Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 ok, I just saw a clip of CM Punk dressed in Daniels' entrance attire, he takes the hood of to reveal that it's him, and says "You were expecting someone else?" What show is this from? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 ok, I just saw a clip of CM Punk dressed in Daniels' entrance attire, he takes the hood of to reveal that it's him, and says "You were expecting someone else?" What show is this from? I think it was The Last Stand, which was the first show after Punk "eliminated" Daniels from ROH for good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HollywoodSpikeJenkins 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 60 minute matches do stick out like sore thumbs in this day and age, just because the average wrestling match is paced a lot faster than it was in the 70's and 80's. So whereas back then, a 60 minute match might not look much different than was typical, today you can completely see a 60 minute match coming just by how much slower the match is wrestled, and how many time-wasting shortcuts are taken. It can lead to a contrived sort of feeling surrounding the match. I do think it can be done well, it's just difficult. Punk/Daniels Broadway was basically that. And what about Danielson/Aries 75-minute 2/3 falls match? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 60 minute matches do stick out like sore thumbs in this day and age, just because the average wrestling match is paced a lot faster than it was in the 70's and 80's. So whereas back then, a 60 minute match might not look much different than was typical, today you can completely see a 60 minute match coming just by how much slower the match is wrestled, and how many time-wasting shortcuts are taken. It can lead to a contrived sort of feeling surrounding the match. I do think it can be done well, it's just difficult. Punk/Daniels Broadway was basically that. I'm one of the biggest Punk marks out there and even I said "What the hell is the point of this?". It was one of the LAST matches that never needed a broadway finish. The only thing that made sense to explain it was "Punk was afraid of getting killed by Daniels, so he makes a angry Daniels WRESTLE and that threw Daniels off and Punk purposely went to a draw". Fine, despite being a hot match that was literally 18 months in the making, they went ahead and did a pointless draw. Punk knew his title reign was going to be historic and it still stands as an incredible period of booking for that promotion and Punk, was golden but Punk was calling the shots and he needed to do a little Chris Hero and get the broadway match. If he needed the draw finish so badly in the reign, it should have been with Roderick Strong instead. Especially considering how Punk "picked" him in a mocking tone and for the virtual rookie to go 60(and we know Strong can) would have done more then what Daniels offered in a 60 minute draw. It's sort of like Triple H and Benoit's iron-man match. It completely done for HHH's ego to say he went 60 with Benoit. Despite the fact the match was basically a recycled stall fest waiting for the heat segment at the end with Eugene. Danielson/Aries, is still a good match in spite of the length. I think the idea was good but after Danielson got hurt, it really threw the match off from being as good as it was intended to be. I still think Aries was still too young for a 75 minute match and that if they did that match again, it'd be a 100% better considering how much Aries has matured as a worker since 2004. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob_barron 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 The problem with Danielson v. Joe was that it was painfully obvious by the booking of the show that they were going 60. Daniels-Punk was alright, but that could've been 20 min with Punk cheating to win, and giving more time to the other matches Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 3, 2006 The problem with Danielson v. Joe was that it was painfully obvious by the booking of the show that they were going 60. Daniels-Punk was alright, but that could've been 20 min with Punk cheating to win, and giving more time to the other matches It was painfully obvious it was going 60 when it was announced, just like JvPII. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2006 Speaking of comments which don't warrant a thread... I'm front row for Danielson/Aries V on Saturday!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J.T. 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2006 So...is there any chance AmDrag loses the strap to anyone but Homicide? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2006 So...is there any chance AmDrag loses the strap to anyone but Homicide? I don't think so, and I hope not, because there's no one else ready for it. I thought for sure they'd give it to KENTA for a short run maybe til Final Battle, and drop it to Homicide, or possibly to a healed Danielson a few months later, making Danielson "the first two time champ." By AmDrag decided to work through the pain. Which is insanity. But I'm not going to stop enjoying it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Youth N Asia 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2006 Speaking of comments which don't warrant a thread... I'm front row for Danielson/Aries V on Saturday!!!! Oh yeah...well...I'm second row seast 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 6, 2006 I had a good chance to be front row for tonight's show in Cleveland but that didn't work out. Almost considered the five hour drive to Detroit, but I'm going to save the Detroit trip for Mania Weekend where I should go to all three events (roh and WM). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 wish ROH'd come to St. Louis for once Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster Report post Posted October 7, 2006 So...is there any chance AmDrag loses the strap to anyone but Homicide? I dunno, it seems really obvious for Homicide to win the title. I'm suspecting someone else...don't know who, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 Quick results for last night's SOTF show in Cleveland 1. Matt Sydal D. Davey Richards 2. Delirious D. Jimmy Rave (said to be a bad match) 3. Austin Aries (in borrowed ring gear from Primeau after USAir lost luggage) D. Chris Daniels 4. Jay and Mark Briscoe D. Roderick Strong and Homicide 5. Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson DRAW in 20 minutes 6. Irish Airborne D. Rhett Titus and Alex Payne 7. Kings Of Wrestling D. Colt Cabana and Jimmy Jacobs *BJ Whitmer returned and brawled with Jacobs, post match* 8. SOTF FINALS A) Jay Briscoe D. Austin Aries B) Matt Sydal D. Jay Briscoe C) Matt Sydal D. Mark Briscoe D) Delirious D. Matt Sydal to the 2006 SOTF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 oh wow, Delirious wins SOTF. That's friggin awesome. The push continues. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Connzilla Report post Posted October 7, 2006 This thread went from Indie comments to ROH comments. Here is a indie comment check out my steve corino interview at http://webconn.livejournal.com/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 WTF, ROH is "indy" is it not... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 I like Delirious but why give him the SOTF? I had this pegged as either the perfect opportunity to restore some cred to Jimmy Rave after his recent jobbing fest, or Davey Richard's fast track to the main event. Shows what I know, I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 I would've been okay with any of the three, quite frankly. If TNA continues to grow in popularity ROH's is gonna have to rely on these three, Dragon, and the Briscoes for drawing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 Davey is at the point where he is a credible main event name after his excellent series and interaction with KENTA, which put him over greatly. ROH has done a great job of putting Delirious as a legitimate threat and is very over. His matches with Danielson, were great and really cemented Delirious's ability as a wrestler instead of being a reliable comedy act. SOTF elevated Aries and Strong into main event status and I think Sydal needed it more then Delirious. Going with Richards seemed too obvious and I'm glad Gabe isn't going to be a slave to conventional booking since Delirious winning still works. As for Jimmy Rave, it seems with Daizee Haze walking out on Rave that Rave will go through another identity crisis after losing Nana and the last two identity crisis proved tremendous success for Rave and the promotion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ravenbomb 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 @ Delirious winning SOTF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 Im all for going against the expected, but Delirious and Sydal arent really that great and not close to Richards class. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2006 It's really just about elevating more people to that status and that's what the purpose of the event has always been with Aries and Strong. Richards, as I said is already a main eventer. Sydal and Delirious, by all accounts tore the house down in the finals, which will go a long way in making them bigger threats. That's one of the key things about ROH, the wide range of main eventers on the roster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 MAIN SHOW! 1. Delirious d. Zach Gowen - Delirious via the Cobra Stretch. Tom said this should be a direct to ROHVideos.com match. Good way to showcase Delirious, but not much else. Jim Cornette came out and cut a promo, announcing the Wrestlemania shows on Friday and Saturday night of 'Mania weekend. No mention was made of the December show, so there's a possibility that one is off the books. Attendance is much lower tonight than in June. During the promo, Roderick Strong came out, and Jim Cornette said that due to an injury suffered last night, Strong wasn't going to be able to wrestle tonight. Roderick argued with Cornette, saying he came to fight. Homicide then came to the ring and chased off Cornette. He said that this was "Ring of Homicide" and if Strong wanted to wrestle, he was going to wrestle. 2. Daizee Haze & MsChif d. Lacey & Allison Danger - MsChif spit the green mist in Danger's eyes, then Haze blind tagged herself in and hit Danger with a Heart Punch and Daizee Cutter for the win 3. Claudio Castagnoli d. Davey Richards - It was a bit of a mismatch, but the last 5 minutes was really hot with alot of near falls. Chris Hero came out and distracted Richards who knocked him off of the apron. Later during a roll up attempt, Claudio shoved Davey towards the ropes where Hero blasted him with a briefcase, giving Claduio the win 4. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal d. Colt Cabana & Jimmy Jacobs - Daniels pinned Jacobs after the Angel Wings. Jacobs attention was diverted because Lacey was attending to Cabana on the outside of the ring. After the match, BJ Whitmer came down and attacked Jacobs again, leading to a pull apart brawl, and said Jacobs tried to screw with his career, so he was going to screw with Jacobs career. Daniels then cut a promo about wanting a tag title shot. Chris Hero then came down and asked Daniels what he'd ever done to earn a tag title shot. Daniels replied by telling Hero that he was never good enough to get booked by Ring of Honor, and that if Hero walked away today, he'd never get booked again. Hero then said Daniels and Sydal would have to earn their title shot. Sydal said he'd do it, which lead to Sydal vs. Hero, if Sydal wins, Daniels/Sydal will get a tag title shot. Sydal vs. Hero is in the ring now! 5. Matt Sydal d. Chris Hero - Sydal wins with a "beautiful" Shooting Star Press. Daniels held off Claudio from interferring. If I heard Tom right, it was a very good match (hard to hear him once the ring announcer starts talking agian...and yes...it sounds like Prazak again) Jim Cornette came out and challenged Homicide to a fight. Homicide came out and was setting Cornette up for the Cop Killa when The Briscoes hit the ring and attacked Homicide. They got him up for a Spike Jay Driller when Samoa Joe made the save. It was then announced that their match later on will be a Falls Count Anywhere, Anything Goes, Detroit Street Fight! Intermission 6. Pelle Primeau won the Six Man Mayhem by pinning Jimmy Rave - Match