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Guest wildpegasus

Did the US actually ever land on the moon?

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Guest wildpegasus

Some people think they did. Some people think they didn't. What do you think?


If you don't think they landed on the moon -- who do you think will actually be the first people to land on the moon?


Sorry for the quick post but I'm in a hurry and I have to leave.

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I think he's asking about the US Title landing on the moon. If anyone's strong enough to throw it up there, it's probably Bobby Lashley.

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Guest wildpegasus

So what do people think? Yes or No? I'm not saying what I think but I'm interested in what other believe.



Edit -- I am so tired and didn't realise I posted this in the wrong thread. Can someone please move this to General Chat? Thanks.

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Perhaps he meant The U.S. Express.




As for that, I don't think Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo ever landed on the moon (or Dan Spivey for that matter) although there may have been a cover up.....No, no they never landed on the moon.

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Guest Fook

Well Max Moon was from the moon, but I don't think he was ever an official US citizen.

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Guest Smues

If Dusty Rhodes = The Moon then many wrestlers have probably landed on the moon.

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Well, some people think the US didn't land on the moon, but other people think the Hollocaust didn't happen. I put the two in the same category.

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Guest Felonies!

I have an idea for a sitcom. It's about a guy in Maryland who opens a moving-truck company that caters strictly to the white supremacists in the mountains, but the service is expensive. It's called Haul-a-Cost.

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Guest Felonies!

So Jingus and Marvin went camping in a graveyard. The dead felt this was disrespectul, so they exhumed themselves and started chasing Jingus and Marvin around the cemetery inside their caskets. This one casket was hot on the tails of the two. So then Jingus says to Marvin, "I have an idea!" and pulls out a bottle of Dimetapp. Marvin says "what, you're just gonna get high again and imagine that they disappeared? WE'RE BEING ATTACKED BY GIANT BOXES WITH SKELETONS IN THEM! COME ON!" and Jingus says "No, trust me," and throws the bottle of Dimetapp at the casket, which makes it fall over and go back in the ground. Marvin says "Jingus, that's amazing! How did you know what to do?" and Jingus says "it's simple. I just stopped the coffin."

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So Jingus and Marvin went camping in a graveyard. The dead felt this was disrespectul, so they exhumed themselves and started chasing Jingus and Marvin around the cemetery inside their caskets. This one casket was hot on the tails of the two. So then Jingus says to Marvin, "I have an idea!" and pulls out a bottle of Dimetapp. Marvin says "what, you're just gonna get high again and imagine that they disappeared? WE'RE BEING ATTACKED BY GIANT BOXES WITH SKELETONS IN THEM! COME ON!" and Jingus says "No, trust me," and throws the bottle of Dimetapp at the casket, which makes it fall over and go back in the ground. Marvin says "Jingus, that's amazing! How did you know what to do?" and Jingus says "it's simple. I just stopped the coffin."


Im ashamed to say that it took me reading that 5 times over to get it, and then it only elicited a minor forced "I had to laugh at that after reading it 5 times" kind of chuckle.

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I have an idea for a sitcom. It's about a guy in Maryland who opens a moving-truck company that caters strictly to the white supremacists in the mountains, but the service is expensive. It's called Haul-a-Cost.


Haul-a-Cost < Supplies Party.

Props either way, you magnificent bastard.

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Guest Felonies!

I'm ashamed that you laughed at all, Marvin.


Wait, are "coffin" and "coughin'" pronounced identically elsewhere? Because they are here. Then again, "marry merry Mary" is all one sound too.

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I'm ashamed that you laughed at all, Marvin.


Wait, are "coffin" and "coughin'" pronounced identically elsewhere? Because they are here. Then again, "marry merry Mary" is all one sound too.


I can't imagine any other pronunciations for those (coffin and coughin) words. I've heard people say "merry" like Murray.

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Guest Felonies!

Right, because merry is derived from mirth. How do Mary and marry sound different, though?

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Right, because merry is derived from mirth. How do Mary and marry sound different, though?


Some people stress or even place emhasis on the "ey" for marry.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Czech should be shot in the fucking groin for that pun.

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Guest Felonies!
Czech should be shot in the fucking groin for that pun.

That might be the worst post I've made all year.

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