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Hunter's Torn Quad

WWE News and Notes - 8/28

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There is apparently a list of words that announces are no longer allowed to say on-air, including the terms “belt” and “strap”. They are banned from WWE, OVW and DSW, because Vince thinks they are linked to old-time wrestling.


God forbid the announcers use an accurately descriptive noun like "belt."


I wonder what hapens when someone gets hit with it now... Do the announcers have to say "He just got nailed with the championship!" That sounds really awkward and gay.

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I remember thinking this card was something they wanted to be big because they had 7 matches that were supposedly BIG, as each was a main event level match,( as in they had main eventers in them.) But the truth is it was Raw-heavy, not enough sd, not that anyone would notice, and they exposed they have no undercard, so big matches had crappy reactions, because of the lack of undercard


i didnt even notice the thing about women interfering in all these matches. Money well spent ppv buyers


vickie getting used is fine in theory but as a heel it makes it SEEM more exploitative, and what exactly is the point? where is this going to lead that wont make me change the channel?


the melina stuff is pointless. even if he wanted to elevate Melina, she's just in a manager role. trying to help her out will just burn out even quicker, as anyone Foley helps gets screwed in a few weeks afterward but with a woman it will just get dropped quicker. Too bad this wasnt with Hogan instead, as I would immensely enjoy Nitro getting buried somehow.


what happened with the stuff they were going to do with Hogan's daughter? WHen he got injured they dropped the whole thing and just had Randy go all-heel. But i thought the whole point of having the match here instead of WM is because her album would be out in the summer?




if i was booker i wouldnt go out of my way to have a great match with bautista. but if the match was bad booker would get the blame and they could easily have him get squashed in 30 seconds as punishment. but with the roster so thin booker's in a pretty good spot now.


But they need to have him go over clean on some guys to build up a rematch. it seems like every sd is full of matches already seen the previous ppv and/or a setup for the next one. i cant think of any matchups on that roster that we havent seen a million times already





when was the last time wwe had a ppv at a place with 'civic center' in the title of the location?


i thought the "banned list" had been going on for years now. its the same list with words like wrestle, right?

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