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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO SummerSlam Thread - August/20th/2006.

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Mick Foley does not equal Steve Austin. He's the self-proclaimed cuddly guy and human muppet. He DOES have regard for other people.

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Look at how memorable this match will be despite the lack of a big bump. It was the intensity of the two guys and simplicity of the match that put it over. Almost similar to Blanchard/TA.


So the ending of the match is almost on par with Blanchard/TA??!!


If so, I really have to check this out now.


The finish isn't anything close to it. The match was. Just straight fighting, massive blood and great intensity. It didn't require some huge spot. It was more akin to Jack/HHH at RR00.

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The match wasn't some ***** classic like Jack-HHH or Magnum-Tully. Let's not get too crazy


I didn't claim it was a classic. I was pointing out that the match design was more along the lines of those matches with a straight brawl, blood and a few weapons mixed with intensity as opposed to the usual Foley stuntfest that apparently these people wanted over a well worked brawl with a logical conclusion to a story that was built for months.

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Guest JustPassinBy

I have a feeling that alot of you guys aren't getting the idea behind the finish to the I Quit match but it was perfectly done.






Foley with almost his last breath urges Flair to stop and gives away his pride to save the girl who tried to save him.



I must have totally missed the Melina-Foley angle, bc I dont get it either. Of course, I havent watched every Raw, but the Raws I have seen have entailed basically Foley vs Flair feuding over long held grievances held by each other going back to even the early 90's...


You're trying to tell me that a long running feud (with a real back story) that has gone on for at least 10 years, is gonna be put on the backburner bc of some cum guzzling gutter slut like Melina that just enters the picture the last 6 months.


Thats ridiculous.


Melina has known Foley for what-- 6 months? Honestly, I havent even noticed them together or interacting much at all, but I'll take your word for it that they have.


Given that, Foley's relationship with a person he met 6 months ago, shouldnt effect the rage that has been building in him for the last 12yrs with Ric Flair.


I agree with the others that hated the finish of this match. Melina has no place in this feud, unless its to put her over...And really why? She's not going to be a star. This match should have been all about settling the score between two old rivals/legends/etc. It needed NO other motivation.


I'm left thinking that the only reason Melina was thrown in was bc neither Flair/Foley wanted to do the clean job.


Thats too bad, bc it ruined a great feud.

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Guest Kobe24KGold
Mick Foley does not equal Steve Austin. He's the self-proclaimed cuddly guy and human muppet. He DOES have regard for other people.



I was looking at it from a business point of view. It was also a rebuttal to Hawk's "The best angles in wrestling history centered around concepts far more intelligent and realistic then "I hate you, me hurt you".


The best and most exciting angles in wrestling history, as far as I'm concerned, involved Steve Austin and the NWO, which coincidentally enough, were resounding hits at the box office. Of course, Steve Austin and the NWO were benchmarks for their mercilessness.


This Foley angle may appeal to your idiosyncratic tastes, but I assure you that the masses can care less, and that's what matters. It's an outlier on the standard deviation curve that is professional wrestling.


Plus, if you wanted storylines like this, you shouldn't be watching WRESTLING to see it.

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The masses also like John Cena matches.


I watch wrestling to be entertained and whether that's by mat wrestling, spotfests, or well-thought-out storylines I don't really give a shit.


To suggest that I shouldn't watch professional wrestling if I want to see dramatic storylines is a pretty stupid thing to say. Pro wrestling, WWE in particular, is equal parts soap opera and athletic display.

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Uh, I dont see how you cant get the difference between the two WWE title matches here. It's pretty simple by WWE standards. Sharmel jumps on Booker's back mid-bomb and starts slapping/clawing/hitting Batista. THATs why Booker was DQed.


Lita jumped on EDGE while Cena was in mid-FU, but doesnt ever touch Cena, and Cena threw her off before she could, thus negating the possible dq.


This show was...odd, but good nonetheless. Hawk is right on with the Foley story. I didnt really think about the whole thing till reading that, but its perfect.


