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Big Ol' Smitty

Senate votes to expand stem cell research

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Guest JustPassinBy
Aren't there super-agraculture companies that are basically patenting life already? They are basically deciding which breed of fruit and vegetable can be grown and used and which will sit on a shelf never to see the light of day again? People say the next step is viruses and medications.....to me that is a lot more dangerous then the fallacy of "human cloning ahhhhh" slippery slope arguments.


Did you just compare fruit to people?

Thats absurd.


Personally, if the embryos were going to be thrown away anyway, then I'd have signed this bill. But if they have a chance to be actual humans, then I agree he shouldnt have signed the bill.


Part of the legislation preventing that, is that the clinics that own these embryos could not be paid to give them up for scientific research.. They'd have to give them away for free.


I agree with you that the US spends too much on NASA and PBS.

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Personally, if the embryos were going to be thrown away anyway, then I'd have signed this bill. But if they have a chance to be actual humans, then I agree he shouldnt have signed the bill.

What do you thinks going to happen? They'll thaw themselves out and start multiplying until they're a fully developed human body?

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I agree with you that the US spends too much on PBS.


Agreed, those hard earned dollars spent on quality, educational TV for kids could be put to better use

making things to blow up them thar towelheads n shit.


Also: Nascar.

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After reading JustPassinBy's post, I think i may have been too harsh on C-Bacon.

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I agree with you that the US spends too much on PBS.


Agreed, those hard earned dollars spent on quality, educational TV for kids could be put to better use

making things to blow up them thar towelheads n shit.


Also: Nascar.

As a parent, I want my child advertised to every 5 minutes by the makers of useless toys and sugary snacks. I mean, I know Sesame Street makes learning fun and all, but why should she have to learn anything at all? In the future right-wing utopia, she's just going to be a stay-at-home mom anyways!

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In that particular utopia the stay-at-home moms will also be paying a 27% income tax on the allowance given to her by her husband.

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In that particular utopia the stay-at-home moms will also be paying a 27% income tax on the allowance given to her by her husband.

My daughter's only 4 months old. By that time she gets married, our Republican overlords will have repealed the 16th Amendment and implemented a national sales tax. Thankful, though, she'll also still be a virgin when she gets married because she'll have been indoctrinated with the 100% effective "abstinence only" sex education curriculum.

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Guest Felonies!

I see we've picked up the hammer again!


I wish snuffy had ranted about every PBS program in response to the gimmick poster saying we waste money on PBS, like

"Yeah Sesame Street is evil!"

"Charlie Rose is a pinko!"

"Yeah, Jim Lehrer is the worst!"


"Nova, more like No Good RIGHT CONSERVATIVES?!?!?"

"Masterpiece Theater is too smart LET'S GET RID OF IT!"


nd just kept doing this with escalating intensity until he, like, blew up or something. For whatever it's worth, public television is kind of becoming outmoded. The whole idea of television untouched by EE-VIL CORPORATIONS is nice and quaint, but the same companies that advertise elsewhere are also underwriting PBS programs, and the messages that tell you this are becoming more and more like full-blown commercials every year. I'd like to keep public broadcasting around, because I too like the idea of it, but the reality is that with the History Channel et al., they no longer monopolize the "Television for people who aren't dumbshits" niche.


Furthermore, the money that goes into supporting public broadcasting wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for defense expenditures if it were to be allocated toward that, so don't bother with the "oh so missiles > McLaughlin O RLY?" thing.

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There's this annoying 175 year old bitch thats always on the PBS pledge drives in Baltimore...we should at least stop funding whatever keeps her alive.

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Guest Felonies!

I think I donated $10 to WTTW once. I don't remember why.



Hey Snuffy, I think you're around Greater Milwaukee: do you ever listen to WVCY? Will you please call them and attack them? My father has been known to do this.

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Anyone ever notice that the publically-funded programs that people bitch about most are usually ones that don't really eat up a heck of a lot of money?

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The whole idea of television untouched by EE-VIL CORPORATIONS is nice and quaint, but the same companies that advertise elsewhere are also underwriting PBS programs, and the messages that tell you this are becoming more and more like full-blown commercials every year.

