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Big Ol' Smitty

4,000 dead Americans

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The President has spent the past month repeatedly admitting to failures, problems, and shortcomings in Iraq...and has said that is why we need more troops...how is that not 'giving comfort/motivation/whatever to the enemy'?


Lieberman is such a handicapped joke.

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Beyond debating the merits of the plan, I just don't understand where they're going to get the troops from! A draft? at least raising the pay for soldiers? Their recruitment is well low of their expectations now. Where are these people supposed to come from? Honestly!


I mean, I applied to the Air Force half a year ago. I'm a college graduate, in engineering, no criminal record, all that jazz. eminantly hireable. And then, I told the recruiter I have asthma. Dismissed right away. Doesn't matter that I haven't had an asthma attack in 3 years, and only my allergy to dogs causes it. Dismissed.


Shit, those people that MIAed to Canada just had to say they had a cough.

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Jack Valenti, speaking from his deep experience in a similar situation, spoke out against the Iraq War tonight on Hardball.

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Wasn't this war supposed to pay for itself?


Maybe we're being too nice...maybe we really should have colonized Iraq and taken their oil. At least we wouldn't have a huge debt, and we'd be just as hated either way.

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I didn't seriously mean that.


I just wish we could cut our losses and leave. I'm sick of seeing our troops killed over there for these people.

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Mark my words, if the Democrats in Congress cut off funding for this war, the Republicans will score big politically by portraying the move as putting the troops in immediate danger. If there's one thing I've learned since Bush has taken office, its that no lie is too dumb for the majority of the public to believe.

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At this point, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't, and damned if you do the other thing. With the caveat that going to war with Iraq was fucking stoopid in the first place.


Who could have seen that the Suunis and Shiites and and American troups couldn't get along? Well, basically everyone. Their culture is fucking crazy. They have been killing each other for years over racial wars!


Now we're just in a shit situation. Few allies (apparently Blair's on the way out too) forces spread too thin (sure we have the best military in the world, but we can't carpet bomb the place because THEY DIDN'T DO SHIT.) So we're stuck. The couple of friends I've talked to in the military say it is just downright awful over there.


So let's send more of our already overextended troops over there. There's a reason we're not freaking out and carpet-bombing Iraq: It was never, ever a threat. I feel much less secure about my safety when the most powerful military in the world has virtually no allies, and is half a world away. But hey! we hung that bastard.

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Sort of related to the War on Terr'r, but I had to share how happy I am that this bullshit was seen as such. You've probably seen the commercial for this, and were hopefully as disgusted as I was. Towers that pop up from the coin, what an opportunistic load.

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Well, they've decided they can't fight all the insurgents and factions, so they're trying to include some of them. I'm sure this is exactly how the war on terror was supposed to go!

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7 more dead in a helicopter crash today.


Jon Tester gave an intelligent, passionate speech on the Senate floor this afternoon.

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Is anyone seriously wondering about all these helicopter "crashes" I mean there have been what like 5 in the last two weeks? Is that normal? Would there be a vested interest in lying about them being crashes, and the truth being that they are actually being shot down, by weaponry that we have armed the Iraqis with?

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At this point, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't, and damned if you do the other thing. With the caveat that going to war with Iraq was fucking stoopid in the first place.


Who could have seen that the Suunis and Shiites and and American troups couldn't get along? Well, basically everyone. Their culture is fucking crazy. They have been killing each other for years over racial wars!


Now we're just in a shit situation.


Which is why it is becoming increasingly frustrating to watch the Bush Administration, especially Mr. Dick "Everything is fine, the premise of your question is hogwash" Cheney. It's not like plenty of experts weren't predicting the current situation all along, and warning Bush what it would be like if he started this up. So almost five years later, the situation is getting worse all the time, and the Admistration acts like it was "suprised" by the insurgency and everything else.....for fucks sakes.

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The 4 or 5 before today have been reported as being shot down, today's hasn't been reported as such. Presumabley some of the weaponry used to shoot the helicopters down have American origins.

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The best part of Jon Tester's speech yesterday was his explanation of how the Bush Jr Admin has broken every facet of the 'Powell Doctrine' on warfare. Among the pieces of the Powell Doctrine is the usage of overwhelming force whenever war is actually needed. And here, not only was war not at all necessary, nothing faintly resembling overwhelming force has been employed.

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