DX/Mcmahons..."Oh they went over 9 guys waahhhh." Hardly. The McMahons promo from RAW clearly set this whole thing up. Vince said he had unlimited resources, and that "If I snap my fingers, anyone in WWE should come running." It was wierd, but it *gasp* MAKES SENSE.


They didnt go over "9" guys. They sent the SS out first and the squad got crushed, as usual. Then Finlay, Kennedy, Regal and show come out and beat the shit out of DX, ending with a chokeslam through the table. It's not at all like you guys are making it out to be.


You people make it sound like Hunter popped up from the Table spot and killed all 4 of 'em, plus Shane/Vince with his pinky finger. When really, Shawn got the shit kicked out of him for 10 minutes while Hunter tried and tried and tried to recover, ending with Shawn hulkbking up and the obligitory Umaga appearance, until the good guys won.


I swear to god some people just HAVE to bitch about everything.


Edge cheating to win during a "Your dqed you lose the title" match completely ruled too.

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The best angles in wrestling history centered around concepts far more intelligent and realistic then "I hate you, me hurt you".


You obviously are out of touch with reality here, Kobe. Foley is succesful on his own and doesn't need to observe porn stars as objects because he just takes them as who they are. Foley is a man of great compassion. That is idenitfiable because alot of people are willing to see people in a different light. THAT is human nature.


It has nothing to do with sex. It never entered the equation except you seem to fail to accept that.


It's amazing how you can take one of the more straightforward and basic storyline concepts in this fucking business and act like it's overblown and too complex.


This is why I say that anyone who started watching WWE after 2000 is never going to get this angle, and it's not their fault. WWE has done it well before, but that was before they started things like the Diva Search and the bodybuilding prerequisites for their hiring practices. A storyline like this literally cannot be done in today's WWE, because they hire people who are the total opposite of the roles they need. You can't hire 20-25 year old model blonds for lesbian angles and then expect them to have a serious acting bug. Stereotypes aside, people don't get to where they are in life without having a certain method to things. Beautiful women who are great actors don't go to WWE, simple as that. Why WWE thinks they should after the shit they have pulled is beyond me.


The reason people see it as a sex angle is because WWE makes it a sex angle from day one with who they hire. Serioulsy, who else on the roster could have played the role of Mick Foley without having it be a sex angle? Carlito and Trish, sex angle. Edge and Lita, sex. Booker and Sharmell, greed and sex. They couldn't get a classy woman to do the woman's role, so we get a slut. The only one who could have made it work was Trish (whose done some slutty things over the years), but she has to be buried hard before she leaves. It's a nasty facade that bit them in the ass tonight, at least for me personally. It showed me that WWE lost their copy of Pro Wrestling 101, again.


That, and the disturbing fact that most of the advertised wrestlers on that card have wrestled on TV for more than 10 years. New stars, my ass.

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Guest JustPassinBy

The best angles in wrestling history centered around concepts far more intelligent and realistic then "I hate you, me hurt you".


You obviously are out of touch with reality here, Kobe. Foley is succesful on his own and doesn't need to observe porn stars as objects because he just takes them as who they are. Foley is a man of great compassion. That is idenitfiable because alot of people are willing to see people in a different light. THAT is human nature.


It has nothing to do with sex. It never entered the equation except you seem to fail to accept that.


It's amazing how you can take one of the more straightforward and basic storyline concepts in this fucking business and act like it's overblown and too complex.


This is why I say that anyone who started watching WWE after 2000 is never going to get this angle, and it's not their fault. WWE has done it well before, but that was before they started things like the Diva Search and the bodybuilding prerequisites for their hiring practices. A storyline like this literally cannot be done in today's WWE, because they hire people who are the total opposite of the roles they need. You can't hire 20-25 year old model blonds for lesbian angles and then expect them to have a serious acting bug. Stereotypes aside, people don't get to where they are in life without having a certain method to things. Beautiful women who are great actors don't go to WWE, simple as that. Why WWE thinks they should after the shit they have pulled is beyond me.


