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Bruce Blank

Lockdown Comments

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Ah it’s that time again, Wednsday (well Thursday for me because of the time diff but let’s not split hairs) it’s time for LOCKDOWN!!!


Did the French surrender and forget to do a Dark match? :huh:


Opening Promo (dastardly upstaged by “Pre-show comments” by Flesher, Grappler & Matheson – oh those heels!!)


Question – if Michael Stephens is a face and pretty over, why do the fans continue to taunt him with the “Toxxic” chant when he’s trying to distance himself from that persona? That’d be like fans chanting “Gregory Helms” at the Hurricane when he first adopted the gimmick, I just don’t get the logic behind it.


Flesher comes out and frankly the Stephens/Flesher confrontation is going to rock AND roll! I smell a PPV main event in the making. Let’s put it this way Stephens/Flesher 1 on 1 HAS to be a PPV main event!




Up next Martin Hunt takes on the Question Mark!! Who will it be this time? Since we’re in Canada a CIA appearance would probably blow the lid off the place.


But Birdman will definitely do!! CAW! CAW! Mother Canuckers :)


I like the quick run down of his past accomplishments to give us an idea of his success rate *thumbs up*


And now Martin Hunt knows what a car feels like (see he was hit with the Bird Droppings like a c… nevermind)


Cool little match that signals “the Bird is back” and has the perfect length, Hunt is a total job boy, he shouldn’t have long hard fought matches IMO.


A welcome return to the federation




Nemesis/Manson II: This time it’s STILL serious!!


A rematch from Ground Zero and it’s all action from the beginning as Nemesis doesn’t go through his usual theatrics but heads straight for Manson.


The Suicide King with the pamphlets :lol:


Good back and forth, allowing Manson to get in his offence due to his speed advantage and Nemesis is actually written as a GIANT! He shouldn’t sell too much, he shouldn’t be thrown around easily and he’s not – he’s making Manson work for it, and work for it he does! It's good to see someone who chose a style that's different from the rest of the SWF and is doing it pretty well.


Double Nemesis? :huh: Did I just see double or were there two Nemesis?


And breaking out the 7’5’’ drop kick as a way to overcome Mansonosity *thumbs up*


There is a lot of action crammed into the match, I see improvement from the first match already, just stick with it.




Bruce Blank, Hardcore No More :(




LOL I take it that Elk and The took out the double no shows? As funny as it was it was a disappointing result




Up next Charlie Matthews Vs Scott Rageheart – then match you’ve been waiting for since. . . erm. . . the other day?


“Jesus, Mary and Bret” :lol:


Matthews is even more boring and rest-hold reliant than usual, and that doesn’t go over well with the Canadians? Totally unrealistic ;)


Matthews wins in a match that’s “solid but unspectacular” – probably how the Grappler would have been described if he was an actual wrestler (that’s not a knock on the writer but just how the character is designed)




Tag match time


“Two Skinny White Guys” has to be the lamest chant ever! And did Landon just turn face by teaming with Stephens?


The “mismatched partners” angle is in full effect here, sold well adding something to the tag-match beyond the standard “generic tag match” fare that we sometimes see. It’s an angle that’s been around since Heyman made Eastern Extreme but at least it’s told well enough to be enjoyable and with enough variation from the standard “heel and face are FORCED to work together” set up to feel fresh.


Enjoyable and Fresh, can’t be all bad then :)




Cruiserweight title time!


:lol: @ Tom “True Red & White Canuck” Flesher


“He even made a strong defence against Zyon I’m told” – yeah you didn’t see that on the board? It was up Monday. . . I’m sorry what?


Youth and determination falls to Experience and technical awesomeness, it’s the result we probably all expected although up until the end we were kept on the edge of our seats.


What can I say? It’s a Tom Flesher match, that should tell you how good it was ;)




Spike fights to be in line for my title (silly spike all you had to do is say please), Akira earned the next shot, Hawke is cruising for something serious there too and Spoon tries to interject himself in there as well to hopefully rise higher than he’s ever risen before – and tonight he’s actually required to fight for it instead of just jumping Akira from behind :o


In order to avoid any misinterpretations of comments and dragging this topic off track I’ll just say


“Spike won, get in line”


And leave it at that.


Oh except “Bruce Blank Vs Workrate”?? You bastard you know I’ll lose there ;)




JJJ Pwns Ben Hardy!!


Johnson / Matheson run in – a hint of future enemies perhaps? Flesher/JJJ or Grappler/JJJ both sound like damn fine matches to me.


Johnson. . . compliments Bruce? :o :o shock of the night right there!




Bruce/Hawke 10 minute challenge


My own stuff, I won’t comment.




Closing show angle!


Wildchild took out a Chevy Impala with the Wild Ride cause that fucker is busted!! Apparently someone isn’t quite ready to just “forgive and forget” when it comes to Mike Van Siclen






Excellent show save the DNS and a missing dark match – I see several things brewing for Genesis 7

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Grappler and The Mouth on Graps’ South


Rules all.


Man, this whole "writing singles matches" really sucks after steamrolling the tag division for so long ( B-)). I have to get used to it again.

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I was very impressed with this show. Every match had something for the slot, even if Drake/Van Siclen was written by the marker. Everything was in early enough that I was able to get it posted before 2 AM, which makes me a very happy panda.


If there's something you'd like edited into the show, please PM me and I'll be happy to do so. I know the PM system is a little iffy at times, so make sure you save a copy in your sent messages folder. That always seems to ensure the recipient gets it.

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Bruce - the fans aren't 'taunting' Toxx with the chant exactly, he sort of puts up with it coming from them. That said, it might start to niggle him at some point such as if he's confronted with something from that dark past at the same time.


I thought it was a really good show - Nemesis brought the goodness, Flesher and Grappler are always good value, I liked what Landon did with our match (I only wrote the intros) and the double Landon Eye/Unfinished Business was a work of genius. JJ's promo was great too.

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Bruce - the fans aren't 'taunting' Toxx with the chant exactly, he sort of puts up with it coming from them. That said, it might start to niggle him at some point such as if he's confronted with something from that dark past at the same time.
I was just wondering, especially that long drawn out way they chant it, it just had a heckling feel to it when I read it.

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I felt in the deepest places of my heart that ELK and THE needed some more exposure, so there you go. Shoulda had Drake/MVS explode via some odd ocurrance, but I needed to get to bed so meh.


I promise you this... the next one will be more creative in both the brutality and the combatants involved ;)

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Yes, someone comment on the promo that Drea and I turned in... despite the angle being quiet obvious from the start.

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Well, I liked the Angle of Doom anyway. And until Sly told me what was going down, I thought Drea had just invented some weirdo Doomstroyer thing. Cos I'm that dumb.

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I remind you that the Braves are looking up.


At the Mets.



Who are my team.


I win.


Hey, a team is bound to get lucky and win the division once every 15 years, right? Have fun getting smashed in the face by probably the Tigers, though the Mets could fall to a NL team, too. lolz.

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