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This Week in College Football 9/14 - 9/16

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38-10 UWV at halftime. Oof.


And WV's coach is saying they need to play smarter? You're up by four touchdowns!!


They are committing stupid penalties and he doesn't want that to become a trend in any game. They are keeping Maryland drives alive and basically walking them to the end zone.


They do this against a great team and they'll be dead in the water.

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Guest Princess Leena

It's nice that kid wants to play, but what good is a DT with basically one arm's strength.

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Guest Vitamin X

well, a little late for that. how is this going to affect Bush now. even if he gets the Heisman taken away, everyone still knows Reggie Bush was the best player in college football for the 2005 season.

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Washington's a bad team and their weakest point is their secondary. They honestly have one of the very worst secondaries in the country.



Apparently you haven't seen Michigan State play yet this year iggy, MSU's defense this year is putrid, with their secondary being the worst part of putrid (whatever that is). I don't even want to watch them play OSU, god that's going to be ugly.

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well, a little late for that. how is this going to affect Bush now. even if he gets the Heisman taken away, everyone still knows Reggie Bush was the best player in college football for the 2005 season.


I'm guessing they weren't able to prove anything from the 2004 season, so USC's title appears safe.




The question, though, is what kind of sanctions USC gets if they're found to have a Lack Of Institutional Control.


They won't be banned from bowl games or get the Death Penalty, but a restriction on scholarships would be likely.


That would cause some long-term talent issues considering their current classes are packed with top-end recruits.


Losing those scholarships would weaken their depth, which has been the big strength since their resurgence under Carroll, and those players may end up at other top-end schools within the PAC-10 or other major BCS conference teams.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Oklahoma win this game but I don't think it will happen. I'm more worried about them being overly confident and overlooking Arizona State in their next game. I'm going to be at the game on Saturday and it should be very competitive. And Dama you could say OU escaped last year because Oregon was driving pretty well before Brady Leaf threw that bad pass.


Yeah but if we're going to count mistakes as an escape then Oregon's lucky they didn't lose by more because Peterson fumbled on the one foot line. It could've easily been 24-14 as opposed to 17-14.

Plus the INT was a great play by Ingram. Wasn't a lucky play or anything.


I think it'll be a great game. I think Oregon will win because of the problems OU has had on the road and the fact that they've only looked like a top 10 team for one half.

Plus Oregon has a ton of motivation. They have never beaten OU, they got beat in the bowl game last season, and they were embarassed in Norman 2 years ago.

Then again OU has a lot of motivation too. And if they play like they did against UW in the second half then they'll crush Oregon.

It's going to be a great game and I'm surprised ESPN isn't talking about it more. They didn't even pick a winner at halftime. I think Gamday should be at Autzen. This will be a better game than USC/Nebraska which will be a very onesided affair.

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Wow the Pac 10 and Big XII square off 4 times this weekend and all of them are bad matchups for the Big XII except maybe the OU/Oregon game.

USC will roll Nebraska. ASU should have no trouble dispatching a shitty Colorado team. And Baylor while improving still can't win a non-conference road game and I think they will lose at WSU.

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USC/Neb and OU/Oregon are so far from being the game of the day its ridiculous.


Gameday should be at one of the SEC games but the new policy apparently states that it can't be held at a game broadcast by another network than "ESPN on ABC"

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well, a little late for that. how is this going to affect Bush now. even if he gets the Heisman taken away, everyone still knows Reggie Bush was the best player in college football for the 2005 season.


Everyone doesn't know that because it's not true. There was this guy that played at Texas. His name was Vince Young.....he was the best player in 2005 and he proved it all season and at the Rose Bowl.

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No, VX and Dama, the "best player" thing is an opinion-based question. If Bush lost his Heisman, it'd likely go to Vince Young. Really, both are interchangable in their impact (well, VY meant more to his team, but Bush was the more explosive player I think.)

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Gameday should be at one of the SEC games but the new policy apparently states that it can't be held at a game broadcast by another network than "ESPN on ABC"

Apparently they were originally going to do the game from Knoxville but that was changed at the last minute. Obviously the Disney people didn't like the idea of them promoting a game that will be going opposite of the ESPN on ABC game.

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Taken from Deadspin who got it from a Michigan fan blog.




Enjoy tommorrow because next week is going to be a Saturday to sleep in.

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Here's the explanations.