The reason people see it as a sex angle is because WWE makes it a sex angle from day one with who they hire. Serioulsy, who else on the roster could have played the role of Mick Foley without having it be a sex angle? Carlito and Trish, sex angle. Edge and Lita, sex. Booker and Sharmell, greed and sex. They couldn't get a classy woman to do the woman's role, so we get a slut. The only one who could have made it work was Trish (whose done some slutty things over the years), but she has to be buried hard before she leaves. It's a nasty facade that bit them in the ass tonight, at least for me personally. It showed me that WWE lost their copy of Pro Wrestling 101, again.


That, and the disturbing fact that most of the advertised wrestlers on that card have wrestled on TV for more than 10 years. New stars, my ass.


The problem isnt bc its a 'sex angle' or not a 'sex angle'. Or if Foley liking Melina as a friend makes sense or doesnt make sense.


The problem for me is that Foley-Flair is good enough on its own, and adding anything else (this example some random skank), totally drains the 12yrs of heat that has been building in this feud.


If the WWE wants to get Melina some heat, put her with some other character/fued that needs help garnering interest.


Dont ruin an already fine enough fued like Flair-Foley.

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Guest Kobe24KGold
The masses also like John Cena matches.


I watch wrestling to be entertained and whether that's by mat wrestling, spotfests, or well-thought-out storylines I don't really give a shit.


To suggest that I shouldn't watch professional wrestling if I want to see dramatic storylines is a pretty stupid thing to say. Pro wrestling, WWE in particular, is equal parts soap opera and athletic display.



John Cena got motherfuckin booed in his motherfuckin hometown. The masses are split on him.


95 percent of the time it's very shitty soap opera. The last soap opera storyline they had that was good was the Angle-HHH-Steph storyline. Of course, on par for the course, the ending of that blew chunks.

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Kobe proves my point exactly about how you actually have to pay attention to every detail of a Mick Foley storyline understand the entire purpose of that particular finish. He missed the entire point. It isn't about Melina's looks. It has nothing to do with that but he fails to look beyond this.


It was more then just Foley saving his valet/friend from getting attacked. Look at Foley's trangression in this current character of his and you'll see that it all started with Foley's urge to get Melina's approval. This started way before Flair entered the picture.


Foley established very early on that he sees Melina as something special for reasons beyond just physical. Throughout the storyline with Flair, Melina played a key part in it.


Take a look at the pre-match promo with Melina and Foley. Foley was relaxed but Melina knew she had to get Foley in a different mindset. She threatened she'd be disapointed and hinted their friendship might not survive a lost. Look at Melina's facial expression once Foley left with determination...that wasn't the look of someone who was using someone but rather happiness.


Melina came out to comfort Mick upon the first stoppage and once she saw the violence first hand, she had to end it. Melina put away her ego to stand against Flair to help a father figure like Mick.


Mick, has clearly stated over the months the importance that Melina has to him and that finish proved that Foley was still human despite the entire carnage.


Foley WON. He turned Flair into a animal thirsty for blood. He got the approval of the girl he needed the approval of. He got his humanity back after losing it at WrestleMania.


It's a pretty simple story and it had a pretty simple ending. It wasn't that complex, just the basic Mick Foley deal.


Oh, I understand the story arc. I just don't care about it. It's weak. Foley's little fascination with Melina started as a "wink, wink", I can be funny on the Internet and curry favor from the smarks, too. The only problem is...it was overrated as fuck and nobody gave a damn about it in the first place. Foley erred, here.


The liaison that Foley has with Melina reminds me of all the losers in high school and college who get LJBF'd (Let's just be friends) by the good-looking girls because they were either A) ugly or B) were frustrated chumps or C) dressed like shit. Au Contraire, as Foley is the loser, not Flair. Foley can be Melina's cuddle bitch all he wants, but he's never getting any of that pussy. Flair, the Alpha Male that he is, will get some and then some more while WOOOing after each orgasm.


Putting aside the fact that Foley's actual wife is tremendously beautiful. That's the point. Foley is supposed to be that guy. He even said this straight out.


The finish was great because it worked much more from a story point then some idiotic uneccesary holy shit bump. If you want senseless bumps, go watch CZW. The finish put over the brutality much more this way then a big bump ever would have.


