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The Things That Anger You Thread.

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Guest C*Z*E*C*H

Naming your daughter Scout is almost as bad as naming your son Holden, the ultimate worst in literary tribute names.

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Guest C*Z*E*C*H

As for Mazzy, if you want to be a Mormon, okay fine whatever, but that mission shit is unacceptable. Eschewing alcohol, working hard, caring about your fellow man, voting Republican, those are means to a desirable end. The top-secret temples, the magic underwear, the Masonic handshakes, aspiring to become the god of your own new planet, that's innocuous nonsense if you keep it to yourself. But going abroad to suck unwitting foreigners into your world of co-opted traditions and flat-out bullshit so that they'll fall in love with the lifestyle it promotes, but more importantly so they'll dutifully pay their ten percent to the church, which it can use in the private sector for its diversified portfolio of insurance companies, TV/radio stations, and hotels, the profits of which fund the church's efforts to retroactively baptize everyone from stillbirths to Holocaust victims into this gutter cult? Fuck you. That's a horrible thing to do. At least when people do business with one another, it's as cut-and-dried as money changing hands. That's what this is, too, but you're getting spirituality involved, and that's awful.

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But you can't divorce one from the other. That's what Mormons do.


You're approaching spirituality from a secular standpoint. They're converting people to their religion because it's true. Maybe... I half suspect no Mormon really believes all that stuff the church says.


But picking your religion is not like picking a bowling league. This is your eternal soul we're talking about!

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As for Mazzy, if you want to be a Mormon, okay fine whatever, but that mission shit is unacceptable. Eschewing alcohol, working hard, caring about your fellow man, voting Republican, those are means to a desirable end. The top-secret temples, the magic underwear, the Masonic handshakes, aspiring to become the god of your own new planet, that's innocuous nonsense if you keep it to yourself. But going abroad to suck unwitting foreigners into your world of co-opted traditions and flat-out bullshit so that they'll fall in love with the lifestyle it promotes, but more importantly so they'll dutifully pay their ten percent to the church, which it can use in the private sector for its diversified portfolio of insurance companies, TV/radio stations, and hotels, the profits of which fund the church's efforts to retroactively baptize everyone from stillbirths to Holocaust victims into this gutter cult? Fuck you. That's a horrible thing to do. At least when people do business with one another, it's as cut-and-dried as money changing hands. That's what this is, too, but you're getting spirituality involved, and that's awful.



Nighthawk is right, missions and being LDS are pretty much synonymous. I'll just point out that the magic underwear is more an expression of personal faith and promises made in the temples. I served a mission because I felt it was the right thing for me to do.


I got to see a lot of lost and confused people come to Christ, I saw people become happier people. And actually, to be quite honest, I got to learn more about myself and my own personal levels of faith doing the mission than I would have in any other form.


Not wanting to dredge through the tithing thing again, I'll just say that tithing paid for all the Books of Mormon I handed out in Brazil.

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Guest C*Z*E*C*H
Not wanting to dredge through the tithing thing again, I'll just say that tithing paid for all the Books of Mormon I handed out in Brazil.

Okay. How do you feel about the Church owning radio stations? Do you feel they should be in the radio business? I know their station The Drive, a most agreeable oldies/classic rock outfit, is all the way up to #3 here. That's quite a revenue stream for you guys. However, since the playlist's regulars (lots of Elton John, Jimi Hendrix, Lou Reed, Neil Young, Janis Joplin) are a far cry from the Mormon ideal, doesn't using their music to sell ad time run afoul of some set of ethics? If the Church is tacitly endorsing songs about drugs and sodomy by selling time on a station that plays them--"you'll want your car dealership to be heard right after a ten-song set of songs about heroin"--then they're shirking their convictions to make a buck, and while that sends the implicit message that hey, maybe these fellas aren't so starched after all, it also sends the message that we outside the church are to be exploited for their monetary gain by any means. But what's really scary is that some of their own have gone government, made their way up to the FCC. We've seen what happens when certain other groups make their numbers known within the FCC, and it's evident from the ridiculous fallout from Super Bowl XXXVIII what they and other religious hardliners can do when they're calling the shots.


