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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW TV Week 11 Thread - August/22nd/2006.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Heyman change of heart?


ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Big Show will barely have time to catch his breath after his victory at SummerSlam, as the ECW World Heavyweight Champion will have to face Sabu again this Tuesday on ECW on Sci Fi.


"In ECW's continuing efforts to bring its audience the best main events, most exciting title matches and highest possible quality action, despite my own personal feelings and even against my better business judgment, I am allowing this match to take place tomorrow night on ECW", Heyman said in a statement to ECW.com.


Heyman has been very public about not wanting his champion to face Sabu, claiming he did not want to subject Big Show to the risks and brutality Sabu built his career on. For weeks, Heyman denied the "Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death-Defying Maniac's" requests for a chance at the ECW World Heavyweight Title. The only way Sabu got to face the extreme giant at the Summer spectacular was through some quick thinking and maneuvering to grab the SummerSlam contract in last week's Ladder Match after Big Show stormed in on a mission to get the contract himself, saving him from having to face anyone.


Many have wondered why Heyman would allow the two to face now after being so vehemently against it in the past.


"I am jeopardizing Big Show's title reign, there's no doubt", said Heyman. "And yet in the mood that Big Show is in having to face Sabu again, I dare say Sabu's entire career may be in jeopardy during the course of this match."


Has Heyman completely changed his tune just because Big Show defeated Sabu at SummerSlam? Some within the company think that there is more to the story, and that ECW's self-proclaimed Messiah plans to punish Sabu for taking matters into his own hands over the last several weeks when he repeatedly attacked Big Show after being denied a match against the champ.


Unfortunately, no one would go on the record out of fear of retribution, but many cited the continued beating and harassment of Tommy Dreamer by Heyman's "Private Security Force" and disciples as reason why they felt Sabu was in jeopardy. They felt Heyman had been punishing Dreamer for questioning him about the suspension of Rob Van Dam.


Anonymous sources claim the erratic leader was far more upset about Sabu's actions than Dreamer's mere words, and many feel Heyman has turned on the guys that built the brand into the cult phenomenon that it is. They fear Sabu will be the newest victim in Heyman's death march to ECW supremacy.


What should be an exciting and happy time for ECW to celebrate its successful debut at SummerSlam is marred with tension, distrust, and animosity. With so many rumors flying around, no one will really know what is in store for Tuesday until it happens live on Sci Fi.


Plus, Kurt Angle had to be removed from ECW on Sci Fi by police officers after the "Wrestling Machine" tried to attack Paul Heyman. Before the No.1 Contender Ladder Match, Heyman removed Angle from the contest, putting him on medical suspension due to a groin injury. Angle wanted to compete with the injury, but Heyman said he had to "save Angle from himself". Will the "Wrestling Machine" be back in the building tomorrow night?


And Mike Knox & Test looked impressive in a win over The F.B.I. on ECW on Sci Fi. But they didn't look nearly as impressive when they retreated to the locker room after ECW originals Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman stormed the ring. Knox and Test escaped the ECW originals' wrath, but will things be different tomorrow?


Tune in to ECW on Sci Fi to find out all of these answers and more at 10pm/9pm CT.


ECW World Heavyweight Title Match

The Big Show .VS. Sabu.

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I find it hilarious that Paul Heyman's on-air character is probably a representation of how Vince McMahon truly feels about ECW-Originals.


I would hope Big Show somehow drops the belt, but then it would kind of make the Summerslam match pointless. Maybe Sabu will have Big Show beat, and then Test/Knox run in, setting up a six-man tag the following week!?!


I am still interested to see RVD's part in all of this....


Hopefully CM Punk wrestles someone BESIDES Justin Credible.

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Yeah, I was very dissapointed that he wrestled Justin Credible again last week. Credible is just, awful.


I used to like him in ECW too.

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I'm suprised some internet smark dork guy hasn't come up with a brilliant name to mock Credible.


Something like "JustNOT Credible", or something gay.


They did that when Credible meant something back in 1999.

