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X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

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And there's no such thing as shitty 70's Star Wars anything.



Well that's not true because I'm pretty sure the Christmas Special came out in the 70's.

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Everyone, even Magneto was terrified of her because of how ungodly powerful she was.


Then how come she just sides with Magneto and then doesn't do *anything* for like, half an hour? That's what bugged me the most; she's supposed to be so powerful, yet it seemed like there was a while in there that she didn't do a damned thing.


This movie would've been 10X better if they left the Cure out, just went with the Phoenix, and then in X4 brought in the Cure as the public's reaction to the Phoenix. You mean Mutants can get THAT powerful? Better cure 'em.


Yeah, I definetly agree. For most of the time all she did was stare off into space. Famke played the schizo angle well, or at least tried to - I heard she even did a bit of research - but it seems like it's all to waste.


I watched some behind-the-scenes bit from moviebox where the interviewer asked what it was like to be back. Of course she replied with something like "It's just great" or "Oh, it's so awesome". Cut to a scene being filmed where she's on a hill, with the armed mutants running down the hill in front of her. Of course, she's staring off into space... After the director called cut, some extra audio was picked up -- something sarcastic like 'Oh, yeah, this really awesome' from Famke, before the camera cut away.

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I can say it wasn't fucking awful because I wasn't going in to this expecting an oscar-caliber film. I just wanted to see a super hero film, and have a good time, and I got what I paid for. I had been waiting for 3 years for Phoenix to make her film debut and fuck some shit up, and thats just what we got. Everyone, even Magneto was terrified of her because of how ungodly powerful she was. The only thing about this movie that I didn't like, and only because it had never been brought up in the other films, was "classing" the mutants. I believe Magneto and Charles were supposed to be ''Class 5", and Jean was supposed to be one step above them without the metal blocks that Charles placed on her mind as a child.


This has to be a joke post.


No one was expecting a Oscar caliber film, you nitwit.. but it was still fucking awful.

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Well I liked it. Not as much as the first but more than X2. I'll get the special one if it's not much more money.


The reason the class thing was never in other movies was because Callisto wasn't. It's not like that was some official ranking, her power let her sense other mutants and she called them that. She said Pyro and Magneto were class 4 and Jean was class 5.



I don't expect much from the alternate endings. Probably just short changes to the regular ending since some minor stuff was filmed then changed at the last minute. Like one will be Beast staying at the mansion instead of joing the UN.

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I'll get the special one if it's not much more money.


I'm surprised there's 2 different versions.


I've seen other films with a "special edition" when I swear it was the only edition.

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I can say it wasn't fucking awful because I wasn't going in to this expecting an oscar-caliber film. I just wanted to see a super hero film, and have a good time, and I got what I paid for. I had been waiting for 3 years for Phoenix to make her film debut and fuck some shit up, and thats just what we got. Everyone, even Magneto was terrified of her because of how ungodly powerful she was. The only thing about this movie that I didn't like, and only because it had never been brought up in the other films, was "classing" the mutants. I believe Magneto and Charles were supposed to be ''Class 5", and Jean was supposed to be one step above them without the metal blocks that Charles placed on her mind as a child.


This has to be a joke post.


No one was expecting a Oscar caliber film, you nitwit.. but it was still fucking awful.


Hey, fuck you ok. We can't all have the same taste in movies. I enjoyed it and can't wait to get the DVD.

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This has to be a joke post.


No one was expecting a Oscar caliber film, you nitwit.. but it was still fucking awful.


The oscar thing is just one of the usual catchphrases people use to defend shitty movies.


You may also substitute in "Citizen Kane" for "oscar-caliber movie".



Anyways, X3 was okay but had some REALLY bad and cliched dialogue and had too many fuckin characters with not enough screentime for any of them. Angel was a joke, he was in THREE scenes the entire movie.

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And there's no such thing as shitty 70's Star Wars anything.

This is true.


And X3 wasn't that bad. The writing was weak but for a popcorn superhero movie it was one of the better ones.

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And there's no such thing as shitty 70's Star Wars anything.


Well that's not true because I'm pretty sure the Christmas Special came out in the 70's.


The animated feature with Boba Fett ruled, so that pushes the Christmas Special to non-suck territory. :)

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The only time Angel was cool was after Calisto fucked his wings, Apocalypse made him the Angel of Death, he fought it of and became ArchAngel but still had the metal wings with the poison tips, and when he was fighting his dark side, then eventually hooked up with Psylocke.


Any other time he was a dude with wings, hollow bones and muscles strong enough to keep them from breaking.


He had a frw moments here and there, like a great story in Marvel Fanfare where he fell from the sky and an old lady found him and thought he was a real angel.

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The Phoenix storyline in the comics sucks ass and is the most overhyped and overrated comic story ever. The movie version, I thought, made sense and was very good.