Churches should only be given broadcasting licenses for non-profit religious programming, and don't let them influence policy.

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Naming your daughter Scout is almost as bad as naming your son Holden, the ultimate worst in literary tribute names.


My dad talked my mom out of naming me Atticus—is Atticus any better? I thought being Atticus would have been sorta cool. That dude's a badass.


RE: Mormons


I know two Mormon guys, brothers, and one is a fucking dick and the other is a pretty funny guy. That's the extent of my knowledge. Though I must disagree with Agent. Mormons smell. The odor in question is Axe Body Spray though.

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Guest Smues

The fact that actual important mail (bills and such) are usually in plain envelops, yet the annoying junkmail usually labeled IMPORTANT, TIME SENSITIVE, DO NOT BEND FOLD OR STAPLE. Fuck a bunch of junk mail.

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Not wanting to dredge through the tithing thing again, I'll just say that tithing paid for all the Books of Mormon I handed out in Brazil.

Okay. How do you feel about the Church owning radio stations? Do you feel they should be in the radio business? I know their station The Drive, a most agreeable oldies/classic rock outfit, is all the way up to #3 here. That's quite a revenue stream for you guys. However, since the playlist's regulars (lots of Elton John, Jimi Hendrix, Lou Reed, Neil Young, Janis Joplin) are a far cry from the Mormon ideal, doesn't using their music to sell ad time run afoul of some set of ethics? If the Church is tacitly endorsing songs about drugs and sodomy by selling time on a station that plays them--"you'll want your car dealership to be heard right after a ten-song set of songs about heroin"--then they're shirking their convictions to make a buck, and while that sends the implicit message that hey, maybe these fellas aren't so starched after all, it also sends the message that we outside the church are to be exploited for their monetary gain by any means. But what's really scary is that some of their own have gone government, made their way up to the FCC. We've seen what happens when certain other groups make their numbers known within the FCC, and it's evident from the ridiculous fallout from Super Bowl XXXVIII what they and other religious hardliners can do when they're calling the shots.


Churches should only be given broadcasting licenses for non-profit religious programming, and don't let them influence policy.


I don't care.


It doesn't matter to me if Bonneville owns The Drive. It doesn't effect my faith if the Church has some control over media outlets in different parts of the country so that they can have an easier time broadcasting General Conference in those areas.


You seem to care, and that's fine. It couldn't be that ad revenue paid the DJ's or anything.


I'm not going to fight about this, because it's not worth my energy and neither of us are going to change our minds.


Mormons are just like everyone else, we are kind, we are cruel, we do good, we fuck up. We just think a little differently when it comes to what God wants and suddenly we are the weirdos.

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Guest C*Z*E*C*H

DJs aren't paid shit, and with autotracking, you don't need them at all if you don't want. If the #3 station in the #3 market is only bringing in enough to cover the DJs, then they would have the worst sales staff in the world. They're almost certainly making a profit. Great. It's a good station. I'm just puzzled as to how it's ethically justified to trot around the globe building fresh gleaming temples in Irkutsk or Montevideo or Johannesburg or wherever using monies amassed through the commodification of drug addicts, homosexuals, wife beaters, Satan worshippers, and other most unsavory types who made the '60s/'70s music we love. This is of relatively little consequence to most in a secular context, but under the auspices of this particular denomination and its bureaucracy, there's a sort of an ethical conflict here, isn't there? Doesn't it undermine the belief that all manners of substance abuse from snorting coke to drinking Coke are wrongwrongwrong when the reason you have the funding for your new temple is, in part, because advertisers realize that people like to hear "Lust for Life" and "Walk on the Wild Side"? Now, to what extent does one convince people not to engage in destructive behaviors common to artists? "The Book forbids you from enjoying Strong Drink. But if Strong Drink is going to help you write the next 'King Harvest Will Surely Come,' then go ahead, because we might need to shake the playlists up pretty soon."


I know you'd rather talk about the good things that the Church does, and I suppose I respect that, but the problem is that it's so fucking big that one has to capitalize the word. I know Mormons are nice people. You're a Mormon. You're nice. That's all the evidence I need. But it's not about you, or that kid I knew on the wrestling team, or Stephen Covey, or whoever. It's about the big picture. I don't like to see religion manifested in international bureaucracies, and I don't like when it straddles the secular and spiritual worlds, because as anyone who has tried to walk along a fence like a balance beam knows, that's a very precarious position to sustain. The Mormon Church does both of those, and I don't like it. The Catholics do it too, and I don't pull punches with them, either. You say you don't care, but I'd contend that anyone involved in a picture as big as Mormonism or Catholicism has an obligation as an individual to care. Members of any religion should have trepidation about their faith's governing body, providing it has one, filling its coffers in ways that run counter to the faith. Within the scope of Mormonism, classic rock profit is dirty money.

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Naming your daughter Scout is almost as bad as naming your son Holden, the ultimate worst in literary tribute names.


My dad talked my mom out of naming me Atticus—is Atticus any better? I thought being Atticus would have been sorta cool. That dude's a badass.


RE: Mormons


I know two Mormon guys, brothers, and one is a fucking dick and the other is a pretty funny guy. That's the extent of my knowledge. Though I must disagree with Agent. Mormons smell. The odor in question is Axe Body Spray though.



No offense, but Atticus is infinitely better than Harry.

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The Mormons are some of the nicest people around.


The episode of South Park with the Mormon family pissed me off. It just seemed intolerant, though I realise it ultimately wasn't. I do think the Mormon beliefs are pretty out there, but the episode wouldn't have pissed me off so much had I not such loved a former co-worker whose family and her were scarily like the family on said episode.



No more integrity for me in this post: In the same vein as lying about "my wife is (whatever person is ranting about)" try this if you ever get the chance:


Dickhead friend: Bahaha! That guy has AIDS! That's a funny disease!

You: Not it's not! My cousin has it!

DF: *ashamed* Oh, Jesus. I was just jokin', I'm sorry.

You: Nah, I was just kidding. He doesn't.


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No one actually said it, it was just the first guilt-inducing thing I could think of.


It shouldn't be long before anyone you know prompts a similar discussion to above. Trust me.

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No one actually said it, it was just the first guilt-inducing thing I could think of.


It shouldn't be long before anyone you know prompts a similar discussion to above. Trust me.


I'm sure their might be one, if not two people we can think of for thinking AIDS is funny. One of them is because he's a dickhead, the other is just for spite.

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No one actually said it, it was just the first guilt-inducing thing I could think of.


It shouldn't be long before anyone you know prompts a similar discussion to above. Trust me.


I'm sure their might be one, if not two people we can think of for thinking AIDS is funny. One of them is because he's a dickhead, the other is just for spite.


We meaning you and me? We meaning TSM as a whole? I don't see where this is headed. Also, there's someone who thinks AIDS is funny for spite that isn't a dickhead?


Didn't Marvin flirt with AIDS for a while?



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I hate when people dress up their pets too.


My roommate does this in two fronts. First off is the lesser evil, she puts a leash harness on him. She has two, one that's just two collars (one for the neck and one for the ribcage area), and one that is a full-on dog wrap. The dog obviously hates it, and she doesn't want to think that he does. I take them off because he spends a lot of time in my room, and, even though I hate him, I'd hate to be stuffed into tight sweaters and shit against my will. She tried to argue me about it, but when it was apparent that she was wrong about it and the dog actually did hate it, she got stubborn and made some coffee or something.


And she does the costume thing too. A lot.


Either way, the dog ate some chocolate that was sitting out in my room and then went through my trash, so hopefully it'll fucking die or something. I'm sick of it.

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Didn't Marvin flirt with AIDS for a while?


Self quote!


Upon re-reading this, I probably could have found a better word then flirt. On the other hand, I, for some reason, envisioned that Pepsi commercial a few years ago where the guy dressed as a (hot dog/Pepsi can or fountain drink) falls in love with a girl dressed as a (other of the previous things) to "No Rain".


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I've seen this in people's sigs on other boards: "Buy Shimmer, it'll keep you straight!"


Since when was there a mass influx of wrestling fans turning gay?

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