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Lt. Al Giardello

GSP not fighting in September???

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Even though both make complete sense it would be a complete slap in the face to guys like Diego, Karo, Fitch and Koscheck so I sincerely doubt we'd be seeing either of those. Plus, UFC is very picky when it comes to bringing up past losses and I'm not sure they want to remind fans that Hughes got sub'd twice and KO'd from a knee.

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I'd say biggest fight of the year, but you're gonna have to give me a reason as to why before I believe that.

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We DID have Randy/Chuck III, the climax of what's easily the biggest trilogy of fights in MMA. That's a lot to stack Hughes/GSP up against, though it could be debated either way.

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It should be sometime towards the end of this week when we'll know if GSP is cleared medically to compete. I'm hoping he will be. Diego's coach Greg Jackson said on our radio show with DeSantis and Gross that while Diego is capable of taking the title, they want to work on gameplans to deal with both guys (Hughes and GSP) so I don't see Diego taking a title fight before the beginning of the new year. His striking is not on GSP's level and GSP's takedown defense has improved greatly in the last year due to training with the Canadian National Wrestling Team and going to Renzo's academy in New York so if Alessio could stuff Diego's attempts, GSP would likely shrug them off with even more ease. Hughes' core strength is arguably the best in the business and his submissions and sub defense have improved a tremendous amount in the last three years. His wrestling is miles beyond Diego so I can't see Diego winning even if it goes to a decision.

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Guest DRH 502

So excited <-----


EDIT: Me I mean I wasn't making a distasteful joke about a dead guy just to clarify.

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I wouldn't have had a title fight period if GSP or Diego couldn't fight. Put Hughes in a special attraction fight against someone. There's hundreds of people who'd leap at a chance of national PPV fight against someone like Hughes, decimation or not.. Leapfrogging over people like Penn's gonna do after LOSING to GSP and not having fought in UFC for years beyond that one fight cheapens it all to me.


If you are gonna have rankings, you should adhere to said rankings in my opinion. Penn, at best, is a distant third in the top five of UFC, and that's only based on his prior accomplishments.


Edit: Having re-read that, I suppose Penn getting the title shot is fine...he is #3, but it feels goddamn cheap to me, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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Guest DRH 502

Dude hang on. BJ was the champion. He never lost. Okay with that in mind, he came back and he lost to GSP. So lets say GSP beat him for the linear welterweight title, and now the Undisputed title match is off (well they will promote it as such now but GSP did beat BJ so work with me) now BJ lost. But as champion shouldn't he get a direct rematch, or at least be in number one contendership?

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It's not like Penn got dominated or anything. If GSP finished him or spanked him en route to the decison you could make that argument but Penn is the next-most deserving guy after GSP.


Yes, I'm aware that I'm the dude saying he'd rather see no fight at all then this but Hughes vs a can or Hughes in a "special attraction" fight wouldn't cut it for me, seeing as how it'll almost be a year since he hasn't defended the belt in over a year.

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It basicly boils down to this for me.


GSP and Diego have fought their asses off to earn their title shots. Penn's leaping over them due to circumstances to get a title shot despite one fight. That's okay I guess.


The major issue for *ME* is with UFC's track record, GSP and Diego are gonna have to re-earn their title shots, probably against each other. That's just plain ass not fair. If they do this fight, then do GSP then Diego, that's fine, but if they find themselves demoted because of all this, then how the hell is that fair?

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Guest DRH 502

No one ever said it was fair, but dude don't you think a guy who was never really beat for the belt should get the shot if GSP doesn't?? I mean yeah Diego this Diego that, Diego doesn't have a score to settle with Matt Hughes. Diego didn't beat Matt Hughes for the belt he is wearing only to watch him end up with a new one less than a year later.


Don't get me wrong, I don't care for BJ and my Hughes fanboyism is very well documented...but arguing for GSP(who CAN'T fight) and Diego (a guy who, IF BJ weren't in the picture, SHOULD get the title shot) is really just bias against BJ no?

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Maybe it is bias, but I don't think Penn should get a title shot when he hasn't won in the UFC since his return. I mean, granted, you can make a claim on past accomplishes, but you can also make a claim that UFC not bringing in Dan Severn despite all HIS accomplishments is BS too. You can't have it both ways. You can't go "We'll focus on this guys past accomplishments, but not this guys" IMO.


Granted, I hate how UFC has seemingly erased the past beyond what's convient to them, but still. I just think you gotta focus on the here and now, but Penn hasn't had much of a here so far.


I shall concede though for hte fight.

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Guest DRH 502

I feel you dude. Look at Karo, he had a shot, and then got it taken away. Won his first fight back (well one off the top of my head vs. Nick Thompson although I might be wrong) and was in good standings. They threw him in against Diego, and since Diego beat him now he won't get his shot. The same will happen now with Diego and GSP most likely...I agree its not fair but I don't think there is anyone else in the world besides BJ (sans GSP) that deserves this fight more. Plus i'm sure Hughes was probably pulling for BJ, and you gotta give him props he is gonna take this change with a month to prepare against the only guy to beat him in like what...3 years? I predict a much different outcome this time...


Blah we are spoiled MMA fans, we should be FUCKING STOKED RIGHT NOW. BJ Penn vs. Matt Hughes again...last year it looked like this fight may never happen, and now we are balking at it because a more deserving guy is injured?

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Guest DRH 502
but you can also make a claim that UFC not bringing in Dan Severn despite all HIS accomplishments is BS too. You can't have it both ways. You can't go "We'll focus on this guys past accomplishments, but not this guys" IMO


Sorry to keep bringing up old shit, but I re-read this and scratched my head. A Dan Severn comparison is completely irrelevant. If Dan was the Welterweight champion who never lost his belt in the first place then yeah i'd agree with out but without that in there I must ask...What?

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That comparison is simple. UFC keeps bringing up past people hyping up their accomplishments, but there is one person who UFC conviently leaves out of everything from the past and that's Dan Severn despite being one of the UFC's past's biggest stars, and being one of the FEW people still from that era that could probably still fight seeing how he fights damn near *EVERY MONTH*. So essentionally, I'm saying they ignore some parts of the UFC past to hype on others such as Penn's title win and frankly I find it insulting.


And I dunno how you can apply sarcasm to the GSP thing. WHAT makes you think GSP's gonna immediately get a title shot when he's healthy? Where, in UFC's track record do they indicate that? Them making Karo re-earn his title shot despite being #1 contender when his injury took place indicates otherwise.

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