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McMahon DVD

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Picked it up at Circuit City for $15.99.


---They spend about 10 minutes on everything pre-1998 or so, talking about how he took over for his dad, took over all the regions, and we even get a weird clip of him on TBS announcing in front of a "World Championship Wrestling" backdrop, in the days before Turner took over.


---They cover Montreal again, and it seems most of it is a re-hash of info from Confidental and Bret's DVD. We do get Shane's comments, though.


---On to the Austin feud, where the consensus is (on this DVD, at least) that it was successful because Austin had such a great heel to work with in Vince. Forget that Austin was a one of a kind character, but it IS Vince's DVD, I guess.


---They talk about Vince's in ring ablility, and surprisingly everyone, including HHH, thinks he's terrible in the ring, but makes up for it in psychology.


---The XFL gets more time than I thought it would. Joey Styles gets me excited by saying something like, "What was the first thing you ever saw on a XFL game? The Rock, cutting a promo about how the XFL will lay the smackdown on the NFL. What's the SECOND thing you saw on an XFL game? Vince McMahon himself, screaming "This is the XFLLLLLLLEELLLLLEEELLLL!!!"


I thought we would get a massive "Vince made a mistake with the football thing" rant, but instead, Styles follows it up with "That's when the WRESTLING HATING MEDIA turned on the XFL and it didn't stand a chance!" Yeah, forget the record low ratings and terrible games and players....it was all the media's fault. The whole XFL segment is full of shit, with everyone talking about how cool it was, and ends with Vince himself talking about how he always thought it was a good idea, and still does. Give me a break.


---They cover the infamous Bob Costas interview, and I'm starting to think this is a DVD about Mr. McMahon, and not Vince McMahon.


---Vince loved the Katie Vick segment, but everyone else thought it was awful. They show some old footage of The Rock (on the Rundown set) talking about how he hated it.


---On to the HHH/Steph romance, and how Vince stopped it, but says that he only did it to see how serious HHH was about it, and if he was, he wouldn't care what Vince said, and that's what happened.


---Onto the on-screen McMahon family feud, which is quite troubling to watch all at once. Of course, they all love each other, but still, damn.


---Vince the womanizer is covered, and again, it's weird to watch him making out with diva after diva. Regal says it's alright because Vince always gets what's coming to him in the end. Trish says fans still ask her about the barking dog segment.


---The WCW buyout bummed out Vince, says Steph, like a part of him died. Everyone agrees that they wish there was more competition. TNA isn't mentioned.


---Kiss My Ass club, where everyone says that Vince hates Yes men and ass kissers. Yeah, right.


---The Brand Extension is treated like another genius Vince idea, although Lawler doesn't think it was pulled off right.


---The Austin walkout is covered via re-hashes of the Confidental piece and Austin's DVD. Did we really need this again?


---Onto hiring Bischoff, which everyone (including Linda) couldn't believe. Bischoff gives his comments in what seems to be a recent interview, because he mentions being "fired" and thrown in the trash truck later on.


---The feud with Hogan, including the WM 19 match. This is the only time the steroid trial is mentioned, via Hogan talking about having to testify.


---Vince is inducted into the MSG Hall of Fame, which Steph thinks is one of his biggest moments, because it puts him in there with his dad.


---Onto the feud with Steph, and the I quit match was six days before her wedding to HHH, and everyone threatened Vince that there better not be a mark on her. HHH says Vince wanted to put the wedding on PPV, and he said no. It gets REALLY weird, as Steph said he proposed that HE (Vince) would end up being the father of her baby on TV, and when she said no, he suggested that it be Shane. WHAT? Who does he think he is, Russo?


---Shawn talks about how Vince rode the wire he used at WM 12 before him, and they show Vince doing it. I bet he didn't try out Owen's harness. BTW, Owen is never mentioned at any point.


---They cover his double quad tear at the Royal Rumble. Vince attributes it to sitting at the Gorilla position for 3 hours and not warming up before going out there. I didn't know you had to "warm up" just to slide into a ring. Linda and Steph say that Vince was in hell not being able to be at tapings, and that Steph had to run the show by herself for a while, which is the first time I've ever heard them mention that Stephanie was in charge of creative. HHH says Vince is proud that he came back quicker than he did, and Vince confirms it.


---a big "You're FIRED!" montage, with Slaughter, Shawn, and Matt Hardy talking about how nice Vince is when he REALLY fires someone.


---Vince is apparently a patriot for supporting the troops, and they show his speech at Smackdown in Iraq.