For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then.

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The Phoenix storyline in the comics sucks ass and is the most overhyped and overrated comic story ever. The movie version, I thought, made sense and was very good.


For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then.

How so? Woman gets taken over by alien species/entity, becomes all powerful, kills things. I don't see how that would be such a big deal, even in the seventies.


And where was it ripped off?


I'm not trying to sound like I'm attacking you or anything -- I'm really curious.

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The Phoenix storyline in the comics sucks ass and is the most overhyped and overrated comic story ever. The movie version, I thought, made sense and was very good.


For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then.

How so? Woman gets taken over by alien species/entity, becomes all powerful, kills things. I don't see how that would be such a big deal, even in the seventies.


And where was it ripped off?


I'm not trying to sound like I'm attacking you or anything -- I'm really curious.


Except the "woman" was actually a beloved character who dated back almost to the beginning of the company, she killed 5 billion people, then she gets cured, but then has to fight for her life and ultimately commits suicide in front of her lover's eyes because she knew she could never really be normal ever again.


X-Men comics have been recycling the Phoenix concept and basic storyline for the last 25 years, and make reference to it about every 5 issues.

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The Phoenix storyline in the comics sucks ass and is the most overhyped and overrated comic story ever. The movie version, I thought, made sense and was very good.


For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then.


I disagree with you stating that the Dark Phoenix saga hasn't withstood the test of time. IMO it is one of the very best comic-book stories ever, let alone one of the best X-Men stories. It always excites me whenever I read it again.

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From Giant Size X-Men then onto Uncanny X-Men 94 that started Claremont's run with Dave Cockrum on art all the way through john Byrne on art, that whole period of X-Men is good stuff.


Even on from there, all the way up to Paul Smith and John Romita Jr. on art, then to the new generation with Marc Silvestri and Jim Lee, up untill Claremont left, the New X-Men series went on with out him, Claremont had a damn good run, with tons of great artists.


But, yeah, Giant Size X-Men 1 and Uncanny X-Men 94 that started Claremont's run with Dave Cockrum on art all the way through John Byrne's run on art, that whole period of X-Men is brilliant shit.


And the Dark Pheonix Saga is a major part of that awesomeness.

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The Phoenix storyline in the comics sucks ass and is the most overhyped and overrated comic story ever. The movie version, I thought, made sense and was very good.


For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then.


I disagree with you stating that the Dark Phoenix saga hasn't withstood the test of time. IMO it is one of the very best comic-book stories ever, let alone one of the best X-Men stories. It always excites me whenever I read it again.

Its still a great story, but not as great to me as when I read the tradepaperback when I was 13. Plus, I've read "Watchmen" since then, so *everything* went down a notch.

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Well, X4 doesn't deserve it's own thread yet, so I'm posting this here:




Lost Star Up For X-Men Role

by Jay in Movies at 11:59 PM on 2006.11.20


Source: WENN


LOST star JOSH HOLLOWAY is being tipped to star in the next X-MEN movie as fan favourite GAMBIT. Holloway, who plays SAWYER on the hit TV show, was set to star as Gambit in X-MEN: THE LAST STAND but pulled out because of TV commitments. But it's reported the model/actor will star in the next installment, which will not feature many of the film's original stars, including HUGH JACKMAN, SIR IAN McKELLEN and HALLE BERRY. The film's producer LAUREN SCHULER DONNER tells Moviehole, "Remember in Lost? There was a guy in there that was the perfect Gambit, the guy with the straight hair, good-looking, the bad boy Sawyer. "The reason we didn't use Gambit was because in a sense his persona is a bit like WOLVERINE in that he's got attitude and his power is not quite as exciting as the others. "That's why we went to NIGHTCRAWLER on 2 because he looked different than everybody else and he had a great power. So yes, I think we would weave Gambit within our story, (but) it wouldn't be The Gambit Movie". Gambit possesses the ability to charge objects with energy, causing them to explode.

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I think this is a good idea. Not the Gambit bit, but the fact that most of the original cast won't be there. The number of characters in the X universe is so vast, they can easily make many more movies with completely new casts every few years. As long as the scripts and directors are good, adn the studio doesn't do a rush job like X-3, it could be an interesting series.

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I'm upset Jackman isn't in this, but as long as those Wolverine movies keep coming, I'm satisfied.


They could have Gambit, Iceman, Kitty Pride, Colossus, and Beast be the core team this time around, and throw in some newbies in the background.

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If they can get Cyke back it'll be fine with a new villian like Sinister...maybe have the Marauders show up and start killing a bunch a de-powered mutants and Gambit is on the run from the Marauders...they've booked themselves into a corner with the Xaiver thing so he might have to sit this one out too...

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