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I liked post SNES Nintendo the most during the N64 era. That was a GREAT secondary system. PSX was the main system, I'd only buy like one N64 game every 3 months but they were excellent. Great multiplayer too. That system had it's specific purpose...big Nintendo 1st party titles and 4 player party games and it did those two things well. PSX and N64 could live in harmony. Much better then the GC situation where it was just a lame PS2 and Xbox. Plus since N64 was fairly successful so the nostalgic hardcore fans didn't feel the need to dream about the old days when Nintendo was in charge and get so excited about the possible downfall of Sony. I would be totally fine with Wii if it was in the N64's position. Nintendo on top makes me cry.

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Except the N64 pretty much sucked except for 1st party Nintendo games and was the start of the downward slide. As the console market goes, Wii could/should be a step up from where GC was.


Stephen Colbert playing Wii Boxing:



The SNES days were the best, IMO. Two great systems to choose from and both well worth owning, and the 16-bit games hold up better than just about anything else before.


The gamecube has a more robust release schedule right now than N64 did in its prime.


It would be funny if things turned out to be Wii60 and PSWii. Hell, Sony and Microsoft were bickering over that same point. Regardless, it will do very well, although I don't know for how long. I'd say that Nintendo having a console out there in some form gives them a lot of apparent stability even if/when their bread and butter is the portables market.


Don't think for one moment it's a coincidence that Japan is getting the Wii late. What's the rush when Nintendo can rake in another 4-5 weeks + worth of massive DS system and game sales?

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For comparison's sake, I set up the N64 and the VC running Mario 64 and switched between them. Both running on composites, anyway.


The VC one looks better overall, with much crisper, smoother graphics and textures. However, the N64 one looks much brighter, and I've heard folks note that the virtual console Zelda looks darker as well. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to tweak the color/brightness settings within the VC.


Depending on the cables/hookup method you use, it may vary, but I guess that's just the emulation.

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I'm happy that it looks like Nintendo is going to reclaim its rightful number one spot in the non portable video game world.


This is a stretch if I've ever seen one. The launch is such an irrelevant piece of information to go on when discussing which company will hold the market share for this generation. One only needs to look back on the Dreamcast to see that. 3rd party support is ultimately what will decide the fate of the Wii, and Nintendo's track record isn't exactly stellar. If anything, I'd be cynical of the Wii's long-term success. I look at the upcoming release list for the Wii, and see heaping piles of crap already. Ok, that's only 2-3 months worth of titles, but even the PS3, which has taken quite a bit of criticism for having a weak launch and post-launch game lineup, is light-years ahead of the Wii in that regard. And the upcoming releases for the PS3 isn't exactly stellar in the first place. I'm not making any predictions, but I'm saying Nintendo has the most to prove at this point.

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In comparison as well, though, Nintendo has the most to gain, and Sony has the most to lose. Such is the way it works with first and third place.


I think it will be a much closer race this generation, no matter who is in first place.


EDIT: I do have to wonder why Anya thinks Nintendo would immediately revert back to their old ways the second they achieved any sort of top position, though. What exactly has Sony done that makes them the undisputed good for the industry that some people seem to think they are? They initially caused a big stir that was good with the PS, but since then I haven't seen them try all of anything with their hardware/strategy that wasn't a given, and that is what is hurting them now.


Third parties made Sony. And whoever is on top will get those 3rd parties. It is not going to make a lick of difference in that respect, not in this day and age.

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I'd also like to point out that its been reported through various sources that 3rd parties are getting more intrested in making Wii games just to see what they can do with their games.

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Guest Princess Leena

The first test for the Wii is going be this dry period of games that's going to last throughout 1Q of 2007, probably.

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The SNES days were the best, IMO. Two great systems to choose from and both well worth owning, and the 16-bit games hold up better than just about anything else before.


Preach on ATS! I totally agree with this statement. I loved the 16-bit era and still do to this day. Over half of my PS2 game collection are actually [insert Company or Game Franchise Here] Collection type games.

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I do have to wonder why Anya thinks Nintendo would immediately revert back to their old ways the second they achieved any sort of top position, though.



Revert? They never changed. They're still just as stubborn as always. They just can't afford to bully around 3rd parties or force censorship anymore.



You're right Sony hasn't done much lately....and that's not a bad thing. I like gaming now. I've liked gaming since Sony became our gaming overlords. I have no interest in regime change.




The hype about 3rd party support for Wii is the same talk we've been hearing for ages. Like every 2 years we go through this. It dates back to over a decade ago. Howard Lincoln was going on about the "dream team" while Reggie was still working for Pizza Hut!

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Revert? They never changed.


Yamauchi is no longer in charge you know.


You know, the guy who masterminded killing Metroid Guy and was the big cheese during Nintendo's 8 and 16 bit dominance?

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Guest Princess Leena

No Wii for me this morning. :( Scooped up a few cheap Gamecube controllers and memory cards, though. Even those are getting tougher to find now.


Tomorrow isn't looking so hot, either... but, I'll try again.

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Guest Princess Leena

I believe the classic controller works for GC games.


I just got the GC controllers since they're cheaper. And I don't hate them like many people do.

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Guest Princess Leena

Oops, you're right. Sorry about that. I really need to stop visiting Gamefaqs.

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I wish it did, though, because honestly there's a ton of games I'd rather play with the Classic than the Gamecube controller, like fighters.


Regardless, Gamecube controller with play all Gamecube games, all virtual console titles, and many Wii games.


Classic controller plays all Virtual Console games, and many wii games.


Wii remote plays some virtual console games.


The problem is that the Classic controller isn't a traditional wired controller. Rather, it hooks up to the Wii remote. And when the Wii plays GC games it basically clocks itself down and disables all of the Wii features; it becomes a Gamecube.


If the Classic controller were a traditional wired, or had an optional wire for Gamecube gaming, this wouldnt be a problem.


Eventually I might get a classic if a buttload of SNES games I want to buy on VC crops up, but for right now the Wavebird does the trick.

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The classic controller does have a weird button on the top, in the middle between the L and R buttons, which activates some kind of release/lock mechanism on some thin horizontal slots on the back. I've been trying to figure out what it may be used for.

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Guest Princess Leena

I mean from December to March. There's a bunch of nothing coming out. Although, I hope we'll hear about more games coming out in that time period. But, I hear that games like Metroid Prime, Mario Galaxy or whatever won't be until summer.

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Nintendo has a chart of the Virtual Console compatibility with controllers. So far the Gamecube one works for everything (so I don't get that "some" thing they're talking about), however, I suspect they'll push for the Classic hard since I doubt too many folks are purchasing new Gamecube controllers these days.

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