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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Unforgiven Thread - September/17th/2006.

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There are really no interesting programs to start after the current feuds end unless another big name is brought in from indys/ECW/Smackdown or a bunch of people turn heel/face.

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The HIAC match was the perfect way for the DX/McMahons feud to be blown off: lots of blood, a few big spots, and Vince getting his comeuppance for his ass-related antics. The marks I watched this with went nuts for the last five minutes of that match.

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I seriously have no idea how the McMahon vs DX feud can continue. I mean you would think Hell in a cell would be their huge blow off match.

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That's the truth. It does make you wonder just how in the world this feud will end though.


Now that Cena is champ again, I actually hope HHH/HBK goes after him now. :)

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This was a pretty decent show, minus the finishes to 4 of the matches.


Hardy/Nitro was solid. Good leg work by Nitro, bad finish.


Umaga/Kane was better than expected. Kane looked more fired up than he has in years. Again, stupid finish.


Tag match was pretty dull. Why does the SS still have the belts?


HIAC was exactly what I thought it'd be, minus DX winning. Decent enough for like the 3rd blow off match. Please let this feud end.


Trish/Lita was more emotional than good. Trish/Mickie at Mania was way better, but this one had a better atmosphere. Great finish too.


Orton/Carlito didn't go the way I wanted it to. I liked Carlito's Hayabusa spot and the finish, but the rest of the match dragged.


TLC was good. Cena was the man and stepped up on the big stage yet again. Both guys did some good spots and there was only one really obvious botch, which got covered. Even though Cena put on a great showing, I don't like him getting the title. I thought going to SD would freshen him up, and Edge had more good potential programs left as champ.

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It does make you wonder just how in the world this feud will end though.

When Vince gets tired of using WWE as his personal playground.


So it'll never end?

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This PPV had booking tonight that was just beyond terrible in certain instances. Yes, I enjoyed DX finally killing Vince dead. Trish winning was also nice and would have remained nice had they not used it as a lame way to get Orton some token heel heat by badmouthing Trish. Here's the stuff I had issue with:


--Keeping the IC on Nitro.....why? After that dreadful press conference they needed to job him the fuck out. I don't care if it was to Jeff.


--Double countout in Umaga/Kane....again, why? If Umaga actually is going to challenge for the title shouldn't he be willing matches against guys without much left in the tank like Kane?


--Keeping the tag belts on the Spirit Squad. This is the most idiotic finish of the night. It's not that I care one iota about the Highlanders but my god the SS is so incredibly boring and jobbed out at this point. Just end the farce and put the belts on another farce.


--Orton winning at all. The guy just failed a drug test and he's now winning a PPV match? What kind of message does this send?


--Cena winning. What purpose does this really serve? Cena could be a definite addition to SD, which is ailing for a top face draw at the moment. I'm assuming this is a short term deal just until The Marine tanks at the Box Office, then Edge will end up with it again around the Rumble.


I actually did enjoy the HIAC for the most part, it was what it needed to be. Vince and Shane getting their asses kicked. Now please do something, anything else.


But really, with these Cena, Orton, and Spirit Squad wins it's like they refuse to realize when someone is a failed experiment. Well, maybe not quite so much Cena but the others.

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TLC was good. Cena was the man and stepped up on the big stage yet again. Both guys did some good spots and there was only one really obvious botch, which got covered. Even though Cena put on a great showing, I don't like him getting the title. I thought going to SD would freshen him up, and Edge had more good potential programs left as champ.



Yes, Cena would be a very fresh face for Smackdown at this point, and would get people looking for the CW Network. It would say he should have went there and turned heel and tried his damndest to get back to "his show" with everyone saying "hey stupid, you made your name here" and have him play it off that he was better than them (this could potentially turn Booker face, because even though he came to SD with a similiar story, he is SD's King now, and would probably 'stand up for his people').


Meanwhile, Edge could have Kane, HHH, HBK, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, and some other guys that he could do programs and one-offs with to keep things fresh for a while.

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I really hope that Vince takes the hint and takes a break from TV for a while. Have Linda come out tomorrow first thing and announce some sort of Executive Board of Directors decision to reinstate Eric Bischoff.

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1. Edge took the most dangerous bump in TLC history


2. Cena turned the crowd in his favor

Yeah right1 If you mean getting the middle finger from 16,000 ppl and getting drinks trown on you turning the crowd in your favor....then i guess........NOT


With all due respect, I've been playing back the ending and most of the crowd isn't hating on Cena right there. I only saw a handful of middle fingers and some idiot throwing a cup. It was funny towards the end that the Cena fans grew more vocal as the match was climaxing. When Cena was setting up the ladder for the final spot there were almost no boos. But of couse when Edge came the ring, the crowd popped huge.


Maybe he didn't turn them in his favor. But he softened up the anger.



I just think that the arena was more respectful toward Cena after the match and sad for Edge. I don't think they were in "FUCK John Cena' mode. More like "Cool match, but I wish Edge had won" mode.


I would be interested on Bob Barron's account of the reactions since he would know better.



One more thing I would like to point out:

I wonder why Cena was so serious towards at the end. It wasn't a "I've been through hell in back face" but a "I feel sorry for Edge - fuck these people, where is my dad" face. He kept shaking his head like he was mad or something. Very serious.

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The end of the match on Youtube yet? I would love to see the crowd's reaction.

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Where I was it seemd about 70-30 Edge or 50-50 depending on the moment. I was in the cheap seats and there were a LOT of Cena marks around me, including a very vocal one.


Cena was hated when he came out, but his fans were more vocal as the match wore on.

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I really hope that Vince takes the hint and takes a break from TV for a while. Have Linda come out tomorrow first thing and announce some sort of Executive Board of Directors decision to reinstate Eric Bischoff.