Michigan vs. Notre Dame - The fatcats of college football: the two winningest programs in both victories and winning percentage, with the Irish even having their own network. Besides, any game involving Charlie Weis goes here.




USC vs. Nebraska - USC has gotten everything a program could ever want in the last few years, but they want more. So instead of having a down year as they should after losing so much talent, they simply reloaded and scheduled one of the top programs in history to come to LA and get taken out behind the woodshed




Texas Tech vs. TCU - Sorry Horned Frog and Red Raider fans, but anybody watching this game on OLN with all these other great games on is simply too lazy to find the remote to turn the fucking channel.




Oregon vs. Oklahoma - Each pre-season, the Ducks are on everybody's short list of BCS contenders. But each season, they seem to come up short or, even worse, are snubbed by the BCS for "bigger" names. So they've brought in the Sooners, the sort of traditional power they aspire to be thought of in the same breath in an attempt to change things for 2006.




Florida vs. Tennessee - Let's face it: these two teams hate each other. Put it this way, you know programs hate each other when one head coach openly mocks the other as Steve Spurrier used to do with his "You can't spell Citrus without the UT" taunt. And the animosity at the fan level is just as intense.




Louisville vs. Miami - They're one of the three winningest college football programs the last five years, yet folks are already writing Miami off this season after a three point loss to Florida State with something like 78 'Cane players suspended due to various rules violations. Louisville is a 4 1/2 point favorite and is higher ranked, yet many are picking Miami. Even Chad Henne's old high school coach wants to know which team has more pride.




LSU vs. Auburn - This is the game of the year in the SEC, and any college football worth his salt should have a boner just thinking about it. Couple this with the fact that ESPN's Gameday crew secretly desires they were at this game instead of in L.A. on Saturday.

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It does have a BCS impact if TCU wins as this is their toughest game of the year and they would have a very good shot at going undefeated and grabbing an at-large spot. It's also a classic irresistible force/immovable object match-up between the Tech offense and the TCU defense.

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Guest Princess Leena

It is for TCU, actually. If they could manage to go undefeated through the MWC. Which I doubt they do.

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Here's the explanations.








Oregon vs. Oklahoma - Each pre-season, the Ducks are on everybody's short list of BCS contenders. But each season, they seem to come up short or, even worse, are snubbed by the BCS for "bigger" names. So they've brought in the Sooners, the sort of traditional power they aspire to be thought of in the same breath in an attempt to change things for 2006.


Yeah good luck with that Oregon. You'd need about 50 years of great tradition to catch up to us.


Anyway my final prediction is that the Ducks break the losing streak to OU and take it like 34-24 or something along those lines. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt I am.

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The real game of the week is LSU/Auburn as far as I'm concerned. Since they already did a Notre Dame game, that's a pretty obvious choice as far as I'm concerned. USC/Nebraska is at least close enough to be reasonable however. Also, they haven't sent Gameday to a Pac-Ten school in recent memory, so that's another point in favor of doing it there.


Finally, they really don't have any choice on this the way they've set things up. Herbstreit's on the 'A' squad on analysts now (which he should be, he's the best analyst under the ESPN/ABC umbrella), so they're not going to send him out to Knoxville or Auburn for some morning show when they need him in LA to call the big night game.

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That fucker Mark May is making it hard for me to be objective.

Saying that Oregon's #28 will rush for more than OU's #28. Even Rece Davis thought it was an absurd claim judging from his reaction.

Even stacking the line(which some oregon people have claimed they won't do at first) Peterson will still get yards and eventually Oregon will have to quit stacking the line because Paul Thompson has proven two weeks in a row that you have to respect him.

I'm still picking Oregon but I don't think that Stewart will out rush Peterson by a long shot.

Peterson's the best player in the country(best RB AT LEAST) and Stewarts not.


I do think that these teams are evenly matched btw. I don't think Oregon is more talented than OU nor do I think they have an all around better team. I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt b/c they're at home and OU has been bad on the road during Stoops tenure.

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Could Mark Mangino be more fat?


You know how they say the camera adds 10 pounds? With him it takes away 10 pounds.

When I was covering the OU/KU b-ball game Mangino was sitting on press row and I had to climb into the stands to get around him. He's HUGE.

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Guest Princess Leena

All pics of Mangino are funny. :(





And he does get fatter every year. When he was at OU, he wasn't nearly as massive.

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