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WON WWE News and Notes

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Also I wanted to ask Lei Tong a question about this statement, "Even 7 years ago MMA was starting to evolve past the point where random tough guys could simply show up and do well."


Now I am not too big into MMA, but to me it seems like Chuck Lidell is nothing more than a random tough guy and he's the best they got right now (at least in UFC). So based off of that, can random tough guys still do well? Or I am I selling Lidell short on his knowledge of fighting styles?


Even his most ardent fans will tell you that Liddell isn't the most technically proficient striker in MMA, but he still has years of training and his skill level is far beyond that of your average bar-room brawler. He also has incredible natural punching power, a good chin, and a decent amateur wrestling background that aids his takedown defense and uncanny ability to scramble back to his feet from the ground.


Overall, I'd say that while he does get a lot of mileage out of his natural gifts and abilities, he's definitely had to fine-tune those skills over the years to become the fighter he is nowadays (he's been competing for over 8 years now, not counting the time spent training kickboxing, wrestling, et.c beforehand).

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Decent wrestling background is a deceiving way of putting it. His takedown defense is world-class in terms of MMA. If you're an olympic level wrestler taking him on in an MMA fight you will not take him down. You need some striking to set it up.


Randy Couture, who whilst not an olympic wrestler, was a national class wrestler who was an olympic alternate in Greco Roman. In their last two fights he had trouble taking Liddell down even though he's a skilled striker himself. A straight-up double leg takedown will NOT work unless you set it up with something. Liddell's sprawl/ability to get back up are unmatched.


Also, Chuck's striking has become much more proficient in recent years after being fine-tuned through much time spent training for MMA. A lot of people put too much stock into backgrounds. A guy can be an olympic gold medallist wrestler but if he sits on his ass for five years doing something else, he won't beat a guy who just started training seriously in those five years. Wrestling is the type of sport where you have to keep up with it all the time.


I won't even get into the fact that Kurt Angle's body is beyond repair.

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I think its funny people think that WWE wrestlers can be MMA fighters.


Anyone can be a MMA fighter, you just need years of training. Wrestlers like Prudis, Benjamin, 'Taker and Lesnar already have a base they could work with in getting better.

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I think its funny people think that WWE wrestlers can be MMA fighters.


Anyone can be a MMA fighter, you just need years of training. Wrestlers like Prudis, Benjamin, 'Taker and Lesnar already have a base they could work with in getting better.


Don't forget Lashley...

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Finlay and/or Regal might have had a chance in their primes, and especially in the earlier UFC days. Regal especially since he was trained in the carny stuff. Anyone who was a hooker would have a legit chance, due to their experience of takedowns, submissions, and holds.


Anyone who says a superior athlete could not do well in UFC after training for it are putting these MMA fighters on a pedestal. They are not gods or superhuman; you can train to do what they do. The guys that have notoriety and exposure are just super fucking good at what they do. I have much respect for them, but you CAN train to fight like them.

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The word on 6/27 is that Paul Heyman’s power has lessened again. Dreamer has had no power for a while, and is now said to have less than no power. Heyman’s current role is the head writer of ECW, but he just presents scripts to Vince, Stephanie and the creative time, who will then make whatever changes they want, and ‘liberally’ so. One person close to everything, says that Heyman’s position was hurt by the reaction at the Philadelphia house show, as he was blamed for creating a fan base that refused to accept any changes to the product. Heyman was also knocked for not being able to turn the crowd around with his promo, and it was used as proof that Heyman was not as important to the project as he said he was.

Everytime I read this statement, I feel like Lewis black when he gets frustrated and goes cross-eyed and does that thing with his fingers

yea exactly how I feel. Man Lewids could have a field day talking about wwes mistakes.



actually the part that bothered me most was "The morale of wrestlers in ECW has sunk in recent weeks, primarily from being told that the reason the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD and first PPV did so well is because Raw fans brought it after learning about ECW over the past five years through WWE’s marketing of it and their encouragement of ECW chants at television tapings"


what the hell? Damn Vinces ego is HUGE



Trish wants to get into acting? Oh no thats the death knell of all wrestlers not named Rock.



Then again as RD reynolds would say Get the hell out of that cesspool WWE while you still can.


Expect massive jobbing by Trish in the next month.

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Finlay and/or Regal might have had a chance in their primes, and especially in the earlier UFC days. Regal especially since he was trained in the carny stuff. Anyone who was a hooker would have a legit chance, due to their experience of takedowns, submissions, and holds.


Early Pancrase guys were basically all a bunch of catch-as-catch-can style submission fighters. As mentioned earlier, they tended to be of a higher quality than most of the karate/kung-fu/taekwondo stylists fighting back then, but weren't on the same level as most of the good Brazilians, Russians & Europeans.

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I think seeing Angle in a worked sport for the last 7 years has many folks sleeping on what a phenomenal athlete he is. If he trained for MMA instead of going to WWF, his dedication and freakish athletism would have made him a hell of a fighter.


Angle in his prime was an f'n stud.

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Guest DRH 502
Even his most ardent fans will tell you that Liddell isn't the most technically proficient striker in MMA,


He is one of the most effective strikers around and his striking is fucking pinpoint accurate. He is a defensive fighter and prefers to step back let his opponent come in and make a mistake so he can land that left hook and BOOM its over. Although he isn't the MOST technically proficient, he is far from some like say Forrest Griffin who has horrible standup...

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