Look at how memorable this match will be despite the lack of a big bump. It was the intensity of the two guys and simplicity of the match that put it over. Almost similar to Blanchard/TA.



Sure. Foley's wife is beautiful and way better looking in her prime than 90 percent of all WWE divas. But, Foley's wife is also classy; she is someone who finds male intellect and charm attractive, as opposed to ab definition.


With such a storyline, you need a beautiful woman in the vein of Foley's own wife -- someone who neglects to show much skin and doesn't act like an attention whore. Unfortunately, Melina's characterization is that of a whore, attention whore, scantily-clad bimbo who readily shows her body parts to get a rise, if you will. She is grossly miscast for the role of the woman who appeals to Foley on a level that transcends sexuality. Why? Because she (her character, anyway) isn't innocent nor unaware of her power over men -- and those are the female qualities that provoke the protective and nurturing attributes in men.

Think back to the promo where Foley mentioned his friend in the porno business, and said even though he's watched her movies before the thing that sticks out to him the most is her work with children in third world countries. Flair said that in his prime he would have nailed Melina and Foley said something along the lines of "that's the difference between you and me, Ric, you see Melina as nothing more than a conquest, to me she's a close friend".


Hawk 34 is dead on with the whole point of the feud. Foley showed his human side and Flair has been driven to absolute violence. Melina is what has kept Foley from reverting back to Cactus Jack a la the Triple H feud in 2000 or whenever it was. A totally classy Liz-esque woman would defeat the purpose of it because Flair and his limosine ridin' character would more naturally align with or respect such a woman rather than threatening to beat her senseless with Barbie.


You're looking at the Foley/Melina relationship the wrong way. It's not supposed to be sexual, that's why Nitro is still in the picture. It's not even supposed to transcend sexuality. Sexuality doesn't figure into their relationship at all. And pointing out that Melina is aware of her charms over men is pointless because there's been no interaction between her and Foley that has suggested they even flirt. Its not like she's using Foley as a henchman or something.


Still makes no sense.


So Foley sees something in Melina that Flair doesn't? Ok, that's fine and dandy, but when he is the only one in the world who sees it, then that creates a problem for your viewers. WWE fans have never been given any reason to believe that Melina has a heart of gold hidden under her heelish/slutty ways.


And why is she a close friend? What do they have in common? How and when did they become friends? It seems like one day a few months ago, Melina just popped up during a Foley promo and he goes, "Oh yeah, and this is my friend Melina!"


Flair-Foley had enough real life bitterness that had built up over the past 10+ years that it didn't need this manufactured nonsense thrown in.


In all these weeks leading up to SS, all the talk every week was about how awesome and intense and "real" these Flair-Foley promos seemed, I can't recall anyone saying, "Man this Foley/Melina dynamic sure is rad, I can't wait to see where they go with it!"


The WWE took a blood feud that basically writes itself last night and flushed it down the crapper.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

The best angles in wrestling history centered around concepts far more intelligent and realistic then "I hate you, me hurt you".


You obviously are out of touch with reality here, Kobe. Foley is succesful on his own and doesn't need to observe porn stars as objects because he just takes them as who they are. Foley is a man of great compassion. That is idenitfiable because alot of people are willing to see people in a different light. THAT is human nature.


It has nothing to do with sex. It never entered the equation except you seem to fail to accept that.


It's amazing how you can take one of the more straightforward and basic storyline concepts in this fucking business and act like it's overblown and too complex.


This is why I say that anyone who started watching WWE after 2000 is never going to get this angle, and it's not their fault. WWE has done it well before, but that was before they started things like the Diva Search and the bodybuilding prerequisites for their hiring practices. A storyline like this literally cannot be done in today's WWE, because they hire people who are the total opposite of the roles they need. You can't hire 20-25 year old model blonds for lesbian angles and then expect them to have a serious acting bug. Stereotypes aside, people don't get to where they are in life without having a certain method to things. Beautiful women who are great actors don't go to WWE, simple as that. Why WWE thinks they should after the shit they have pulled is beyond me.


