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Guest StylesMark

TSM seems ready...

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Guest StylesMark

Come on fellas, we've had our good times, and bad times. We've loved. We've hated. Mostly hated.


Adminbot does not seem as if he has the WILL to get through these dark times. But Paul will guide you.


1) Random Bannings- what's more fun than that?


2) WP would be banned.


3) EHME will be banned.


4) MMA will be banned.


5) I would mod Leena (think of the BANNINGS!), Carnival (he has no real job), either KOAB or Lushus, (for some flava in ya ear), Kotz (even though we don't see eye to eye) and keep a few of the remaining people.


6) If need be, I'll ban EVERYTHING until TSM ceases to exist, thus forcing you to do something with your lives.


7) Really, what would be a more "fitting" end?


8) Shut up, Slayer. (But I wouldn't BAN him)


9) You ALL want it.

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Guest Oblivious Heel
7) Really, what would be a more "fitting" end?


It comes down to you and WP and we get to witness a murder, suicide.

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Guest StylesMark
Prince Paul aka The New Me? The guy that started the cock threads?






IDRM started it...and gets quite upset when I'm given credit.


I'd let HIM ban you for that.

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But you were the one all enthusiastic about it. You like rushed to do it.


You got burned pretty good by Bruiser I remember.


Something along the lines of "The reason your marriage is falling apart is because you're too busy posting your cock on the internet".


PBP? Ban.

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Guest StylesMark

You're just upset I said "Ban MMA"...


Calm down.



Adminbot- I call out to YOU. This conversation wouldn't even need to happen. RRR would've been banned just for viewing this thread.

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You're just upset I said "Ban MMA"...


Calm down.



Adminbot- I call out to YOU. This conversation wouldn't even need to happen. RRR would've been banned just for viewing this thread.


Not particularly, I'm just saying you should be banned for being a PBP. I thought that's the way things went?


RRR banned himself.

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Guest StylesMark

Then I'd have to assume that RRR and LOTC are too...


Because, there's no difference.

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Guest StylesMark

I'm not sure what you're talking aboot...


And WHO are YOU?


See, Banned.

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Guest StylesMark
StylesMark fears the MMA folder and rightfull so.




Banned, for making me frown.

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Guest StylesMark
Who was StylesMark before this banning?


Banned, for asking dumb questions.


See how CLEAN this place COULD be?

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

Slayer, Alf and I bought the board 3 months ago. We're letting it go to hell then we're going to bulldoze it and build a mini-mall.

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Guest StylesMark

I find it very common around here to make remarks like "this is another awful thread", without ya know, actually MAKING A GOOD THREAD.


Or whatever crap YOU consider to be better than this. It's easy to be pass judgement. But, can you actually make something better?





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an awful thread in NHB? naaaah, get the fuck outta here


There's "ugh" bad and "pointless" bad. This is the former.


And I don't start threads here because I'm better then that.

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Guest StylesMark
Slayer, Alf and I bought the board 3 months ago. We're letting it go to hell then we're going to bulldoze it and build a mini-mall.


I'll give you 30 bucks if I can just pour a little gas.

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Guest StylesMark

an awful thread in NHB? naaaah, get the fuck outta here


There's "ugh" bad and "pointless" bad. This is the former.


And I don't start threads here because I'm better then that.


I feel your pain. But put up, or shut up. Make something better. Or don't continue to comment on what you view as "pointless".


Because really, that's the MAIN problem with this place.

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Guest StylesMark



CWM and I don't always see eye to eye...but WE know what needs to be done.

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an awful thread in NHB? naaaah, get the fuck outta here


There's "ugh" bad and "pointless" bad. This is the former.


And I don't start threads here because I'm better then that.


I feel your pain. But put up, or shut up. Make something better. Or don't continue to comment on what you view as "pointless".


Because really, that's the MAIN problem with this place.


So you're actually complaining when people come into a folder called No Holds Barred and....*gasp* make light of other posters threads? Re-adjust your pad, princess.


The MAIN problem with this place is that people have gotten the ideas into their fuckin' heads that there actually IS a problem.

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Guest Princess Leena

Buy thesmartmarks and make it a porn site. With the specialty being smothering.

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