also included Shane Haggadorn, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, and M-Dogg 20 (replacing Delirious). Pelle gets the win with a "very nice rollup", and to celebrate, he went crowd surfing!! *Sorry, forgot to write the first time that M-Dogg 20 actually did very well, and had the crowd chanting for him on a couple of occasions* 7. Bryan Danielson d. Austin Aries to retain the ROH World Title - Aries went for a brain buster, and Danielson rolled through and caught Aries with a small package. After the match, Joe's music hit, and he came down to attack Danielson. The Briscoes jumped Joe, and Homicide made the save. Joe/Homicide vs. Briscoes is on now! 8. The Briscoe Brothers d. Homicide & Samoa Joe - Tom described this match as an absolutely insane brawl. They destroyed the entire ringside area, as well as the rows of chairs where the fans were sitting. The brawl ended up going outside the building where Mark hit a Shooting Star Press off a truck onto Homicide and Joe. Joe was out of the match after this, not sure if he was legit knocked out or not. They brawled back into the ring where eventually the Briscoes hit the spike Jay Driller on Homicide for the win! That's all from Detroit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigeraid 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 That was indeed insane. I made the mistake of staying near my seat while they brawled outside, expecting not to see anything anyways--oh well, I guess I'll see the SSP on the DVD. The 6-man was rather odd... it came very late in the show, and wtf, Primeau wins? Richards/Castagnoli was fantastic. Both Aries and Danielson had to wrestle in someone else's trunks again tonight, having lost baggage at the airport I assume. Aries looked alright but Danielson wrestled in blue shorts with no knee pads and goofy looking black boots. It looked pretty silly. On the other hand, he got right in my face while standing on Aries after throwing him into the barracade. Which was pretty cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Connzilla Report post Posted October 8, 2006 did gowen and m-dogg get shitted on by the crowd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 8, 2006 M-Dogg was insanely over with the crowd and Gowen got a respectable reaction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk 34 0 Report post Posted October 9, 2006 Since this has become "ROH comments which don't warrant a thread", here's some news on ROH including another dropped market, Joe's injury status and more Ring of Honor's return to the Midwest over the weekend was met with mixed results. The company was happy with the in-ring quality of the actual events, but attendance was not strong either night. It was decided that Friday's Survival of the Fittest event would be the last show in the foreseeable future for Cleveland. The market never drew well for the company and they had tried several different ideas to build it. The feeling was that if the city had shown any growth, they would have continued with the market, but it was not to be. ROH ended up the victim of bad timing as Saturday's event in the Detroit market turned out to be the lowest attended ROH event in some time. They went head-to-head with not just the biggest local college football game of the year, Michigan vs. Michigan State, but the Detroit Tigers advancing in the Major League Baseball post-season playoffs for the first time in 19 years. There were even tickets sold for Detroit that were never used. ROH's troubles began before the first match ever got to the ring in Cleveland. ROH champion Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, and the entire ROH management braintrust (minus Cary Silkin, who did not attend this weekend's events) were on a flight from Philadelphia to Cleveland that returned to the Philadelphia airport without explanation. They booked flights to Pittsburgh and drove from there to Cleveland. Danielson and Aries never had the chance to claim their baggage, so they worked the weekend in borrowed gear from other wrestlers. A lot of the crew are currently banged up as well. Danielson continues to work through a lot of pain from his shoulder tears. Roderick Strong injured his back Friday working against the Briscoes when coming down on Mark's knees and was held out of the ring Saturday. Former WWE star Zach Gowen debuted in his hometown of Detroit and may be brought back down the line. M-Dogg 20, who has worked for IWA Mid-South, JAPW and CZW, among many other companies, impressed and will be back with ROH as well. Everyone has been raving about the Samoa Joe & Homicide vs. Briscoes Falls Count Anywhere match from Detroit. For those wondering, the climax of the match featured Joe doing a tremendous job selling, not him suffering a legitimate knee injury. The Delirious vs. Matt Sydal match in Cleveland was also getting high marks, as the Survival of the Fittest event was part of a major push for Delirious. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise missed the weekend due to family commitments and will return with the next set of events. ROH will be catching up on DVD releases, which are behind since they've run so many live events of late. Every event prior to this past weekend's events are currently being replicated. Editing for the Cleveland and Detroit events will commence this Thursday. Tickets are now on sale for ROH's Wrestlemania weekend events on Friday 3/30 and Saturday 3/31 in Detroit at www.ROHWrestling.com. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Youth N Asia 0 Report post Posted October 9, 2006 M-Dogg was over with a handful of people, but those ones went bat-shit crazy for him. He had some good flippy stuff. Hero/Sydal stole the show. And if I didn't know any better I'd think Jimmy Rave's days are numbered. He just can't catch a break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted October 9, 2006 They're probably just treading water with the guy until they come up with something more definate post-Nana. Nana was such a huge part of Jimmy's character and repetoire for a good couple of years that it'll take time for people to get used to Rave solo. Either that or they're gonna can him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites