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The only problem that I could even mention is the whole "blowing into the game" deal with the NES, but that's understandable all things considered.



Um, no that isn't "understandable". It was poor design.


Maybe not for you, but it was for me. I never had a problem with that until many years later, after games and just been sitting out in the open for a long time. I never once had that problem when it came to games I really personally took care of and kept in their cases and kept them clean.

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Then you're just lucky, like the people who say their PS2s are just fine. Blowing into NES games was a staple of gaming! It was the DRE of old school gaming.



That COD3 thread is funny. So much hate

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The only way I'll ever buy a multi-platform game for the Wii is if they just do something with the controls that just totally blow me away somehow. I do think that's possible, but it's going to be very rare more than likely.


The the reviews are decent to solid, I might pick up Red Steel, if only to get a taste of a FPS on the system, and hopefully for some cool battles. The game could very well totally suck though, which is why I wont pre-order it.

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It seems most impressions of Red Steel have been bumped up from "it looks and plays like ass" to "it looks okay and plays better--waiting on a reviewable."


I would *like* it to be good, but I have little faith in it.

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That thread was kind of funny.


"Are we sure these aren't PS2 screens?"


"You could be up to something. There is no sign of the ecstatic looking douchebag in funky poses, holding the wii remote and nunchuck near the screenshots.


Those are clearly not wii screenshots."

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Then you're just lucky, like the people who say their PS2s are just fine. Blowing into NES games was a staple of gaming! It was the DRE of old school gaming.



That COD3 thread is funny. So much hate



And to go along with the constant blowing, I had to always use a q-tip to clean the inside of the game to make the damn thing work. The good ol' days.

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Who honestly is getting a Wii for COD3?


Or Red Steel?


I'm not getting a Wii FOR Red Steel, but I'm considering checking it out (probably a rental, as I'm not big on FPS style games). That said, all this stuff about controls has me shrugging my shoulders. As in, I couldn't give a fuck. As evidenced by the SvR2006 controls, what's horrible for other people is fine with me. I rarely take reviews on control/gameplay to heart until I've tried the games out for myself.

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Realizing it's a non-sequitor; and that 99% of gamers don't give a shit:


I just now found out Pangya is going to be on the Wii, and I'm irrationally fucking pumped about it.

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DallasNews reports that GameStop will be the only retailer with playable Wii demo kiosks this holiday. The company revealed the news on Saturday during its annual sales conference in Dallas.


GameStop also said it has not determined if it will offer pre-orders for the Wii. The sparse supply during the launch of the Microsoft Xbox 360 last year has made GameStop reluctant. "We did learn a lesson last year," said Steve Morgan, president of GameStop. "I think the lesson is caution and optimism at the same time."

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Uh, aren't EB and Gamestop owned by the same company? I have no clue why one chain would have kiosks and the other wouldn't.

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I sincerely hope that isn't true, that is the stupidest mistake they could have made considering this system is supposed to reach out to non-gamers.


"Hey guys, I know, let's put our system demo kiosks in only one specialty game shop!"


"Promote that man."

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Feh. Whatever. I never use in-store demo consoles, anyway. I'd rather rent the system and play it in the privacy of my own home, rather than have a bunch of 13 year olds hovering around me at the time.

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That doesn't make much sense.


It's not as if the demo console is just any regular ol' console with a standard controller.


It's a Wii.


Which I imagine would involve the Wiimotes/nunchucks being securely locked to the kiosks (for $60? Mosdef). I would think Nintendo would want as many casuals/nongamers to be playing it as possible, though. So why put it in the specialty shops and not the major retailers?


Oh--my GC was starting to get the dreaded DREs. Fortunately I fixed it, in under an hour. :)

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Over at GAF someone is saying that you can play the Metal Slug Anthology a number of different ways:


Retro controller

GC controller

Wiimote + nunchuk left hand

Wiimote + nunchuk right hand

Wiimote only horizontal left handed

Wiimote only horizontal right handed


To my absolute and utter surprise and amazement, the SNK booth had two kiosks with fully playable near-final builds of Metal Slug Anthology for the Wii. It completely rocks. I checked out the options and there are like 6 or 7 different control schemes. You can play with the nunchuck attached using the analog stick (lefty or righty), in this mode you "throw" the Wiimote forward to throw grenades, which is kinda cool because you can hold down the fire button (B) while you chuck so you don't lose your stream of bullets for longer than you have to, it only takes a very slight movement). You can hold the controller sideways, NES style... but in this mode I couldn't figure out how to throw grenades. There are also control scheme options for VC controller and GameCube controller as well. Very cool! I had to check out Metal Slug 6 since it was only released in Japanese arcades, it's freaking great. It looks better than any previous version graphically. Less pixellated. It has a zoom-in/zoom-out effect sometimes too... like in Alien Hominid, which was not in any previous incarnation of Metal Slug, to my knowledge. The backgrounds were gorgeously animated and there was a new 'Laser' weapon which shoots a constant straight beam and extremely powerful. (Cool note: the first time I tried to load up Metal Slug 6 it froze up so the guy had to open up the black box that contained the Wii... turns out it was the test kit Wii with the green faceplate on the front. I got to see the disk eject and go back in too... very very smooth, smoother even than my car CD player.)

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I preordered mine from Zellers, and it's the only store that takes them at the moment. I called EB Games, Best Buy, Future Shop and Gamebuzz.

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I sincerely hope that isn't true, that is the stupidest mistake they could have made considering this system is supposed to reach out to non-gamers.


"Hey guys, I know, let's put our system demo kiosks in only one specialty game shop!"


"Promote that man."

Unfortunally, and as much as it pains me to say this because I don't like shopping at Gamestop....along with the cluttered ass stores they have, Gamestop is really the number 1 game shop in America. Even though Gamecrazy's are popping up more in towns, Gamestop is a much bigger name than Gamecrazy is. And I think the reason why EB most likely won't get the Wii demo in their stores is because Gamestop has no problem making EB look worse than the Gamestop stores.


Now about Red Steel, I think I want to rent that one before I buy it. It just doesn't really stand out to me all that much. Besides I will have Zelda, Gears of War, and Smackdown vs Raw 2007 to play, I don't need anymore games, I really don't.

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