The reason people see it as a sex angle is because WWE makes it a sex angle from day one with who they hire. Serioulsy, who else on the roster could have played the role of Mick Foley without having it be a sex angle? Carlito and Trish, sex angle. Edge and Lita, sex. Booker and Sharmell, greed and sex. They couldn't get a classy woman to do the woman's role, so we get a slut. The only one who could have made it work was Trish (whose done some slutty things over the years), but she has to be buried hard before she leaves. It's a nasty facade that bit them in the ass tonight, at least for me personally. It showed me that WWE lost their copy of Pro Wrestling 101, again.


That, and the disturbing fact that most of the advertised wrestlers on that card have wrestled on TV for more than 10 years. New stars, my ass.


The problem isnt bc its a 'sex angle' or not a 'sex angle'. Or if Foley liking Melina as a friend makes sense or doesnt make sense.


The problem for me is that Foley-Flair is good enough on its own, and adding anything else (this example some random skank), totally drains the 12yrs of heat that has been building in this feud.


If the WWE wants to get Melina some heat, put her with some other character/fued that needs help garnering interest.


Dont ruin an already fine enough fued like Flair-Foley.



Absolutely. The praiseworthy parts of the feud were about the long-standing bitter rivalry Foley and Flair had dating back TWELVE years. You had these awesome, vitriolic promos delivered by Flair and Foley going on about how they're going to tear each other apart until one of them is dead.


Really, Melina is disgustingly inconsequential in all of this.

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I guess we're just divided between those who think Melina distracted from the feud and those who think she added another dimension to it. I think it was well done and you're not going to change my mind just by pointing out that Melina is a slut and bitching about soap opera-like booking.

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The over the top reactions Cena gets, positive or negative are why he is never going away and is always going to be plastered all over the WWE. The majority of the crowd CARES about him one way or the other, when people decided they didn't like Orton he got dead crowds, you can't say Cena gets a dead crowd.


I don't like Cena at all but the over the top reactions people have to him is why he isn't going anywhere.

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Jeff Jarrett gets over the top reactions from everyone, that doesn't make him a good guy to lead your company.

He didn't say it was a good move, just that its going to happen anyway.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

Cena was born to be the Rowdy Roddy Piper to someone else's Hulk Hogan.

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Jeff Jarrett gets over the top reactions from everyone, that doesn't make him a good guy to lead your company.


I'm just going by WWE thinking, until people just flat out sit on thier hands for him and he gets no reaction John Cena is going to be contiually protected and sit at the top of cards as their "new star".


John Cena is possibly the most protected guy on that roster.....I don't think he'll ever lose a match clean.

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Jeff Jarrett gets over the top reactions from everyone, that doesn't make him a good guy to lead your company.


I'm just going by WWE thinking, until people just flat out sit on thier hands for him and he gets no reaction John Cena is going to be contiually protected and sit at the top of cards as their "new star".


John Cena is possibly the most protected guy on that roster.....I don't think he'll ever lose a match clean.


I think Hulk Hogan, Triple H, and the Undertaker could all lay claim to that "most protected guy on the roster" label.

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Melina being there added a fun extra depth to Foley and Flair, but it ended up being vestigial in my mind during the build. At the peak before the first stoppage, as Foley took the Nestea Plunge, the last goddamn thing I was thinking about was Melina showing up and how she'd affect the match.

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Jeff Jarrett gets over the top reactions from everyone, that doesn't make him a good guy to lead your company.


I'm just going by WWE thinking, until people just flat out sit on thier hands for him and he gets no reaction John Cena is going to be contiually protected and sit at the top of cards as their "new star".


John Cena is possibly the most protected guy on that roster.....I don't think he'll ever lose a match clean.


I think Hulk Hogan, Triple H, and the Undertaker could all lay claim to that "most protected guy on the roster" label.


Well they jacked up and gave Hogan creative control in his contract.......He's a 2 times a year player and Taker is just a part time player so I don't fully count them anymore seeing as they aren't constantly around or headlining at this point.