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I'm suprised some internet smark dork guy hasn't come up with a brilliant name to mock Credible.


Something like "JustNOT Credible", or something gay.


They did that when Credible meant something back in 1999.


And besides...


It was Justin Tolerable.

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Nah, "Justin Potent" was the most common one, along with "Justin Asshole".


ECW has been mostly a really godawful TV show ever since it debuted on Sci-Fi, and pathetic worked shilling previews like the one Bob posted ("Watch our show because SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN") certainly don't make me want to watch any more.

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Nah, "Justin Potent" was the most common one, along with "Justin Asshole".


ECW has been mostly a really godawful TV show ever since it debuted on Sci-Fi, and pathetic worked shilling previews like the one Bob posted ("Watch our show because SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN") certainly don't make me want to watch any more.

For a WWE product, its been damn fine.

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Lets hear some predictions as to how tonight's Main Event ends.


I doubt it is going to be clean, maybe RVD will determine the outcome, by either attacking Big Show or inadvertanly costing Sabu the match.....

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For a WWE product, its been damn fine.


How? Repetitive booking, nonexistant storylines, lackluster matches, stupid gimmicks, and the burial of every old ECW wrestler to a degree that shocked even the most cynical of hardcore fans.

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For a WWE product, its been damn fine.


How? Repetitive booking, nonexistant storylines, lackluster matches, stupid gimmicks, and the burial of every old ECW wrestler to a degree that shocked even the most cynical of hardcore fans.


Yeah, basically, but ECW has slightly been able to make it entertaining in the process, not to mention solid Main Events up until Batista/Big Show which was almost worth it just to hear the crowd shit all over it.

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Well, with the exception of Thorn's entrance (which I mark out hard for, not sure why) I just don't find much of it to be that entertaining.


Also, solid main events?! About half of them, yeah sure. But the battle royale from the first show, Big Show vs. Undertaker, Angle vs. Sabu, and Sabu vs. RVD aren't what I'd call solid.

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For a WWE product, its been damn fine.


How? Repetitive booking, nonexistant storylines, lackluster matches, stupid gimmicks, and the burial of every old ECW wrestler to a degree that shocked even the most cynical of hardcore fans.

Again...for WWE booking/product it has been fine.


Repetitive booking: You need to be more clear on the repetitive booking. I don't mean to sound like your wrong, but a example would be nice. If your talking about Test/Knox going over Sandman and Dreamer, what do you expect? For the two faces to go over this early in the feud of the 4?


Nonexistant Storylines: I will admit there isn't much going, but for the main storyline involving a lot of people, its fine for a one hour show.


Lackluster matches: Some matches haven't been that good, but there have been decent and good matches. To say their all bad is a bit far-fetched.


Stupid Gimmicks:...The vampire is the only one I can think of, but he gets points for his hot Valet.


Burial of old ECW wrestlers: I'm 50/50 on this, to a point I agree with you but to a point I have to disagree. I agree with you because, your right, more of the older ECW guys need to be pushed to a point where they actually look like a threat and not just a random jobber but newer stars need to be pushed, and with only a hour show and the new ECW still trying to get across a new auidence, newer stars need to be pushed and unfortuanilty the roster is to small to not use the older ECW guys to help push the newer stars.



In other news: Who do you think we'll get tonight Kevin Thorn or CM Punk?

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When the best you can say about ECW is "for WWE , it's not that bad", what does that say about the real quality of the product?

That its more entertaining than Raw. :D

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When the best you can say about ECW is "for WWE , it's not that bad", what does that say about the real quality of the product?

That its more entertaining than Raw. :D

I've had bowel movements more entertaining than Raw.

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Nah, "Justin Potent" was the most common one, along with "Justin Asshole".


ECW has been mostly a really godawful TV show ever since it debuted on Sci-Fi, and pathetic worked shilling previews like the one Bob posted ("Watch our show because SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN") certainly don't make me want to watch any more.

For a WWE product, its been damn fine.


Watch One Night Stand 2005 and then watch ECW on SCI-FI. Is the WWE product still "damn fine"?

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