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Arizona Iced Tea

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Does anyone else really, really enjoy Arizona Iced Tea? I mean, like, I have to have at least one of the 24 oz Arizona Iced Teas at least every day. Seriously, 24 oz. of iced tea for 99 cents is a Hell of a good deal. The Southern Style Iced Tea, Lemon Tea, Green Tea, and Black Tea are my favorites. They also have a Strawberry Tea, Mango Tea, and various other fruity flavors. They also have something called an Rx tonic that's pretty good. Yeah, so does anybody else dig Arizona Iced Tea? If not, feel free to discuss other favorite Iced Tea brands (my other favorite being Red Diamond Iced Tea. A gallon of tea for like...$1.50 at Kroger) or any other experiences relating to Iced Tea.

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Pfft. Snapple is made from rat feces and goat semen. If you wanna drink rat feces and goat semen, go ahead, but I'll continue drinking my delicious Arizona Iced Tea beverages.

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In my experience waiting tables for Denny's for about 3 years, 2000-2003...inclusive, I've learned that only Nigerian men, little old ladies, and hipsters drink hot tea with any regularity.

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Peach Tea and Lemonade/Tea mixed are the only kinds of tea I like.


And I spent 2 years in SC and do not understand the concept of putting 20 packets of sugar into a glass of tea and having 3 inches of undisolved sugar at the bottom of the glass.

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Guest Felonies!
In my experience waiting tables for Denny's for about 3 years, 2000-2003...inclusive, I've learned that only Nigerian men, little old ladies, and hipsters drink hot tea with any regularity.

Well, that's me, all right. My name is Yolumbo Mtumbe.

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Guest Felonies!

Sweet tea is my exception, but I can't find good sweet tea up here. Tennessee, though. mmmmmmmmmm.

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I really like Arizona as well, and they're the cheapest iced tea to get around here, but I haven't noticed a ton of difference among Arizona, Snapple, and Lipton. Nestea bottled is God awful, though

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I like Arizona's ghetto drinks like Orangeade, Grapeade and Kiwi Strawberry. Not quite iced tea, but still pretty good.


I don't really like their lemon iced tea, but the peach tea is nice once in a while.

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Guest Felonies!

Grape soda is the shit. I am white. Right now, I'm drinking blue raspberry soda. It tastes like liquid candy. It is liquid candy.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Grape anything gives me green shit. Common occurance or isolated biochemical reaction?

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