Linda's a heel. Unless they completley forget about her firing J.R., and kicking him in the groin.

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I really hope that Vince takes the hint and takes a break from TV for a while. Have Linda come out tomorrow first thing and announce some sort of Executive Board of Directors decision to reinstate Eric Bischoff.


Linda's a heel. Unless they completley forget about her firing J.R., and kicking him in the groin.


Which won't happen because according to WWE booking, nobody remembers past last week.

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You know what?


Unforgiven sucked. Trish/Lita was OK, with good booking. Nowhere near as good as the WM 19 3-way, which is IMO the best Women's Match in quite some time. Great heat for it. Wrestling was kinda good. Don't overrated great booking and emotionial importance as a great match. A lot of people will LIKE this match, but that doesn't mean it will impress them.


I am SICK of how SummerSlam is getting buried to have a big blow-off at Unforgiven each year now. Seriously.


2003 - Goldberg's big win gets cheaped and it happens at Unforgiven, not SummerSlam, the show where he was mega-over.


2004 - The World Title resets to Triple H at Unforgiven, basically wiping two great Benoit/Orton matches from history and ruining Orton's career in the process with the booking.


2005 - SummerSlam booking sees a one-shot from Hogan that is pretty much wiped away the next day on Raw. Although Cena/Angle is not as good as SummerSlam's Cena/Jericho, Angle is presented as much more of a threat and the Unforgiven match is treated with more importance than the the 'Slam main.


2006 - Cena goes over at Unforgiven, not SummerSlam, in the wrong hometown in an oddly booked PPV.

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From PWInsider:



by Buck Woodward @ 1:32:00 AM on 9/18/2006


During the John Cena vs. Edge match at Unforgiven, there was a point early in the match, after Cena crotched Edge on the top rope, that Cena went outside to get a table. I noted in my coverage that "Some woman in the front row was cursing Cena out, and it looked like a referee told her to stop." I'm not sure why it stood out to me at the time, other than the fact that the woman was pretty loud.


Then I received the following email from Jean-Francois Trudel, who attended the show, for our feedback section at PWInsiderXtra.com.


Good evening to all of you,


I have been a wrestling fans for numerous years and I must say that I have seen lots of highs (as well as lows) from WWE product lately. I have attended 8 of the 11 WWE PPV's this year, so I consider myself a loyal fan who knows the WWE product quite well. One of the lows I would like to mention happened tonight at Unforgiven during the TLC match during John Cena and Edge.


I witnessed an incident tonight that completely tore me apart. Two female fans sitting in the front row got thrown out of the building for "apparently" spitting on John Cena. Being sat in the same section as them, that could not be further from the truth.


Cena came out of the ring to grab a ladder and the two fans stood up to express their dislike for him (as I can totally relate). The referee ran up to them to tell them to stop spitting at Cena, and the security guard proceeded to have them ejected from the building.


I would like to go on record to say that no spitting was involved in the whole incident and the WWE security guard was totally out of line for taking the measures he took. From an outside point of view, I really feel sorry for those two fans because I have seen both of them at numerous shows that I have attended and have never been a problem before ..... why start now ???


WWE needs to understand that certain characters may not be as well liked as others but protecting them like they are worth gold is not appropriate. If fans cannot express what they feel (without any spitting involved .... as not to get wrong ideas), where does that leave us???


A WWE Fan that has lost lots of respect for wrestling tonight.


After reading this email, I went back and checked the tape. Sure enough, when Cena is at ringside, the female fans (one with red hair, one wearing an Edge shirt) are obviously voicing their displeasure at him (I think one may have dropped an F-Bomb). At no point did either of them appear to spit at Cena, but you can definitely see the referee approaching them. A few moments later, one of them is apparently called into the aisle, and shortly after that (following the powerbomb in the corner spot), they can be seen getting their belongings and leaving ringside.

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I noticed that when the ref said something to them and thought it was weird as well. If they really didn't do anything except curse then that's pretty shitty of WWE to completely kick them out of the arena.

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I think everything from tonight that sucked will be made better by Montreal. They'll eat up DX, but everything else will be treated as well or as poorly as it should be.


To Rando, about the long-ass Intercontinental title run:


No way, man. Shelton Benjamin had the title for like, seven or eight months and it didn't mean jack because he wasn't defending it in any kind of meaningful way. You have to have a string of great defenses for a long title reign to mean anything.

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Is Raw gonna be in Canada tomorrow?


It's going to be in Montreal for a Supershow.



Wow..Shawn is gonna get shit on....Cena is gonna get Shit on....Edge might get love.....

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I think everything from tonight that sucked will be made better by Montreal. They'll eat up DX, but everything else will be treated as well or as poorly as it should be.


To Rando, about the long-ass Intercontinental title run:


No way, man. Shelton Benjamin had the title for like, seven or eight months and it didn't mean jack because he wasn't defending it in any kind of meaningful way. You have to have a string of great defenses for a long title reign to mean anything.

Wher the fuck id Shelton??

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All I can even remember about Shelton Benjamin being IC champ:


- Shelton gets title from Jericho, is kinda over.

- A fun match on Raw against Jericho and Christian in a 3-way.

- Heatless matches with Christian, making Christian look weak just as he was beginning to get more heat as a heel single that he lost when he got hurt in May 04.

- Lost in the shuffle early 05 and poorly booked.

- Everyone thought Snitsky was gonna get the title around WM time.

- Shelton gets kicked in the face springboarding at Shawn Michaels in a spot they have yet to perfectly repeat.

- Pointless loss to Carlito on Carlito's first Raw.

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Guest JustPassinBy

Well, no more Raw for me.


Since Edge is gone, I have no other reason to watch.

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