And of course Triple H is always going to do what he wants that's just how it is, but even old Trip jobbed clean to Cena at the biggest show of the year. It's pretty obvious they think Cena is their next big star that will draw huge dollars.

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where did this stufff with Melina junk come from anyway?


When Nitro and her first got involed in the Flair stuff I thought it was nonsensical and made up on the spot, but still I'd want Shelton and Carlito to get the rub somehow. But Nitro and his 1-3 record was somehow good enough to get him an unadvertised ppv match, which is their idea of mixing it up in the IC division. But still no one cares, even JR cant fake not caring for Nitro's existence.


Shouldnt this have been done with Edge and Lita?

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where did this stufff with Melina junk come from anyway?


When Nitro and her first got involed in the Flair stuff I thought it was nonsensical and made up on the spot, but still I'd want Shelton and Carlito to get the rub somehow. But Nitro and his 1-3 record was somehow good enough to get him an unadvertised ppv match, which is their idea of mixing it up in the IC division. But still no one cares, even JR cant fake not caring for Nitro's existence.


Shouldnt this have been done with Edge and Lita?

Foley has been posting random Melina pics in his WWE.com blog all year and wrote a whole entry about her after she had backstage heat before Judgement Day. She is a friend of his and he said a lot of people mistook her shyness for arrogance. Eventually they were paired up on TV mirroring their real-life friendship.

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where did this stufff with Melina junk come from anyway?


When Nitro and her first got involed in the Flair stuff I thought it was nonsensical and made up on the spot, but still I'd want Shelton and Carlito to get the rub somehow. But Nitro and his 1-3 record was somehow good enough to get him an unadvertised ppv match, which is their idea of mixing it up in the IC division. But still no one cares, even JR cant fake not caring for Nitro's existence.


Shouldnt this have been done with Edge and Lita?

Foley has been posting random Melina pics in his WWE.com blog all year and wrote a whole entry about her after she had backstage heat before Judgement Day. She is a friend of his and he said a lot of people mistook her shyness for arrogance. Eventually they were paired up on TV mirroring their real-life friendship.


I think WWE backstage etiquette is hilarious personally.......acting shy gets you heat. Not speaking to the Undertaker will get you major heat......but it's pefectly acceptable to shit in peoples bags of molest them in the shower if you're Bradshaw.


Wouldn't it be amusing if real life worked like the WWE......you arrive at the office "uh yea me and Steve didn't like the job you did on that report you wrote out last week so we took a shit on your desk to teach you a lesson."

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where did this stufff with Melina junk come from anyway?


When Nitro and her first got involed in the Flair stuff I thought it was nonsensical and made up on the spot, but still I'd want Shelton and Carlito to get the rub somehow. But Nitro and his 1-3 record was somehow good enough to get him an unadvertised ppv match, which is their idea of mixing it up in the IC division. But still no one cares, even JR cant fake not caring for Nitro's existence.


Shouldnt this have been done with Edge and Lita?

Foley has been posting random Melina pics in his WWE.com blog all year and wrote a whole entry about her after she had backstage heat before Judgement Day. She is a friend of his and he said a lot of people mistook her shyness for arrogance. Eventually they were paired up on TV mirroring their real-life friendship.


I think WWE backstage etiquette is hilarious personally.......acting shy gets you heat. Not speaking to the Undertaker will get you major heat......but it's pefectly acceptable to shit in peoples bags of molest them in the shower if you're Bradshaw.


Wouldn't it be amusing if real life worked like the WWE......you arrive at the office "uh yea me and Steve didn't like the job you did on that report you wrote out last week so we took a shit on your desk to teach you a lesson."

I agree, its ridiculous. WWE is a publicly traded company with shareholders to answer to yet this kind of bullshit fraternity unprofessionalism completely pervades the culture of the organisation.

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I guess we shouldn't be surprised, the company is run by a guy who wants to show his bare ass on national TV and have other males kiss it.......then he has the bright idea to want to do an incest angle with his daughter and talk about it on DVD when they don't do it.


Vince probably finds it amusing when people shit in other peoples bags in the back.

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