---They end with Vince's 60th Birthday party, and everyone talking about how demanding he is and how he expects 100% out of everyone, or he fires them. Oh, and he loves being a grandfather.




---HHH talks about how pissed Vince got one time when Steph and him beat him at a pool game.


---HHH talks about how he really wishes Vince and Linda would take time off, because they deserve it.


---Regal talks about how right after he signed his WWF contract in 1998, he passed out on drugs in Vince's office. Vince paid for his rehab and has never mentioned it. We really needed more segments like this one on the main feature.


---Big Show talks about how on a flight to Iraq, he had put an air mattress in the back of the plane, and Vince cut it with a knife as a rib, making him move to a small seat.


---Show talks about how Vince refused to leave a bar one night because he wasn't done yet, or something.


---Steph cries talking about how much she loves her dad.


---They cover the 1998 motorcycle crash that famously confined Vince to a wheelchair, which made his segments with Austin that much better.


---HHH talks about how Steph gave him framed pictures of every World Champion one year for Christmas, and that he always puts the one with Vince wearing the belt out whenever he comes over.


---the 9/11 Smackdown, which I thought was fantastic. Apparantly Vince almost didn't go ahead with it.


---Funny comments from Jimmy Hart and Cena about how Vince won't change his ideas, and somehow convinces you that he is right all of the time. Jimmy tells a great story about Dusty talking to Vince about the polka dots.


---The goofy Vince walk, complete with everyone mimicing it.


---The entire "Stand Back" performance from the Slammys.


---The hilarious training montage with Shane, getting ready for the 1999 Rumble.




vs. Austin on RAW 4/13/98 (the one hand behind your BACK match)

vs Austin in a Steel Cage (Valentine's Day Massacre)

with Shane vs. Austin--Ladder Match KOTR 99

vs HHH--Armageddon 99

vs Shane--WM X-7

vs. Flair--Royal Rumble 2002

vs Hogan--WM 19

vs Steph (I quit Match) No Mercy 2003

vs Undertaker--Buried Alive--SSeries 03



Overall, it wasn't bad, but some segments, especially the XFL one, seemed a little out of touch with reality. This really shows that Vince is nuts, and maybe that's what they wanted. There weren't enough comments about how great a boss he was, or how kind/giving/wonderful of a person he is. Mick Foley said in one of his books that it seems like Vince wants us to believe that "Mr. McMahon" is the real him, and I think he's right. This DVD didn't change my mind about the man in any way. I'm kind of mad that they really only focused on the things he did after the "Mr. McMahon" character was born, and not Vince McMahon the person. I could care less about his feud with Zach Gowen.


I'd recommend it, but only if you can get it cheap like I did. It's not worth more than $20.

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They say they wish there was more competition.........I'm sure people will really believe that.

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"---The WCW buyout bummed out Vince, says Steph, like a part of him died. Everyone agrees that they wish there was more competition. TNA isn't mentioned."


So even Vince and the WWE in general wants there to be more competition, just like the entire IWC does.

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The XFL was better than casual sports fans thought, and better than the likes of ESPN-which is tied too close to the NFL to be objective-would have ever admitted. Yes it was buried. Yes the ratings were bad but I do think it would have developed into a fun alternative, just like Arena ball. A whole lot of the players were college stars, and while that's a huge drop from NFL play, they didn't just forget how to play the game once they got out of college.

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They say they wish there was more competition.........I'm sure people will really believe that.


No, it's true. Vince has always relied on competition for motivation and that's been a key reason the WWE product has been so putrid over the last few years.


Vince rightfully doesn't consider TNA legitimate competition. WWE needs a realistic threat and they aren't getting it, which is why they remain stagnate.


Vince was right about the XFL. The problem was that Vince put himself over in the process of the development and hype of the league and that instantly led the media against it once the ratings bottomed out after the decent debut.


With more time and thought, especially less Vince McMahon public involvement and more cohesive planning, the XFL stood a chance of being at the least an Arena League type enterprise.


We've seen that the XFL was ahead of the NFL and those networks in some production aspects since concepts fashioned by the XFL were implemented in ESPN and the other various networks after it's demise.


The fault was squarely on Vince as he did what he always does and rushed through it failing to realized that his name instantly ruined the credibility of the XFL. Had he sat back, built it along with NBC and stuck to being a primary shareholder of the XFL...he could have had moderate success instead of the flaming abomination that it became.

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I have a question. Does anybody know about the dvd covering the McMahon/Austin feud. Or did this dvd become the end product. The dvd itself was a decent offering.

