If the game has a problem with my Western PA accent, Bush doesn't have a chance.


Most of the rest of it I do very well in. Head count on Hard = arrrrrrrrrgh though. And on Low to High I can't seem to get beyond 6 correct unless I get lucky.

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I'm from New York and I have no idea what the hell a Pennsylvanian accent sounds like.

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I would make a comment about Bush's accent...but I don't feel like getting into a fight, so let's just say I burst out laughing when I saw it

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I can only think of four distinct American (English) dialects


Boston/NE in general - descended from Irish

New York City - descended from Italian

Southern - much like Australian, descended from British prisoners' English

Minnesota/Wisconsin - descended from Scandanavian


Some people say there's a California accent but I'm not quite sure about that. Also, ebonics does not count as a dialect.

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There is a Philadelphia accent, and now that I live in New York, people say I have it. The really strong Philly accent is prone to pronounce things this way:


Eagles = Iggles

water = wudder

and the longest run-on word in the English language: "Didjeetyet?"

I even remember when I was a little kid that South Philly people used to pronounce boobs as "bubs".

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A valley girl accent is completely different from an overall Californian accent. A valley girl accent is just stupidity making its way into the way people talk.

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There is a Californian dialect, but I never noticed it until I left the area for a few months, then came back and noticed that everyone sounded kinda funny.

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A valley girl accent is completely different from an overall Californian accent. A valley girl accent is just stupidity making its way into the way people talk.


and you damn well better recognize

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Guest Felonies!

Every distinct region or area within the radius has some dialect and accent of its own. Except the Pacific Northwest. Certainly more than just Southern, New England, New Yawk, and Up Nort Dere Yah.

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Guest Felonies!

I've been told that using "goes" in lieu of "says" when recounting dialogue is a Chicago thing. I do this a lot. I also read that in Utah, Clinton becomes Clinn, and George becomes Jarge.

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Some people say there's a California accent but I'm not quite sure about that.


it's called valley girl and you damn well better recognize


and we use the word "hella" a lot too.


I say depening on the location in Californa, the accent wil be differant.

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Great, like the fucking President needs more free shit!


I just have this image in my head of there being a big meeting and Bush is busy playing with the DS.


"Sir we really need you thoughts on this."


"Hold on just a sec I'm almost done with this level. Get him Mario beat that Koopa's ass."

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I say regardless of the location, Californians are still batshit insane.


Yeah....just remember where those 3 nintendo games I sent you came from.......and I'm not that insane.

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I say regardless of the location, Californians are still batshit insane.


Yeah....just remember where those 3 nintendo games I sent you came from.......and I'm not that insane.


Okay, maybe it's just San Francisco, LA and Hollywood that's batshit, and the rest of the state is just plain ol' insane.


Really? How so?


I've dealt with many a hyphenated last-name, loudmouthed, stupid ranting/raving lunatic from California at my job calling in.

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I say regardless of the location, Californians are still batshit insane.


Yeah....just remember where those 3 nintendo games I sent you came from.......and I'm not that insane.


Okay, maybe it's just San Francisco, LA and Hollywood that's batshit, and the rest of the state is just plain ol' insane.

Ok you know those games from a city in the San Fransisco Bay Area, don't you?


*there's no escaping this :D *


And I'm really not that insane...not even plain ol' insane...I'm just evil.

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actually we technically all have accents since the english speak the language correctly.



anyhow the CA accent is not so much an accent but a complete mirror opposite of NY. like water is pronounced "wha-der" instead of the ny way which I have no idea how to sound out in letter form so I wont. in general its rather plain I suppose. since I lived there for 12 years I basical y have it, though I tried hard to maintain my old NY accent ,it was hard to do.

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We just talk normal.


And I really want to play that game.


Although, in the Seattle times, I've only beaten a Saturday Sudoku once.

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