There are about 18 minutes of commericals per hour on network television. That's twice what it was 40 years ago. By comparison, PBS throws up MAYBE 90 seconds worth of corporate advertisements, and 3-4 minutes of advertisements for their own programming. There's also a stark difference in what the advertisements are for, and PBS advertisements lack the slick arm-twisting and pathetic attention-grabbing techniques network television advertising does.

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Czech - I'm on the other side of the state...but I'll harass them anyway. I really can't stand public radio...my mom listens to it all the time, and several friends. It is definitly biased to the liberal side, and it seems like the only conservative (and it's never an actual conservative, but just another modern-Republican) viewpoint they air is from the hillbilly type. It's just as bad/annoying as Fox News but I can't convince anyone I know to shut it off.


I dont mind PBS television, sometimes they show decent concerts and I really like when Charlie Rose has William Buckley as a guest...but those pledge drives, especially when I lived in B-more, gave me consistent migraines.

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Aren't there super-agraculture companies that are basically patenting life already? They are basically deciding which breed of fruit and vegetable can be grown and used and which will sit on a shelf never to see the light of day again? People say the next step is viruses and medications.....to me that is a lot more dangerous then the fallacy of "human cloning ahhhhh" slippery slope arguments.


Did you just compare fruit to people?

Thats absurd.


Of course not, what I said is that "LIFE" has already been pattented(sp?) And that living organisms such as viruses and bacteria and germs are next in line. After that, who knows? http://forum.ra.utk.edu/2000spring/patents.html


As far as the stem cell research, Bush's entire argument is ridiculous considering his own policies are for allowing the death of people for the "greater good of man" Also, is in not "murder" when these embryos are just tossed in the trash anyway?


It would also be interesting to see what these wealthy conservatives do once their parents get alzheimers or something, will they secretly go to another country that is more friendly to stem cell research and have their parents injected, in order to prolong a healthy prosperous life, or will they stick to their "morals" and let them sit as vegetables the rest of the way out. Judging by their records on abortion, I'd say they would go with option #1.

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Guest Felonies!
Czech - I'm on the other side of the state...but I'll harass them anyway. I really can't stand public radio...my mom listens to it all the time, and several friends.

Oh. No. No. Nooooooooo. This isn't NPR. It's Christian radio. Batshit lunatic Christian radio. Boycott-Ford-because-they-sponsored-the-Gay-Games radio. Call these people and tell them they're absolutely crazy. I think it's 106.7, if you can get it to come in anyway.

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Goddam...Christian radio is even worse. How can anyone stand to listen to this stuff? I also know people who only listen to these stations. I just dont get this masochism inside some people.

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Guest Felonies!

This host said that he boycotts the entire movie industry because of porn. He said when he was a child, the whole class went on a field trip to see Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs, but his mom said "no, you can't go, because there are bad movies out there," and he agreed, so he won't watch any movies, ever.


So my dad calls in and says "you can't boycott an industry as huge as cinema because of a few rotten eggs. In fact, by that logic, the fact that Howard Stern is on the radio means that you should be boycotting the radio industry, and you shouldn't even be on the air."


He got cut off and the host said he would pray for his soul. The next caller also prayed for his soul.

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IMO, there is too much religious broadcasting on the radio, and I'm saying this as a Christian. Some of those frequencies should be used for other services. Same goes for NPR. I think in my area I can get NPR on at least three or four different frequencies.

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I agree with you that the US spends too much on NASA and PBS.


NASA is less than 1% of the budget!

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I don't have to respect the deeply held beliefs of anyone who condemns their fellow human beings to miserable suffering on the basis of anthropomorphized blastocysts in the service of an anthropomorphized god. Were it in my power, I'd run all those former embryos out of government until they grew the hell up.


Is there any doubt that, if [bush] got Parkinson's Disease, he'd eat those little buggers out of the petri dish with a spoon, probably dribbling some of them on Tony Blair in the process?


Charles P. Pierce

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