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I have a question. Does anybody know about the dvd covering the McMahon/Austin feud. Or did this dvd become the end product. The dvd itself was a decent offering.


This was the original Austin Vs McMahon dvd but it was changed to be devoted to Vince.


I still think a "Greatest Feuds" dvd would be fantastic.

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This is a dvd that I'm happily skipping over.

I think I'll save my money for the Pillman one.

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It's going to be a long long time before there's any viable competition to the WWE. No one with alot of money that's a smart businessman will want to be in the wrestling business. How many billionairs just like to burn money because they like wrestling.....well other than Ted Turner once upon a time ago.

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I don't see any more true competition, ever, to the WWE. The few talents left with true star power, most are on their way out or have already left. There aren't many out there to build a new promotion around, and if they have potential, I don't see a new promotion having the patience to wait on them to get established. If someone had a lot of money and the legal stuff was all good, Lesnar, Jericho would be a good pair to have at the top but again I don't see another company having the money to do that for very long.

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Spike is signing guys that TNA can't afford, like they're in negotiations with Goldberg right now.


Jericho will probably never go to TNA, but if Spike's offering up enough money I think he might.

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I have a question. Does anybody know about the dvd covering the McMahon/Austin feud. Or did this dvd become the end product. The dvd itself was a decent offering.


This was the original Austin Vs McMahon dvd but it was changed to be devoted to Vince.


I still think a "Greatest Feuds" dvd would be fantastic.



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And theres me thinking this would be a great DVD. Oh well, im sure on of my mates will buy it.

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---Shawn talks about how Vince rode the wire he used at WM 12 before him, and they show Vince doing it. I bet he didn't try out Owen's harness. BTW, Owen is never mentioned at any point.


I read somewhere (possibly 411mania) that he DID try Owen's harness beforehand.

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The biggest laugh for me on this one is when everyone says that Vince hates Yes Men and can smell them from a mile away. What a joke, this is completely opposite of everything Meltzer and Scherer have ever said, which is that Vince basically is the creative team and everyone else just tells him that all his shitty ideas are gold.

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The XFL was better than casual sports fans thought, and better than the likes of ESPN-which is tied too close to the NFL to be objective-would have ever admitted. Yes it was buried. Yes the ratings were bad but I do think it would have developed into a fun alternative, just like Arena ball. A whole lot of the players were college stars, and while that's a huge drop from NFL play, they didn't just forget how to play the game once they got out of college.


I remember there being a lot of CFL players in the XFL. Just going through the LA Xtreme roster, I've found nine CFLers.

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Well, I'm skipping this one. Besides, I'm saving my money on Horror DVD's.

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Vince McMahon purchases WCW and then is sad because of the lack of competition? Personally, if Eric Bischoff was able to purchase WCW back in '01, I believe WCW would be better than WWE at this point.

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Vince McMahon purchases WCW and then is sad because of the lack of competition? Personally, if Eric Bischoff was able to purchase WCW back in '01, I believe WCW would be better than WWE at this point.


It's not that far-fetched to imagine him being sad that WCW being gone, but from a business standpoint, how you do pass up that opportunity? WCW was dead and buried anyways because they lost their tv contract... it wasn't McMahon that killed it.


Haven't you ever had a competitor at work or school, who you never really liked on a personal level, but enjoyed competing with them? Once you beat them, you get that feeling of satisfaction from winning, but then you miss the fact they brought out the best in you.

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Vince McMahon purchases WCW and then is sad because of the lack of competition? Personally, if Eric Bischoff was able to purchase WCW back in '01, I believe WCW would be better than WWE at this point.


It's not that far-fetched to imagine him being sad that WCW being gone, but from a business standpoint, how you do pass up that opportunity? WCW was dead and buried anyways because they lost their tv contract... it wasn't McMahon that killed it.


Haven't you ever had a competitor at work or school, who you never really liked on a personal level, but enjoyed competing with them? Once you beat them, you get that feeling of satisfaction from winning, but then you miss the fact they brought out the best in you.


Whoever that competitor was would have the opportunity to challenge me in the future. If Vince McMahon valued the competition he had with WCW, he would've allowed Eric Bischoff or someone else to purchase the company, rebuild it, and have another Monday Night War in the future. When you beat someone in a competition, most of the time you will say better luck next time. Vince McMahon beat WCW and then bought the company so there would never be a next time.

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Guest DRH 502
and they show Vince doing it. I bet he didn't try out Owen's harness


You are a fucking moron.

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